Steven Universe Theory - Who Are Fluorite's Component Gems?

Published 2017-06-20
Probably my most speculative video, but still one that was fun to make.

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All Comments (21)
  • @VastPik
    If fluorite had 3 peridots she would be 50% clod.
  • @treyoung8525
    Sapphire is in it no doubt! I mean look at Fluorite gloves and how she keeps her hands folded like sapphire.
  • @jenjenneration
    I'm gonna guess 1. A Sapphire 2. 3 peridots 3. a pearl 4. an agate
  • @laurahayes8591
    She's shown as an engineer in "Lars of the Stars", that supports the idea that she has at least one peridot in her makeup
  • @1MangoTango1
    the diamond shaped gemstone may be the uncorrupted version of the heaven or earth beetlr
  • Since Fluorite is more than willing to take in more gems, I kind of think she might take in Topaz assuming she gets reformed later on.
  • I think they could be era 2 peridots, because the way fluorite talked it seemed like she hadn't always been six gems and the way other characters talked implied she gained some over time, maybe 3 peridots were discarded by homeworld and made it to the off colours, I'd prefer if they were era 1, but I think the assumption they HAVE to be is misguided
  • @pokemonchamp236
    Everyone is speculating what's in Fluorite, but I really want to know why her form isn't humanoid like all other non-corrupted gems
  • I’m hoping they make a Lars and the off colours spin off series. Those characters have so much potential and I want to hear their back stories. I want to know how fluorites and rhodonites gems in their fusions met. Like sure we know the ruby and pearl worked for the same gem and were replaced when they fused but I want I know more of what happened. I want to see Lars deal with the fact that compared to other humans he is immortal. There’s just so much more we need to know
  • @Frenchaboo
    "Maybe we could even see our Peridot interact with some era 1 Peridots" that would require the writers to remember Peridot can be used for some serious plot other than mindless Lapis and friends filler, therefore, impossible
  • Since the "diamond" gem looks like a diamond, could it be a cubic zerconia? It can come in purple, yellow, and white and looks like a diamond at a glance. However, the wrinkle becomes, what is her purpose in gem society? Well what if she had have been a type of bodyguard or body double for the diamonds? It would allow her to meet the sapphire, pearl, and peridots who became her components and know of the war. Its just a thought (and perhaps not a great one) but who knows, right?
  • @_.32bit._
    3:59 actually the gems do change size for design convenience, on malachite Jasper's nose gem gets larger , and on fusions like sardonyx and alexandrite Pearl's gem gets significantly larger
  • Well those could be era 2 peridots who recently fused. She is asked how many gems make herself up "now" meaning more gems are added as time goes on.
  • @sapphire125
    Maybe the diamond like gem is a morganite in real life they look a lot like diamonds and are sometimes used as a diamond replacement in jewelry
  • @user-qo3ob8ks8o
    1 Pearl 3 Era 1 Peridots 1 Sapphire And a Zircon with a Sideways gem?
  • @leostinton3608
    Perhaps the diamond shape could be a rutile that turned out right
  • @shortbean0
    I know this is off topic but I really love your style of drawing your little character!