Mr Robot | The Greatest Plot Twist on Television

Published 2024-06-01
Reuploaded without gameplay.
Show: Mr. Robot
Song: Lupe Fiasco - Daydreamin' (feat. Jill Scott)
Thanks to‪@MrRati1999‬ for his edit.

All Comments (19)
  • @MissChambersxo
    Ive been thinking about this on my rewatch, and I think the reason the 407 reveal hit so fucking hard is because the whole show feels like it leads up to it. Even more so than the final reveal. The show brings up the window event constantly in seemingly random points to kind of keep it in your mind. His father always seems so nice in flashbacks and Elliot talks about him all the time in a positive light, but there’s always something that bugs you about him until 407. Like the whole window event, the fact that Elliot forgot what he looked like, him swearing Elliot to secrecy about his cancer. So when that 407 reveal hits it’s like OH. It’s very similar to real life examples like Jimmy Savile and grounded where it seems alright at the time, but you look back and see all the red flags.
  • @Tenjysan
    Great video. Mr. Robot is my absolute favorite series for several reasons, and the twists play a part in that. I love how the twists are thematically and perfectly integrated into the entire structure of the series. Elliot goes through the five stages of grief not only in episode 4x07 but also throughout the entire series. And I think it's cool how each of the twists corresponds to one of the stages. The first twist, revealing Mr. Robot, leads to Elliot's anger towards himself.(From Denial to anger) The twist from episode 4x07 leads to his depression, (from bargaining to depression) and the final twist leads to acceptance.(from depression to acceptance) Really brilliant writing. By the way, in case you didn't know, there is an official book by Sam Esmail about Mr. Robot. This book is basically the diary from the second season that you can buy and read. If you haven't read it yet, I recommend doing so. The dynamic between the mastermind and Mr. Robot is further deepened, and it also offers many other additional things, all related to season 2, Not many people know about this book, but it's worth it. It's called Mr. Robot Red Wheelbarrow.
  • I don't think Vera was genuine when he tried to calm Elliot after the reveal, because he speaks out against abusers telling Elliot that what happend to him as a child is not his fault while Vera himself Sexually molested Krista in the same episode when his hand was slipping under her skirt, also he raped Shayla in the first season. That makes me believe Vera wasn't showing empathy towards Elliot but trying to manipulate him, he also told Krista he wanted to Break him in order to own him.
  • @patrixonon
    This tv series was a true masterpiece. It's hard to find a similar tv show that is so well thought and written.
  • fantastic video , the plot twist in 407 proxy was absolutely well done also that the flashback in 308 "don't delete me" gets masterfully recontextualizes that Ellot saying "sick" does not refers to Edward's disease but it refers to abuse that Elliot suffered and back to theatre scene the person he is taking to is mr robot. As you mentioned 407 plays a very crucial part in mastermind and krista's dynamic establishing a greter bond between that goes beyond a therapist and a patient it is more like a mother and son dynamic , a mother that mastermind didn't created in his mind , A love and care of a mother he got in the real world. This thing gets beautifully reflected in "hello Elliot" that ep that I interpret as reflection of things and peoples that how Elliot perceived them that leads to "unreal krista" and mastermind conversation. Here Elliot's mind formed a fragment of Memory in the form of krista "The Mother" to tell the truth to the mastermind " son" to tel the truth about his birth means a mother telling her son the truth about his birth. Also a thing that that I want to end is how 5 acts of episode is also can be seen as 5 acts of a a Shakespearean play_ Act 1- exposition Act 2 -rising action Act 3 - climax Act4 - falling action Act 5 - resolution. I would really like to see your analysis on the show, you gained a subscriber.
  • @Akeno_Koneko
    I have DID and the last episode was gut retching. I part way through started wondering if "Elliot" was actually an alter bc of his clothing. Mr.Robot always wears the same clothes, and the mastermind always wears the same hoodie.
  • Great analysis and great video, thank you. However, I will disagree with the show being deserving of a 5th season. In fact I would argue that the show could have easily been only 3 seasons, considering most of season 2 is filler episodes, sure it has character development but it doesn't quite pick-up until about episode 8 of season 2. This is why so much of the viewership dropped during season 2, which is a shame because episode 10 of season 2 is one of my all time favorite. Mr Robot is one of the greatest shows ever made, right up there with Breaking Bad.
  • if possible make more content and video about mr. robot series, I really enjoyed the show <#
  • @navarroX99
    I still think that Whiterose is missing something like why did she/he commit suicide? Was she thinking she was going to come back to life after initiating the nuclear machine? I would like to see more of Elliot's normal personality but I understand it's not necessary artistic-wise. And well I also have my doubts like who is addicted to morhine, both Elliot and the mastermind I can imagine. How social is Elliot? Ollie was saying that it had been always like that but maybe is because Elliot was very depressed. WHo destroyed the servers in his old job, MR-robot I guess not the mastermind, as mastermind remembers that. In what exact moment did mastermind take over Elliot's mind?
  • I personally do not believe this was the greatest plot twist on TV. But an excellent one nonetheless
  • @MFlexman
    I guess I missed this episode because I had no idea that this is what happened.
  • @VideoHostSite
    Oh please. Yeah, I guess if you never saw "Fight Club", or the 5,000,000 other television shows and movies that have done the exact same thing, then yeah. It was "a great plot twist."
  • Yeah, the end was so, so. This show was a mixture of FIGHT CLUB and IDENTITY. Elliot's actual body should have been the blond guy, because otherwise certain scenes don't make sense ... a (handsome) individual with dissociative personality disorder, so many people were drawn to him, so many women were actually attracted to him. Many events were too surreal to be part of the 'real' world, they were obviously only happening in his head. The reason why barely anyone was/is talking about the last season is the sexual assault. Especially male fans feel uncomfortable with these kind of topics, most men love prison rape jokes, facing their own vulnerability and empathy is too much for their inflated egos.