Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever update

Published 2018-04-26
Yep, still fighting this crazy stuff. Thankfully it's not as bad as it has been, but still keeping me down too much.

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All Comments (5)
  • So sorry that you are dealing with so much right now. I will keep your friends in my prayers, and you too, that you kick the crud real soon. Hang in there!!
  • @kathill2567
    So sorry to hear about your friends child. Prayers for a quick recovery. What a devastating sad situation for all. For you just hang in there and work on a day at a time. When I had West Nile it totally shifted my life. 1. The doctors have known about it forever. 2. No 2 patients act just alike. 3. Little if any information on the internet from those who actually had it also. 4. So it seems one is going it alone. What did I learn (since my symptoms were similar to yours) ? I literally had to give up working myself into fatigue. That meant giving up everything stressful. If it was not fun or easy it waited for the next feeling better slot which was usually the next day. I adopted a new philosophy ... there are not usually good fairies under the bed to take up the slack ... SO ... what needed to get done will be there tomorrow. ABSOLUTELY NO MORE STRESSING over what did not get done. To quote Scarlett O'Hara in gone with the wind ... "Tomorrow is another day". Next day had at least 3 hours where I could try and jam what did not get done the day before into that time. Then done. Now I will admit sometimes there was a sit down and do something FUN in the middle ... but controlling my "YOU MUST DO THE NOW " thought process was difficult. But with time it all got managed. I was surprised at how much energy gets wasted simply thinking. I got to be almost expert at saying "NO THINKING about stuff you can not fix IMMEDIATELY! I also gave up being MISS FIX IT FOR EVERYONE. The world was shocked but they soon realized they had to fix their own problems because I was no longer in a position to do it for them. Just because I always could and did ... became clear I needed to say no. Personally I realized not only had the virus taken a real toll on my system but the drugs they gave me to combat the virus was also devastating. So I quit taking everything except my thyroid that I had taken most of my life. Upped my vitamins (especially a very high powered Vitamin C) and made sure I did not miss them. Then I realized my "get well" time line did not match Gods (probably because I was to busy and aggressive at getting things done) so I figured he knew better and I no longer stressed at what he was presenting in my life. No more life in the fast lane NO MATTER WHAT. So 4 years later I can say little by little things get better and better. Hang in there and you will too get better and better ;) You have a good rest of the week dear :)
  • @Painted9tree
    So very sorry for this tragedy in your circle and your health issues hope you get well soon