Steve Jobs Interview - 7/22/1991 - On 10 Years of the Personal Computer

Published 2022-03-21

All Comments (21)
  • @eytschmaen
    "People want large color screens that they can put photographs on. People want motion video. People wanna be networked with very high-speed networking. People want to be sending all this rich media around the network."
  • @SaidThoughts
    He loves competition. He wanted the world to catch up even if it meant him catching up next.
  • @captainfreeman
    This dude was like he had a crystal ball to tell him what would happen. True genius....
  • @weizheng673
    The young Steve Jobs was so handsome and so intelligent. He is so articulate and explained his vision so well. He is a Superman ❤ He talked about all the expenses that were capital-intensive projects were produced over sea which was 1991 is so relevant today. He has this amazing ability to see into the future at age 36!!! As a seasoned professional risk management, he was addressing risk management issue decades beyond ahead.
  • @ryanh88
    He’s so good with the press. Unreal.
  • @HowieIsaacks
    I like that he has a NeXT computer in the background showing off just how much better the NeXT computers were than the crap that was made by other computer companies. I first saw a computer running the NeXT OS in the early 90s and I was blown away by it. I later worked at a company that used computers running the NeXT OS. When Mac OS X was released as a beta product in September 2000 I was already familiar with it. All of Apple's OS technology is based off of what was created at NeXT.
  • @beowulfhong
    Listening to Steve Jobs' speech is always very enjoyable. No matter his view is right or wrong, he just makes it so convincible.
  • @bradstewart7007
    Around 3:40, he was spot on that the third PC revolution would involve networking personal computers, he just didn't know how. Tim Berners-Lee had already created the World Wide Web at CERN on a NeXT about half a year before this interview.
  • @yamil.343
    “Your time is limited. Don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” ❤
  • @MiamiWebDesign
    Even back then Steve was laying out how the future of computers was going to look in his mind and he turned out to be right. Interpersonal computing as he calls it turned out to be the internet and the next-gen platforms that he said were going to let developers develop more amazing software turned out to be the iPhone and the App Store. Miss Steve so much. Thanks for this upload!
  • @citrinehills7131
    he is so smart. Like he was psychic or something .. he had the Vision of the near future back then.
  • @LeviStutzman
    I love watching unedited full interviews like this. You get such a better feel for why Steve says things the way he does. That and before watching this I had never heard Steve Jobs sneeze. Now I have.
  • @curious1731
    Steve jobs = best articulater Only few have this skill
  • @karlimo4034
    -Tell me when we are ready. -We are ready. Sales man mode ACTIVATED
  • Holy crap this is high quality! Thanks so much for uploading this in 720p!
  • Wow, h was 30 years ahead on the hollowing out of hi tech manufacturing in USA. The sheer multi-faceted genius of this guy is so evident.
  • @mooreel
    36 in this interview. Just incredible