Astartes Project by Syama Pedersen - Original Version - Full Edit - All Parts

Published 2020-04-02
Disclaimer: Some viewers have reported mild siezures triggered by sounds in this video.
Parts 1 - 5 of the Astartes Project by Syama Pedersen, edited into one video for convenience. I played no part in the making of this film. All credit goes to the creator:

Astartes Channel
   / @astartes40k  

Astartes Animation on Warhammer Community…

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All Comments (21)
  • @TheChach
    Update: On 3/27/24 Syama posted on his LinkedIn asking for vfx help with a homebrew project accompanied by a short teaser for it:… Disclaimer: Some viewers have reported mild siezures triggered by sounds in this video. Edit: The original creator has been hired on by GW to continue the project and contribute to others. As such the originals are no longer available on Youtube, the project is now on Warhammer Community. Links have been updated. I'm not sure how this news will affect the future of the project, but I find myself feeling pessimistic. I hope I am wrong. Either way, this video will remain up as long as I am allowed to and I have added a mega link for this edit, sans the first intro text, at the bottom of this comment and the description. Edit2: GW in their infinite wisdom has decided the world needs yet another streaming platform, so any future projects will now only be available on Warhammer+. Needless to say, this is a disappointing turn of events. Putting the content exclusively on their own, much less popular, website was bad enough. This video itself has garnered nearly 300,000 additional views since that move. That's free publicity they would deny their artists in order to greedily sell exclusivity. To then put the content behind yet another barrier, this one now monetary and a recurring subscription, and expect anyone to sign up for it is foolish greed and I don't see many people doing it. If they do it will be in support of the artist, but I fear as always in the end they will be the ones to get the short end of the stick. Edit3:… Tl;Dr: Games Workshop bought up most of the the creators of the most popular fanmade animation projects, put their future work behind a subscription paywall, and has now made a policy making fanmade animation projects IP infringement. Notably, this only applies to animations. 40000 IQ. Edit4: Anyone interested in helping GW in the battle against heretical intellectual property thieves? Then I have just the job for you. Parts 1 - 5 of the Astartes Project by Syama Pedersen, edited into one video for convenience. I played no part in the making of this film. All credit goes to the creator: Astartes Channel… Astartes Animation on Warhammer Community… Download link for this edit:…
  • @shiddy.
    the best defense against the astartes is having a ship with really narrow hallways and low ceilings
  • @logancluer1141
    When your fan film is so well made and so damn badass that the official company decides to make it canon.
  • @sentinel501
    Theres several things in this video that subtley shows off enhanced Astartes physiology and gear: 1:20 Right from the very beginning, Astartes genhanced bodies allows them withstand an incredibly aggressive boarding ram that would likely shatter a normal humans body. 1:37 The helmet has full spectrum visualization and can also auto lock on potential targets. However Space marines can basically see in the dark, they probably dont even need the helmet to find their targets. In addition, they process information incredibly quickly even after the shock of the previous boarding action. All the targets are marked and divided up between the squadmates in an instant. 1:45 Space Marines drill endlessly with their weapons. That coupled with their auto-range finders and armor assisted targeting, they rarely miss. Plus their incredibly fast reactions means they can pop off a shot seemingly the second a target presents itself. Notice the guy in the back rounded a corner and instantly got popped. 2:32 Once again we see basically no wasted shots. The enemy is in cover and in the dark and yet each shot is a perfect headshot. 2:34 The rocket launcher guy managed to get a shot off but the marine probably saw him well in advance even from what looks like quite a distance away. He can quickly calculate the trajectory of the rocket and only needs to sidestep a little bit to evade. No need to dive into cover as he is THAT confident that the rocket will not hit. Keep in mind that rocket would actually do some damage if it managed to hit. 2:47 The sniper guy managed to pull off a prepared ambush with a heavy weapon. The first marine just keeps moving, he likely has over a century of battlefield experience and he knows his squadmate pulling up the rear will take care of it, if he stalls the advance then his whole squad will be vulnerable. The second marine in the column reacted instantly and angled his pauldron to take the shot. And finally the last marine takes care of the guy. 3:06 Space marines have incredible hearing too. This marine probably heard the guy try to sneak up on him even in the middle of a hectic firefight. In the freeze frame you can see the marine tilt his head right before the guy shows up from the shadows. 3:35 Marines have near total recall and muscle memory, this marine fired a couple shots earlier, threw a blind grenade, recalled the gun position and muscle memory to fire through his own smoke. Blind grenades btw also has chaff to blind EM detection, which you can see from all the sparks in the smoke, so his own helmet would not be able to pierce the smoke. 4:07 Marines do have internal encrypted channels for communication, as well as their own hand signals (battle-sign) for non-electronic communications, but they have so much experience working as a squad that almost no communication is necessary. Just a simple glance to indicate readiness and a head nod to signal go. 4:30 These two marines are hit with a psyker pressure wave. A normal human would probably be crushed but they come back later not worse for wear. 4:57 Astartes are both fortified mentally and physically. This marine is engaging in a battle of both mental and physical with the psyker and slowly pushing through. 5:17 The marine is recovering MID-air with his primary weapon loss and instantly switched to a double handed knife grip, putting his whole weight behind the strike. He also likely surmised from earlier that this is the best possible chance to overcome the psyker kine shield, with overwhelming physical force concentrated on a single point. Once again demonstrating quick thinking and experience, constantly switching strategies. ----Finally getting near the end. 8:05 That sphere probably tried to mentally corrupt the astartes in some way. But the psycho-indoctrination that all marines go through likely prevents most mind control attempts. The tau tried to indoctrinate a marine once and it ended terribly, for the tau. 10:03 This subtley shows the military discipline that all marines, really any professional military has. The captain gave an order to recall that was probably unexpected, but the subordinate didnt even question it and instantly leaps into action. 10:28 Space marines know no fear. They see a threat and react to eliminate it. A psyker in the middle of a demonic possession would be a terrifying experience for almost any human in this setting. And of course the sargeant puts a few more rounds in for good measure. 11:11 Just pure decisive crisis management. The marine overloads his plasma pistol in an attempt to free his squad knowing itll likely cost him his arm. 12:03 Space marine blood clots almost immediatly, which is what i think those dark things in the coughed up blood. Also the black mesh in the back of the guys neck is probably the black carapace, which is a subdermal organ that allows the marine to directly integrate his entire nervous system into his armor. 12:07 This marine has one gold service stud and two silver ones. So roughly two centuries of service. In a Codex chapter, he would probably be a standard line infantry tactical squad marine. But this is a homebrew chapter and hes part of an impulsor squad.
  • Its saddening that Astartes is the best content on Warhammer+, they actually got everything right when it comes to Spacemarines. 1. They hardly or never talk 2. They don't die by just one shot 3.They are fast, tactically superior warriors 4.They are a brute unstoppable force ...saddening, because it needed an outside developer to show GW how it s done
  • @erik260196
    The scary part about fighting these big boys is that even though the "enemy" did everything right - Identify the breach position very quickly and set up a crossfire kill zone right there (just look at how big the ship is in the intro, yet they were there to meet them with over a dozen men at different angles/levels), fortify surrounding corridors with heavy weaponry, ambush tactics with anti-materiel rifles and suicide bombers, long range mega gatling cannon, willing to sacrifice their own troops ... and it STILL felt like a walk in the park for the Astrates.
  • @haloshaw1626
    Funfact, his fananimation became so popular that besides hiring Syama Pedersen. GW also made his Space Marine Chapter Canon.
  • @hellogoodbye388
    The fucking design and detail. The smaller drone takes the missles, the backhanded knife. The smoke dissipated from the plasma pistol, the amazing sound design
  • @chieckenman4432
    Me, who knows nothing about warhammer 40k: wow this is fucking awesome
  • @xchazz86
    3 years later and this one man still hold the title of best animation ever.
  • @miguelafonso6375
    I've watched this a few times over the years, and I've NEVER EVER noticed that at 12:20, you can see the other Astartes being teleported in, first on the right, then left, then right again. I don't however see the 5th one. Really amazing details that I had never noticed for 4+ years.
  • @darren689
    What the orbs say: Inquisitors orb - “who is there?“ Strike team orb - “I am here. Brother, we have all failed.” Inquisitors orb - “The Astartes deny our touch. You must return, break your seal.” Strike team orb - “Impossible. We’ll never survive“ Inquisitors orb - “you must take them“ Inquisitor - “RECALL THEM IMMEDIATELY” It’s important to note that this lapse in focus is probably what got him possessed by the warp entity inside the orb
  • @joehill4094
    Imagine putting your heart and soul into working on the Ultramarines movie only to be completely out done by one kiwi madlad.
  • @Palpab1e
    Syama Pedersen asked for help on a homebrew animation in a LinkedIn post two days ago (March 27, 2024). It looks like he's currently working with a studio called Digital Bones. There's a teaser video released with the post and as per his usual specs, it's amazing. Legends never die.
  • @the_Red_Star
    I don't know much about warhammer, but I really appreciate how the action happens in real time, no repetition, no dramatic pauses. It's not something you see all that often in animation, and it offers a unique kind of... viscerality. We're shown what two overpowered factions seriously trying to end each other looks like, and neither of them is going to slow down for us. But despite going so fast, the video is still full of details for you to find if you just go back and look. It's not using the fast pace to hide a lack of effort.
  • @gcaroppo
    Oh my... In the autocannon sniper scene i've never even noticed the sniper actually has A SPOTTER on his side... That's why the space marine fires twice... I swear there's a new detail every time i watch this masterpiece again
  • @yamamushi
    This guy got me into Warhammer 40k. GW's actions towards their fans got me out of it.
  • @Gmon750
    There's something about the way they walk at 1:52. They walk with such authority and presence. Never gets old.