Pushing California's public workers to come back to the office

Published 2024-04-19

All Comments (21)
  • @richardf6932
    I have worked in the office and home like many of you. Those who are lazy will be lazy in the office or lazy working remotely. If you focus on the poor performers and punish the high performers by making them come in, the good ones will leave. I think Ford had a voluntary early retirement 20 years ago and the top performers took the package and left for GM or Dodge. Ford was left with all the dead wood. Unintended consequences.
  • @donttrip4069
    Honestly, it feels great not to be working around people.
  • @CaliforniaMISC
    Save enviroment, save gas, and less traffic. Work from home!!
  • I loved working at home. I didn’t miss the commute at all. I avoided gossipy, backstabbing coworkers. I still got my job done. Wins all around.
  • @srini09876
    Increase productivity? What a joke? Nothing gets done
  • @DerekVuong7799
    Everything is done online. Nobody has time to take time off in the middle of the day to drive 30 minutes and wait another hour. Instead do it online and on the phone you could be doing other things. Before zoom, it meetings would take up the whole day because you have to drive to a location. Now we could have back to back meetings or even two meetings at once. Productivity is through the roof.
  • @pasta9368
    Ok so the real issue is that when you have public officials you you need the space and people to be accessible and open and available to the public. Staying at home on your computer isn’t open or accessible. Not every individual can use the internet. So expecting people to be able to call them up is asinine. This is a user Putin of the public trust and dereliction of duty.
  • I can’t believe they had the exec assistant speak to the media about this issue. They are certainly a mess.
  • @XM2X901
    Retention is high no wonder. They are getting paid to stay at home 😂
  • @cocoarose1100
    pandemic freaked everyone out. Especially "essential workers" its giving special privilages . Get over it already like the rest of us
  • @btsan408
    Ez $ not fear of pandemics, be real. 😂 1200 ppl, no wonder nothing gets done in Oakland.
  • @wirepaladin4317
    Should have been back two years ago. Whining state workers!
  • It is so misleading to say that they need to come BACK to work. They ARE working. The rest is geography. You guys reported this with a clear bias in your reporting. Staffing to workload demands have more to do with slow government but you ignored that completely.
  • @nancymcmonarch
    Oh noes. The crummy, overpriced sandwich shops downtown are missing their captive customer base. Well all those work from home people are STILL buying food from somebody. What about those businesses?
  • Why make them come back to the office if they are being productive at home? So that they can contribute to the smog on the freeway? Become mentally fatigued battling congestion? Spend hours a week not working and not helping their families because they’re sitting in traffic? Convert the empty office space into something else. I’m tired of too big to fail so let’s flog the plebeians into doing something to prevent a collapse. Something that really doesn’t benefit them.
  • @Jesse-gr2xo
    The pandemic isn't gone. Every time I think of being less careful, I find out someone I know (they had the vaccine) got covid, sometimes twice. It's weird city offices being empty and closed and functioning less.
  • @cabin567
    Watching this is like having that person STILL wearing a mask in public or private try to explain reality and their logic of why they wear a mask to normal and sane people.😷🐑
  • @billmoran3219
    Well then they should get a job that doesn’t require direct contact with the public ! Taxpayers pay for services not empty offices .
  • @YankeesFan1335
    Working from home allows workers to binge watch their favorite Netflix shows.