Reservation | Native Americans | One Word | Cut

Published 2015-11-24
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About this video:
We invited Native Americans to respond to the word "reservation." These are their responses.


Clear Creek by Marmoset

Reservation | Native Americans | One Word | Cut
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All Comments (21)
  • @RebeccaJ720
    It's unfair how Native Americans are close to nonexistent in things like media & all that. Their culture is so fascinating and I want to know more, particularly on the Blackfoot Sioux which is the tribe I'm descended from.
  • @TigerPrawn_
    "When the last tree has been cut down, the last fish caught, the last river poisoned, only then will we realize that one cannot eat money." I learnt about Native Americans in my history course last year, and I completely agree with their belief that you cannot own land. It doesn't belong to you, but we belong to it. Yes you can put boundaries around different places, but you can't physically own the land. It's sacred.
  • @oziet7900
    I'm a native who's living in a little reservation right now... Dirty water with gas in it, Dead grass. But beautiful bright northern lights, bright rainbows, Smell of spring, and rain, lots of trees, animals, homemade food, activities.
  • @darrenwall5704
    That last women's statement was so true and so heartbreaking.
  • @melt4605
    This really hits hard and everything they're saying is true, mind you this from an outside perspective. The greatest shame in Canada, is the way we treated the aboriginal peoples.
  • @nnatal666
    Sounds similar to what happens to Aboriginals in Australia
  • @CheyleneSaby
    It makes me so happy to see that a couple of the popular YouTube channels are starting to make videos about Native Americans. I've noticed that Native Americans are excluded from things about race. I'd see all of these videos on Black, White, Hispanic and Asian people, but nothing about my race. It made me feel small and like I didn't matter. For a really long time I felt embarrassed about who I was because of all the stereotypes. But, I've learned to accept who I am and I should embrace it. Native Americans need to be heard. We're left in the dark. #NativeAmericanLivesMatter
  • @megannwalsh
    I still find it strange that most of us (Americans) ignore what happened. We celebrate Thanksgiving but forget that it was created by the death of cultures. It's just very very sad. I can't imagine what it is like to be given a tiny piece of land away from where your ancestors are native and being forced to live in this tiny little community while the rest of the country is taken over by people who just stole it. There has to be something we can do now to at least help with what is going on. We can never compensate enough.
  • @ceejay1547
    These videos deserves more views!! They need more exposure! It is extremely frustrating that a large percentage of people are still ignorant regarding this matter
  • @naomigary7930
    i feel so horrible for native americans, they have never been treated properly since the 1600s.
  • I ALWAYS get tear-y eyed when the Navajo woman spoke at the end, because what she said is so true.
  • @Nachoking19961
    I hope they don't think we forgot about them. I admire Native American culture the most, out of ANY culture in the world. Im Italian/British, but being born in America, I had never met any in person, but I was so intrigued by how they lived, and feel so horrible that they never are spoken of, besides Thanksgiving (Thanks for killing you? Don't get it). Know there are people that love you people, and cherish every second we see/hear you, because it serves as a reminder of one of the best, sharing, spiritual, kind people that ever were on this planet. <3
  • @pixlmemory8919
    the girl with the big earrings is soo beautiful because she's talking the truth and it makes her flawless....
  • @TripDipLips
    Literally: tears. I can't even believe this. Really eye opening. I'm from NZ, so Native American history isn't taught, or at least wasn't at my school. But this is horrendous. Thank you for sharing. Such beautiful people, such oppression. Unfortunately that's the result of colonisation.
  • @pupperdoge6805
    i am black and native american so both my people suffer greatly its hard to live....😔
  • @ermasing
    Oh, the white people in this comment section.... how you gonna to tell the Native American that they are not a Native American????
  • My dad fought every single year for me not to say the pledge of allegiance in school growing up, not to accept their teaching of Columbus, and not to accept thanksgiving stories as true, and I never understood his arguments until I became an adult. He’s no longer here on this earth but MAN, his words and his being still ring so true to my heart, soul, and into the very fiber of my being. Thank you dad.