Metallic Chaff in Air- Geoengineering Western WA (no Audio)

Published 2019-03-01
This shows what the air looks like after jets aerosol sprayed very heavily in Seatac, WA, January 13, 2019. The air was literally glittering with metallic chaff, most likely aluminum, along with a variety of other metals which may include barium, strontium, manganese and in many cases, biological substances. We and our environment are being made electrically conductive.
Try seeing these particulates yourself on spray days by positioning the sun just behind the edge of a wall or roof which will show the illuminated particulates without the sun's glare in your eyes or camera lens
This is an assault on the lungs, brains and bodies of all of us, our children, our pets, our water, plants and soil.

All Comments (5)
  • Hello I'm a new subscriber from Buffalo New York I seen you on Jeff peas channel so I wanted to stop by and subscribe to your channel to support a fellow skywatcher God bless and gray content keep up the good work
  • @momatomic
    I wanted to add that if you slow down the video to the slowest, you can see and track these shining particulates much easier. Another site gave me the tip of putting the sun just behind a wall to get the best exposure on capturing these in the sunlight. Pollen and dust can be captured in the same way, but they are visually dull in comparison to metallic particulates. Hope this helps to understand what we are seeing.
  • @momatomic
    This was taken Feb 16th...about. No pollen, no tree fluff, no bugs. Just sparkling air, and not in a good way.
  • @bvilla
    Hey, I tried again but still can't find your email. I really would like to connect with you somehow because you are seeing what I'm seeing in the same place. I will tell you my story here. The first time that I saw them, I was at my parent's house celebrating father's day. It was June 17th and it was a clear sunny hot day. We were just enjoying our time together since it was rare that all of our schedules lined up to allow for that. You could feel the happiness and peace that was amongst us. My dad was sitting in the middle of the yard when all of the sudden he noticed something above us. I was intrigued by his excitement so I came over to see what was happening. I stood exactly where he was, I looked exactly where he was pointing but I couldn't see anything at first. Suddenly, very high (no idea how high) above us, I began to notice what looked like something was reflecting. Suddenly, it slowly began to reveal itself. At first, it looked like a metallic sphere. When it would reflect it looked like a solid bright light. When I looked at it through the binoculars, that's what blew me away. It was like a transparent bubble that had a plasma like center that pulsated pastel like colors. I never was one to be into UFOs or aliens, to be honest, I'm a Christian and the bible doesn't really talk about aliens or extraterrestrial life. I knew that whatever I was seeing was not anything man made or from this world. I could feel that it was alive and I knew that it knew that we saw it and was watching it. My siblings became interested after witnessing my reaction. My two sisters could not see it. My brother was able to see it. It slowly revealed itself to him like it did with me. As we were watching it watch us, another one came smoothly and very controlled flying in from the left of our view. It joined the other one and eventually another came and joined them, there were 3 in total. After that, I knew I had to find answers. I looked on YouTube and found tons of similar sightings all which no one could explain. I signed up fro Reddit or hopes to find answers there. Someone told me to file a MUFON report which I did. They called me and interviewed me over the phone. The agent seemed very intrigued but had no answers. As far as I know it's still an open case. I saw them several other times throughout that summer in the same location (near Bowlake Elementary). Others have seen them with me. I've seen them appear a few different forms (which after reading tons of reports and watching tons of YouTube videos, they have the capability). I've seen them appear like a metallic sphere, I've seen them appear like a bright solid light and I believe they have the ability to be invisible if they choose (since I literally watched one slowly become visible in front of my eyes), like a ship (I will include my IMGUR link) and appear in different colors. I don't know what these things are. I don't know what their intentions are. I don't know where they come from. After almost a year, I have more questions than answers. After looking on Reddit, YouTube and the MUFON website, I have noticed that people are reporting these things daily from all over the world. And no one has answers. I have showed a Boeing employee as well as an airforce member and he had no answers either. I know that they are telepathic not only because I can feel it but because I have experienced it. One day while at my parent's house, I was sitting in their backyard when I suddenly got an urge to get up and literally run to a certain spot with the binoculars. I looked at a specific location and there they were. It was like they put the thought into my to do it. This all sounds insane. If I weren't currently living this, I'd think it was from some sci fi movie. I also wanted to add, this video looks similar to what we saw. Have you screen shotted or taken any still pictures of these metallic things?