The Biggest Lie About Veganism

Published 2023-05-11
Are vegans less healthy than meat eaters? And is veganism really that much better for the environment and planet?
More on our VEGANISM Podcast Episode:    • Vegans: Are They Unhealthy?  

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Written by: Mitchell Moffit
Edited by: Luka Šarlija


All Comments (21)
  • @pkmuhammedhisan
    The hardest part of being a vegan is to get up at 5 in the morning and milk the almonds.
  • Going vegan for "sympathy for the animals" sounds like really downplaying what animals go through. I think "sparing them of a life of pure misery" is a bit more accurate.
  • @pifficus1
    I was vegetarian for 6 years, and now have been vegan for the last 6. I eat a balanced diet with of greens, fruits, nuts/legumes, nori (iodine/B12) and beans/tofu/shakes/nooch (protein/Vitamin D/Vitamin B12). Like anyone, I occasionally eat some junk food like sweets as a treat. When I first changed my lifestyle, I did research to confirm I was getting the right nutrients and focused on whole, unprocessed foods. 12 years later, I will never go back to consuming animal products, because I know I'm helping the animals, humans, the world and my body.
  • @KlammBand
    About B12: I've read that industrial livestock gets B12 supplements as well. Because of their kind of "junk food" diet, they don't ingest the bacteria from the ground, that produce B12. So if you eat this kind of meat, effectively you're on B12 supplements as well.
  • @KlumpeliI
    In connection with calcium absorption, you did not mention vitamin D, which is important in this process. This may explain why Nordic countries may suffer from osteoporosis due to lack of sun in winter (and this is a minor problem in West Africa, so maybe that's one reason they have healthy bones.) The health of bones should not be reduced to calcium. Other vitamins, minerals, physical activity also come into play
  • @Masala_Pizzaa
    I think a lot of western vegans could benefit from trying foods from tropical and sub-tropical countries. I had a white vegan roommate who consistently ate mock-meat (not because he loved it's taste or anything) along with a plethora of supplements. I used to feel bad and often shared my south Asian food which he really loved. I never even realised that i actually have a lot of vegan meals throughout the week (i eat chicken and fish, rarely red meat), so I was glad to share a variety of vegetables like okra, different varieties of lentils and various flavour profiles in general. Now that i am back in my country, i notice myself unconsciously eating a huge variety of fruits and vegetables. Vegans in the West should really go to Asian and African stores to diversify their nutrition intake more. There's no reason that vegan food has to mimic textures or tastes of meat.
  • I suffered from metabolic syndrome (obesity, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, and high blood sugar). I went whole food plant based no sugar oil or salt and I lost 65 pounds, all my conditions greatly improved, my gums stopped bleeding, and erections and energy returned. I used to have an appetite that was never satisfied; whole foods cured it. I no longer use a sleep apnea machine. Finally, the food is cheap-Beans, lentils, rice, potatoes and seasonal apples. Also, I save money by not having to buy pills or visit the Doctor. I am thankful to all the vegans who suffered attacks to reveal the truth to me.
  • @132711991200
    The biggest concern for me is climste crises due to animal husbandry and thats why my conscience is asking me to switch to a vegan diet😢
  • @_aconite_cj_
    Unhealthy vegan here 🚶 lmao just finished a bag of chips
  • @MaX936well
    I think it's also important to note that b12 comes from bacteria that gets eaten by animals (we used to get it from "less sterile" vegetables). And now most all livestock are giving b12 supplements so the meat has it. EDIT: I miss worded non vegan b12 deficiency, the point I was trying to make is that they aren't as deficient because their meat is getting supplemented anyway. So unless you're completely avoiding factory farming ...
  • Regarding your references, please list the references in the order they apoear in your videos and for each reference put the time point in minutes and seconds. This will provide another way for your viewers to identify references in videos with their associated links.
  • I've been a vegetarian for awhile was about 230 I weigh about 188 was on high blood pressure medicine and doctor took me off of them because my readings been 119 over 82 I feel great and trim
  • @jjose100ify
    Studies show that people that go on ANY “diet” see great results at least in the initial months/years. Mostly because when you start paying attention to your eating habits you automatically shed some of the bad effects of it. Obviously at some point the effects start to wear off and you see more of the long term effects
  • @dariobalado4054
    Chimps hunt smaller primates and eat meat when they can. Gorillas frequently eat termites and other insects.
  • @Om11811
    Why would someone attempt to argue against Veganism. The answer is simple cognitive dissonance. There’s nothing to argue here . If I get 50 g of protein from plant based vs from animal corpse why not chose the option with least amount of suffering , including cancer risk and cardiovascular complications for yourself .
  • @jeffery9416
    I was a hindu religious vegetarian , but lately having lactose intolerant so I'm vegan now
  • I have a question, for my issue is: How can I avoid being ill to my stomach after eating greens? Ever since I was a little child, I've been unable to consume greens and a few vegetables without throwing them up or feeling nauseous if I don't throw them up. Even if I try combining them with foods that I like it still has the same effect on me. Whenever I try to eat them now, I invariably have a nasty stomachache or wind up throwing up. In addition, in 9 months I'll be an adult legally and produce is inexpensive and better for the environment. I've also never experienced problems with fruits, some herbs, or asparagus (that's only when I consume the asparagus with other foods though). I've been living off of multivitamins manufactured from vegetables, but even those make me nauseous. Maybe I'm just anxious when I eat greens but still, It's a problem. I can't just survive eating mostly meats, fruits, dairy, and bread. Or can I?
  • @irurouni
    I think more attention needs to be paid to the "studies" supporting any diet in order to verify how impartial these studies and researchers were.
  • @Luziagz
    Like other people said here, some of our cousins do eat meat. Bonobos and chimps, the closest to us, regularly hunt small animals, including small monkeys. Also, one very important thing that makes bones stronger and prevents oesteporosis is... physical activity! Like the muscles, they adapt to what you ask of them. Great video as always, thank you!