B.a.B.e. campaign video 1

Published 2024-05-15
Script and direction: Matea Tunuković
Sound: Tihomir Vrbanec, Matea Tunuković


The video was made for a national campaign as part of the SURF AND SOUND 2.0 project aimed at combating and preventing online violence against women, which the association B.a.B.e. is carrying out in partnership with the Agency for Electronic Media and the Directorate of Police and the Judicial Academy as associated partners.
The SURF AND SOUND 2.0 project is funded by the European Union from the CERV - Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values ​​program (2021-2027) and co-financed by the Office for Associations of the Government of the Republic of Croatia.


Video spot je izrađen za nacionalnu kampanju u sklopu projekta SURF AND SOUND 2.0 usmjerenog suzbijanju i prevenciji online nasilja nad ženama koji udruga B.a.B.e. provodi u partnerstvu s Agencijom za elektroničke medije te Ravnateljstvom policije i Pravosudnom akademijom kao pridruženim partnerima.
Projekt SURF AND SOUND 2.0 financiran je sredstvima Europske unije iz programa CERV – Građani, jednakost, prava i vrijednosti (2021-2027) te sufinanciran sredstvima Ureda za udruge Vlade republike Hrvatske.

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