The Best Trash Talk Lines...

Published 2022-11-26

All Comments (21)
  • @B_assMan
    “Was gonna say your aim’s cancer, but at least cancer kills people” ~Sun Tzu
  • “Are you in the NBA? Because you throw like your career depends on it.”
  • "Wow you are feeding so much you might just solve world hunger" I laughed so hard, that one's incredible 😂
  • @doaflip9905
    I love the way he gets progressively more angry every time Edit: Can y'all chill, Ik he's acting I just like the acting
  • @feitan6507
    "You're feeding so much, you can solve world hunger" 💀
  • “You’re so dog, you’re more dog than my golden retriever,” Me (asian) : Say that and you won’t see him for a while
  • @ZingReel
    That one smart kid in class trash talking be like :
  • @daiko6019
    "You're so special you could be a password requirment" Killed me
  • @BuiHieuDong
    Imagine hearing all of these roasts in just a single game match.
  • @_midnightO_O
    "Wow your so special you could be a password requirement"💀
  • “ When people play with you its considered charity work “ 💀 Edit: Thanks guys for 1k!!!
  • "bro you're kind of a nonrecyclable garbage that no one knows what to do with" bro got violated 💀
  • @seansyguy
    "You are the Human Equivalent of a participation award" My favourite one
  • "No words can describe how good you are bro" "ah? thanks!" "but numbers can, 1/10"
  • I'll be looking for you in the MLB cuz you're amazing at throwing
  • @Orkin2216
    "Bro, you'd be a good baseball pitcher, cuz you're THROWIIIIING." -Teammate 2023-2023