Looking for Vakil and Shahram to find Noorbakhsh and tell the truth to Shahram's wife

Published 2024-07-29
Hello, dear viewers, welcome to our channel. I hope you enjoy this video. He goes to the court and wants to bring the cases in which Noorbakhsh failed and show it to Mrs. Shahram and tell her that Noorbakhsh is a bad person and that he lied to her that Shahram was an addict, but Shahram's wife Ruqiya did not believe her and told Mrs. The lawyer said that I should see Noorbakhsh himself and he should tell me that what he said was a lie, and Shahram and Mrs. Vakil went to where Noorbakhsh lived, and on the way, Mrs. Vakil told him that Noorbakhsh's words were lies and he accepted again. He didn't and said that Noorbakhsh should tell himself that his words were lies, that Shahram was an addict, but unfortunately, when they arrived, they saw that Noorbakhsh and his mother Sari were not there, and Mrs. Vakil and Shahram were very upset, and Mrs. Shahram Roqia said that you deceived me and Ms. Vakil told him that there was a light tent here and I met him yesterday, but now he is not there, and Shahram's wife went into the forest ahead of Ms. Vakil and Shahram, and Ms. Vakil told him that you will get lost in the forest, but he did not agree and The stick hit Ms. Vakil, and Ms. Vakil told her, please, let's go in the car, and it's not a problem that you hit my leg with the stick, and they got into the car with Ms. Vakil and Shahram and left, and unfortunately they didn't find Nurbakhsh, who told Shahram's wife. They say that he is a wrongdoer and lied to him that Shahram is an addict and wanted to destroy the life of Shahram and his wife

#Finding#Noorbakhsh#Greeting#Farib#Dangerous#Experience#Ruining life#Strike#Wood#Lawyer#Lawyer#Sabet#Scream#Far#Sari#Destroyed#Desperate#Jungle#

All Comments (21)
  • @user-hh6mv3um5f
    Здравствуйте! Зачем вам Нурбаш? Живите своей жизнью. У вас дети ,и муж. Прислушайтесь к словам адвоката пожалуйста . Она вам хочет помочь? Дай бог вам здоровья! Пусть у вас всё будет хорошо! Берегите себя и своих детей!
  • @malalieulojas
    Mulher iludida, quando realmente conhecer Noorbakhsh será tarde para se arrepender...
  • @denzil171
    Noorbekash is after shahram Noorbekash want to put shahram in jail and want to marry shahram's wife and also want to take his. Home and then he will make the home on his name..miss Advocate help shahram❤❤❤❤❤
  • @user-iy8vo5wx9y
    Почему Вы не показали ей вчерашний фильм на этом месте, когда этот сумасшедший там ругался и выгонял Вакиль?
  • @user-mh9vm8yg1u
    Оставте вы эту женщину пусть сама поймет кто это нурбаш она сама будет прощения просить
  • Hoje o dia já começa cheio de desafios, e a gente não pode deixar a peteca cair, porque é nesses percalços que crescemos e nos tornamos melhores cada vez mais. Precisamos nos cercar de fé, esperança, bons fluidos e fazer o dia acontecer. Então, que este seja um dia iluminado para todos nós! Que a luz que se irradia sobre nossas vidas possa trazer tudo de melhor que o Universo reserva!
  • @user-uf7pf6de7g
    كيف تسمح لنفسك شهرام ان تعيش مع امرأة سليطة اللسان لا تحترم نفسها دعها تجرب حظها مع المحتال السيدة المحامية يعينك الله على هذه النماذج المشينة لا تعطيها حجمها صغير جدا خلقا واخلاق
  • Não importa se o dia está chuvoso ou nublado lá fora, você tem a capacidade de fazer com que ele seja iluminado por meio de pensamentos positivos e palavras otimistas. Às vezes, é necessário que você se force a ter esse tipo de atitude para que enfim consiga um excelente dia. É algo que vale a pena, pois tudo fica mais alegre e produtivo. Desejo que tenha um dia iluminado e muito abençoado!
  • @user-vs9fq6xp8b
    Yes absolutely tell Vakil the cameraman don't fool her by taking giew n money😮
  • معقول كل الشعب مدمن مخدرات ومزواج وبيوت مشتتة لا يوجد فيها سوى الفقر والعوز !!!
  • @user-yp3ms1jn3w
    Госпожа Вакиль,разве вы не видите что это женщина одержима Нурбашом? Если она так хочет, пусть пожевет с этим психом!
  • Ella puede vivir sola con sus hijos, sino quiere al marido no es necesario buscar que la mantenga otro marido, ella es joven y puede trabajar. En cuanto a la abogada, su código de ética le permite hacer público los expedientes de sus clientes para favorecer a otro??? La mujer debe tener la madurez y sensatez para continuar con su traicionero marido y también debe pensar en no lastimar a sus hijos con sus acciones.
  • @EnDinaGoularte
    Porque a advogada não vai conversar com a mulher desse homem falar quem é Noorbahks
  • @seasalt3263
    Ну и сценарий! У всех , крома мужа этой женщины есть свой канал, и что , разве она не смотрит и ничего не знает! Иранские операторы, не считайте людей дураками, пожалуйста
  • @lolitapita3739
    Mujer northbash solo quiere separarte de tu esposo dividirlos para tomar ventaja de ti y piensa en que tu eches a tus hijos y le sirvas a el y a su mama y luego quitarte lo poco que tienes es tremendamente diabolico lo que planea .
  • @user-sv8fy6to3y
    Пальцы веером крутить под носом у мужа и у адвоката,оставьте ее пусть замуж выйдет,потом поймет какой хороший Нурбахш😂