Portals-Pathways to Other Lands

Published 2024-06-23
A live stream exploration of the concept of portals, looking at all perspectives from the mainstream to alternative research. What do these gateways represent to each perspective and how possible are they in our reality?

All Comments (21)
  • @JeffEdington
    This is awesome!!!! All these wonderful topics these past weeks and doing them live. Something we do not see from every channel.
  • Watching the replay, I swear it seems like time is speeding up. Also, The way you engage with your viewers is amazing.
  • “ALL is portal” is one way to look at it .. I’m at your intro 😅 but I’ll write some thoughts down before you dig in .. (and theres already some great comments being shared in the stream ) … from the lens of ‘syncretism’ and ‘astrotheology’ , or even thru ‘quantum’ Field research & Torus physics .. also: “ALL is Mind “ & “ALL is both fractal & holonic” apply here too. My personal pov is that the ancient mystery traditions, oral histories, and ancestral worldviews accurately explained our existence to us. I see the legacy-system explanations of heliocentric & geocentric both as “psyops” , in that they obscure the true nature of the human condition behind fundamentally materialist cosmic constructs. To understand the human being is to understand the AS ABOVE SO BELOW paradox. Within each point-of-consciousness is pure ‘portal’ , a perfect exploration for the topic of the video. When we see into the entirety of the UNIVERSE/CREATOR/GOD/FIELD/et al, we are meant to be taught of its’ nestedness. Originating directly out of the Field, Spirit/Aether expresses into the physical world as plasma, then to the atom, to the being, through morphic relationships of beings, throughout complex ecosystems as a planetary being, and on outward through the solar system into the cosmos .. overlapping metaphysical Torus fields govern each and every iteration of physical form. Many believe the Torus to be the one ‘universal shape’ , and in exploring the vortex dynamics present across the leading edges of our sciences , I do think there’s a clearer picture forming of this overall thesis, regarding the nature of ‘the Field’ and the topic of “portals” : Not unlike the materialist/technotopian ideas like the ‘simulation theory’ and ‘holographic’ universe , et al , one way to understand the wisdom in our ancestors’ true inherited worldview is through similar esotericism and phenomenology .. ALL of the energy/light/information in the Field , is available at EVERY point in the Field. Just like every Torus field , the electromagnetic information-field around each of us and governing our body’s systems, the information traveling within the field is a nested illustration of what’s happening at the Atomic scale : pure vortex , rather than particles/electrons/etc. One way to think of The Field, is also ‘The Mind of God’ or ‘The Akashic Record’. One way to think of humanity’s home planet is a ‘psychic realm’ , the children of ‘Mother Earth’ / the Realm-of-Man , a creation matrix that exists within the central plane of the Earth Torus Field, emanating from her central Torus pillar/Hall of Records , with all physically-perceived aspects of the Earth environment such as N and S poles, underworlds and over worlds existing in relationship to our collective human psyche as ‘dimensional barriers’ and spiritual phenomena. Perhaps there are some informative things to research regarding the digitization and computational aspects of our use of “optics” in peering outward and inward .. to my knowledge, both electron-microscopes at the micro scale and radio/optical-telescopes at the macro scale, do not use purely-optical glass lenswork to produce imagery … rather, there are a variety of multisensory scanning technologies employed in providing informational layers/scans which require computational processing to produced what is essentially a ‘render’ , as the final image … I find the timing of the century-long scam of virology/contagion-theory being investigated at the same time there’s such a push toward explaining the shenanigans around the world’s space research programs. To me, the tendency toward perception of our existence as a ‘flat earth’ with physical firmament & South Pole to reach, is not too different from the third-rock-from-the-sun pov .. these may just be akin to 2nd Grade, in the School Of Life .. I think we are just beginning to remember the far greater picture. Everything is portal. Consciousness is mutable, as is the much-more-than-physical world we are living in.
  • @chrisjswanson
    I dreamed that I was watching this live and talking to people in the chat. They were telling me it was a dream. Someone called my phone, and it started melting then shattered. I woke up to discover I'd fallen asleep watching the replay Saturday night.. You know it's a good community when they provoke lucid dreams. Back in my teens I had quite a lot of psychonautic adventures. One of the stranger moments was staring at myself in the mirror and seeing a different version of myself, much older. I'd forgotten about the incident until years later when I had a seemingly random hallucination while looking in a mirror, only this time I was the older version, looking back at my younger self. Really surreal stuff. Also, I'm glad to hear you bring up Lovecraft. An exploration into the guy and his works would be awesome. Thanks LA and take care everyone have a good week.
  • @ThecultofCon
    Do you think that the word "Port" is associated with Portals? For instance, ships are loaded and unloaded at ports. Another question, do you think that the windows on a ship; "Portholes" might have any correllation with Portals?
  • Sorry I missed today's live. Another favorite topic! Thank you all for the interesting discussion and thank you LA for another fantastic presentation filled with great information and perspectives. My Father and I would watch the original Star Trek together. Dad was a very cool open-minded gentleman. Looking forward to some Boots on the Ground ❤
  • @j13more38
  • Ley Lines are the "magnetic lines of force" of the Magneto Dielectric Sphere...Toroid, Hyperboloid(hourglass shape), and the Plain of Inertia upon which we live...
  • @RalphtheDog1
    Dr. Albert Hoffman opened my mind to portals, mind unlimited, what is within and what could be beyond years ago. I am thankful for many aspects of the mental explosions. It's been many years but, I am always open in the right environment mentally and physically.
  • @ThecultofCon
    Damn no notification til the stream ended. Would have loved to have join you Lucius always great work from your channel. Bless you.
  • All true because frequencies determine your perception if you can manipulate them you can go anywhere.
  • Nebuchadnezzar II, aka, "King of Babylon King of Sumer and Akkad King of the Universe" was this dude who apparently had a portal to the stars from witch came and went people and goods. That one guy in the desert we went to get a few years ago called himself the same thing, its clamed that he may have had a portal and that was the "WMD" that was really being sought after.
  • @withershin
    Sitting on the top deck of a cruise ship heading to Bermuda I saw nothing but ocean in every direction. There wasn't another boat and no land. It was a magical experience but I couldn't help but thinking, that maybe the stories are true. Go to Bermuda is you can BTW. The people are super friendly and rent a scooter. But honestly it was kind of trippy on a cruise ship in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle and there was nothing but ocean and our boat.
  • @mitter81
    I experienced a weird phenomenon last week, en route from Alora to Marbella Spain to see a friend, I said to him I would arrive around 4.15pm but couldn't count on it because my car has a headgasket issue and I have to stop periodically to let it cool down - on the route which follows the A-355 the inevitable happened and I pulled into a gas station to have a coffee, let the engine cool, before I would top-up another couple litres coolant (gasket leaks coolant to cylinder head, and exhaust into coolant - will get it repaired soon, but it is a robust 25 yr old VW diesel engine so chugs along - albeit spewing bad emissions). Anyway after refreshed, I called my friend, said I'm gonna be a bit late and will give you a call when I'm close to where you are (as he'd moved and I needed directions to navigate one way system etc quickly). 4pm - but still at least another 40 minutes journey ahead. BP gas station just short of a village called Monda, Where I could easily pass and feel the need for speed :) - release the hamsters because of my car performing like a lemon. So I pulled out the gas station and found myself behind a slow moving lorry/truck/artic/semi - on a section of road without much ability to pass, fair enough I thought, and as said a few miles ahead there is passing lanes, as this road traverses mountainous area - I'll pass this dude up there and then will have a clear road ahead for rest of journey - and I knew this was going to add yet more time to my journey, so I had music on and was listening away not in an intense situation, pretty much dull trip, only seeing the back of the truck ahead and country views both sides. For a brief moment I glanced down and pushed the cigar lighter button so could light and smoke a cigarette, same track playing on the music, it clicked out - I lit the cigarette, and a truck was still in front, but two things had changed, the truck was different, and I was on the downhill section of the A-355 many miles ahead of the upwardly A-355 passing area Monda, and down hill passing the village of Ojen - the clock, the music, speed of the car etc, all the same, and I was confused I literally said out loud wtf - all the time brain is screaming, how am I here, where is the passing area, I can't be dreaming, check clock, check song, look outside, more wtf thoughts, it was disorientating to say the least and had little option other than continue. I arrived at 4.30 my friend said, I thought you called me from Monda, I did I said and told him what I experienced, he shrugged and said this reality is weird, nothing is what we perceive it to be and changed subject. I cannot explain this, I am not concerned whether anyone believes me as it sounds so completely crazy, its not something I can or even should pursue, without having dashcam its anecdotal, there is my account probably CCTV at the gas station and probably some in Marbella time of phone call and time of arrival, from an investigatory stance I would have been exceeding the speed limits, an impossibility with my car and the road conditions. Ojen itself is interesting village, there is a lot of old world remnants and even the Cueva de las Columnas which could be subject of an explore in context of channel theme. Anyways that happened last week and its my word against everyone else, still it puzzles me. I have no idea what this realm is about, something skipped and if it wasn't for the clock, music, and my friend, I would have attributed such to daydreaming, no mist, no flashes, nothing, just myself driving, I was in one place and clock watching, then I was in another, and I can't explain it. You've got my tale, you have my route, you have some timings, and some interesting old world locales that can be cross checked, I leave it at that, make of it as you wish.
  • 10:02 I think it’s a lot more likely that portals are inward. Maybe there are gmo portals in space, which I see as the abyss OMG•vs•gmo we are in upside down world. But like you say often, we don’t know anything for sure!
  • @_QCZ
    I've read all F. Herbert's books, and most of his son's and Anderson's book's as well, but I haven't noticed discrepancies in foldspace descriptions between them, to be honest. Though I was I young when i read his son's books, and may have misinterpreted/forgotten the canon of the father, so you could be right. Still, those are strings that I tune-in with easily. Good reference LA.
  • @0Logan05
    Truly a Rad Channel....No, SUPER Rad🤙🏻!
  • Portals are likely rifts, tears, or controlled acces through the camouflage system that prevents our perceptions from observing our entire environment.