China's Shrinking Population: How Will It Cope With Fewer Workers? | Insight | Full Episode

Published 2023-04-18
China recorded a drop in population for the first time in six decades, an outcome of its One-Child Policy. It is the first country to “get old before it gets rich”. It is a problem that President Xi Jinping has noted in several speeches.

Even if the government is successful in encouraging Chinese citizens to have more babies, it will still face an aging population in the short and medium term. Already, the country is experiencing a shortage of workers in some industries.

Could external and internal migration, or even raising the retirement age, be solutions? And if not, can Beijing rely on robots and A.I to make up the shortfall?

00:00 Introduction
1:37 Why is China's population declining?
07:13 Fewer workers: foreign talent exodus
13:18 Can African labour help increase workforce in China?
24:55 Internal migration: engine of growth no more
30:35 China's apathetic young workers: productivity troubles
35:59 Could raising retirement age help labour shortage?
43:07 Robotics & AI to boost productivity in China

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All Comments (21)
  • Those who pretend concern about a 'worker shortage' are really concerned about a lack of consumers, not workers.
  • @cocs88715
    The practice of having children has become more of a burden for almost every young family. Imagine coming home from work late at night, dreaded and tired, sex would probably be one of the last things on their mind.
  • Otherwise what do you want? Raising a kid to study 24 hours just enough to get into a half decent college. And then graduate, and then work for a company that has a boss claiming working 996 is a blessing to human?
  • @jungersrules
    This is the situation all over the world. Cost of living is too high, the rich have all the money. No one can afford to raise a family.
  • @br0wnskiin22
    Young people are telling the story. That old “ mentality “ work till you die is no longer what they will stand for . Why work hard when I won’t make enough to ever buy a home or feel comfortable to start a family . It makes sense
  • @helenqiao4084
    Brilliant doco. However, one of the most important underlining cause was not mentioned: income inequality. Young people don't want to have families, young people don't want to work hard because they are not being treated as valued workers or even person. The media boss is hilarious talking about his young workers don't want to work hard. Of course they don't when they are getting paid peanuts to be on-call 24/7. None of the polices will make any different, and the society will die and die fast when it does not value or respect people on a fundamental level.
  • So easy for people who work in air conditioned buildings and have never done an honest day of labor to decide to raise the retirement age.
  • @jaylewis5673
    I feel like if they wanted a good opinion on how to fix these issues, they should have asked the people it would affect the most. They interviewed one young person,, then a bunch of old heads who are in charge of everything, and won't have to face the repercussions of the decisions they are making for everyone else. Then the older generations are saying "they are just too lazy" and the younger generation is saying, "well what's the point if it won't do me any better in the future?" They are literally telling them the problem, and they refuse to listen. Until they do listen, there won't be any kind of actual change.
  • I wonder if the Nigerian commentator has actually thought about what they’ve said. That essentially it’s OK to pay Africans less than half for the same job because “they’re happy with it”. Then in 5-10 years’ time, he’ll be complaining about pay equality and they can just pay this clip back at him. Equal pay or the highest rate as possible should be the aim, not “pay me little and I’ll be OK” ☹️
  • @garywoodgrw
    I've lived in China for 10 years, and the apathy is something I have also noticed amongst the youth. More and more people, of all generations, appear to be more cynical about the future now. A far cry from 10 years ago when people were so much more optimistic and upbeat. I have family in China so these looming problems do concern me.
  • @porkyrabbit
    Wolves are upset the sheep won’t reproduce
  • @troyhung4307
    If youth unemployment is over 10%, shrinking population shouldn't be an issue 🤷
  • @robezy0
    CNA never disappoints! One thing to mention is that raising the retirement age is only a temporary solution by keeping China's "baby boomer generation" employed a bit longer. But the generation in their 40s is already smaller, so the work force is going to shrink either way, just not as fast and not as early. Pretty much all developed countries struggle with this as well, but no other country has to deal with such a high total number of missing workers as China.
  • @sirel3272
    what do you expect from a country whose main culture is 9-9-6? Did you even think the people who are overworked to death would still want to raise a family? where do you think they will get the time for it and also the money? Since the pay is comparable to peanuts. The problem is too obvious and is biting them in the face they just don't want to change it.
  • @rainyseason1975
    So average humans are reduced to just "workers" ...for the rich. That's sick.
  • @ryerye9019
    Popping the housing bubble, correcting overvalued/hyperinflated real estate prices, will solve the affordability crisis for young people. However, governments will continue to keep them inflated because that is where older generations store their wealth. It's a question of which generation is favored and more important to society: The young who invest in the future by raising a family or the elders who hold political and economic power.
  • @missteeny1638
    Every country: we have housing shortages, food insecurity, wage stagnation, a crumbling middle class Also every country: why aren’t people having babies?
  • @dangkung9022
    Not only in China, Korea and Japan too. Their housing markets are significantly declined due to growing aging populations.
  • @catsandsound
    I don't know know why people always see shrinking populations as a problem. In a crowded city you soon realize that too many people isn't actually a good thing for anyone....
  • @fgjnndfhnk
    who want to give birth to children with the high unemployment ,high education cost ,high prices of house even the strange engagement culture?