Published 2024-02-24
My mom and I decided to do a video together about how we started my journey. You guys are the reason I am pushing myself to face my fears and be brave. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for helping me beat my ARFID. Before starting this journey I refused to try any new foods and I’ve come such a long way because of all of your support and motivation. Thanks for being a part of my journey and for your continued encouragement and support. I would not be where I am if it weren’t for all of you 🫶 #arfid #arfidawareness #eatingdisorder #eatingdisorderawareness #safefood #autism #asd #autismawareness #adhd #ocd #pickyeater #pickyeaters #sensoryprocessingdisorder #weightloss #growth #nutrition #food #anxiety #stress #scared #fear #trauma #spd #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #support #motivation #thankful #ed #recovery #hannah #journey #myarfidlife #awareness

All Comments (21)
  • Hannah is absolutely the sweetest, bravest, and most inspiring young woman. My 7-year-old daughter struggles with restrictive eating, and when I came across Hannah on instagram a few weeks ago, I showed my daughter. Since then, she asks every day if Hannah has tried anything new or posted anything new. She loves watching Hannah's videos, we are all cheering Hannah on, and my daughter has been willing to try foods she never would have otherwise. Thank you for what you're doing. Way to go, Hannah.
  • @Light-tc8xc
    Her banana video has more views than most other videos. Who do you think is watching and liking her videos? Protect your child.
  • @anonymous-vw7wn
    Hey Hannah’s mom! I’m a 16 year old girl from the UK who is aspiring to be a children’s psychologist when I grow up. I just wanted to say how grateful I am you share these videos of Hannah, as I knew little about ARFID before but it has really educated me in different areas of mental health. I’m so proud of Hannah’s journey so far and thank you for inspiring me to learn more. I wish you all the best! 🤍🤍
    She is so beautiful inside and out! I hope Mr Arfid goes straight to Antártica too!!
  • @ellienicolexo
    I grew up with ARFID before it was a formal diagnosis. Back then my “treatment” was ridicule, screaming matches & forced exposure. It makes me SO beyond happy to see the challenges and real experience recognized, humanized, treated, and taken seriously. Thank you for raising awareness and doing the best for your baby❤
  • Hannah, you are so smart, sweet, and BRAVE for sharing your journey with all of us!!! YAY for gaining one pound!! I love being able to cheer her on!! 🫶
  • @bobo102458
    Love Hannah and so much hope for her continued success! ❤❤❤
  • @ND-oo4qc
    I’m back once more to mention that this little girl is too young to consent to her private medical information shared so publicly and so permanently. My comments do not violate any code of conduct and should not be censored.
  • I am a speech language Pathologist that specializes in feeding. Thank you for sharing. It impacts many families and yes their whole dynamic. It's no a quick fix and takes time. You are doing amazing ❤
  • @Maria.0.1
    Hannah is such a gem ♥️ she is adorable! I’m sorry there are rude people in the ig comments, I’m glad you are there to take care of her and manage what she can read online, I’m always worrying about if she is reading the dumb stuff some people comment. But you seem really involved as a mom ♥️ ! I’m so glad
  • @cielitogens6123
    Omg. The worst part is people with multiple opinions but cero knowledge. Big hug Hannah. You are doing great and you have a great family who support you .
  • My 10 year old has ARFID - I just relate to all of this. Most of all, having other people share this channel with me and saying, “is this what J has?” It’s HUGE. People from all parts of our life have shared your channel and insta with us, and I can see this significant change in awareness just over the last few months. My son also likes watching the videos, getting ideas of foods to try and offering his own commentary. We’ve moved a lot did OT for four years at different places with no progress but finally found a great OT who specializes in food therapy where we live now. She was the first to truly understand that this is first and foremost a phobia and real fear / anxiety of new foods. When my 8 year old son ate a peanut butter sandwich 18months ago, I literally wept. A month ago he tried chicken nuggets with his therapist and added them to his safe food immediately. Again, I cried. After 7 years, we’re actually seeing progress. I love seeing Hannah progress too. There’s just so much hope here!
  • I am SO incredibly proud of your daughter!! I have a friend who has ARFID and we are in a constant struggle to find safe foods, and your content makes it possible for me to come up with more and more safe foods for her. Thank you so much, and I’m soso proud of your daughter coming out of her comfort zone to try new things!!😀
  • @ChristineCouncil
    I had this when I was little and I did not know it was an eating disorder. I was shamed constantly for being so picky. I was also very sensitive physically too. I could not wear itchy clothes…or touch sticky things. But no one showed me understanding or grace. They just shamed and made fun of me. You’re such a good mom for taking time to figure out what your girl needs and I’m so proud of her for, fighting against the negative thoughts and fears. She is a total rockstar! And you are a good mom! You owe no one an explanation for why you’re doing what you’re doing. People can be so mean on social media…
  • @tellingthebees
    I was judgmental before i hear the entire story, teaches me to be more sensitive about things i don’t know anything about. I’m glad it’s helping her to overcome this issue.
  • @fuzzwump1837
    I’m also a parent of a child with ARFID. He is 8 as well. This account (and your IG) has brought me SO much hope and happiness. I watched several of the videos on IG today with my son. He related very much to your explanations of how you feel around foods. He’s been in feeding therapy (with a SLP) for almost 2 years. He’s better about trying things, but is still very reluctant and rarely does more than nibble. However, he hasn’t added anything to his safe list yet. Keep up the good work, we’re all cheering for you! 🎉
  • @dlr.99
    you’re an amazing mom🤍🤍🤍🤍keep going hannah keep being strong and amazing!!!!
  • Your daughter is a lovely girl. She is the picture of good health, I'd never guess she has an eating disorder. I do wish her the best. My pediatrician always told me to let my daughter eat what she wants, she will learn to eat proper as she grows and gets older. I was the same way as a child as are many kids. Kids will eat when they get hungry
  • @rachelg2250
    Hannah is such a credit to you Mom! She is such a delightful, beautiful, polite, caring little girl. When she said “… I declined” just melted my heart. 1lb gained this month is a fantastic achievement and we are all supporting her journey and every step she takes. You’re doing amazing Hannah (and Mom) and I’m looking forward to your next review of a new food 🩷
  • @sonyagutter7143
    Thank you for this video. I have a child 7 years old who stopped eating right after she turned 1. It’s been a struggle. I buy several packs of pedia sure a week to have for her to get the nutrients she needs. I have to fix her lunch as well and it’s mostly cracker, pretzels, peaches or mandarin oranges. Here lately we’ve gotten her to start eating waffles and noodles and chicken nuggets. We have to encourage her to try different things like mashed potatoes, dirty rice and other things that I cook. This was very helpful. I’ve had doctors to say that she will grow out of it and sometimes it gets overwhelming because starting this at 1 and now she’s 7.