Stopping Seizures Before They Occur: The Andrews-Reiter Approach and Beyond

Published 2021-06-22
A first-person look at my struggles with epilepsy — and the groundbreaking treatment that helped me get well.

The treatment techniques developed by psychologist Donna Andrews and neurologist Joel Reiter have led to critical discoveries about how to stop seizures before they occur.

This video spotlights several peer-reviewed studies conducted by Dr. Andrews and Dr. Reiter and draws upon reporting I did at Columbia Journalism School about the science of preventing seizures.

For more information, visit and Feel free to contact me at [email protected]

All Comments (4)
  • Thank you for sharing your first hand experience and how calming visualization helps to thwart your seizures. Much appreciated. I will share.
  • @PockASqueeno
    This is awesome. I’ve always found neuropsychology fascinating, and this is one of the reasons. After hearing about this treatment, it does seem a lot like common sense. Don’t want the seizures or auras? Then stay away from what causes them. It’s like “why didn’t I think of that?” I’m curious though, what is it that triggers the seizures in your sleep? Thankfully none of my seizures have occurred while I’m asleep. Is it related to dreaming?
  • Thank you. I have been reading about epilepsy for more than a decade now as my daughter has temporal lobe seizures. She is on medication and also changed few neurologists so far as seizures are not in control. I will go through the Andrew-Reiters program. Are you open to talk to us as I want to know more on you are managing to be seizure free.