Light and Sound Type

Published 2023-04-07
I talk about my considerations on the Light and Sound type while sharing some of my related designs.

Learn more through the links below:

Photoelectric Effect:    • Photoelectric Effect Demonstration  

Quantum Made Simple:

Duality Animation:    • Wave Particle Duality  

Heisenberg's Microscope:    • Heisenberg's Microscope  

How Satellite Dish Works:

Interactive Doppler Effect:

Interactive Doppler Effect (in space):

Video on Doppler Effect:    • How the Doppler effect works  

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#pokemon #fakemon #stem

All Comments (21)
  • The thing about the Light type is that we already have it in the form of Fairy and Psychic: Necrozma is all about eating and giving off light and its Psychic type, and Dazzling Gleam is a Fairy type move. Fairy types are Light type, but they also represent cutesy, charming and magical themes. Like how Dark represents literal darkness, night, and underhanded tactics, or Dragon represents literal dragons as well as arcane power/mana.
  • @alphaluc1008
    I also agree with your sound type opinion. I like the moves "subtypes" like punch, pulse and sound. I would like more of them to be added to the game, since it adds more dynamics to moves.
  • @StrawEgg
    Somehow, my favorite interpretation and justification of Pokemon types comes from fanfiction of all things. In Borne of Caution, by Fuggmann, there's an incredible digression on it, even if it's limited to just a few types. First, "one must first understand the inherent differences between the four ethereal pokemon types: Psychic, Ghost, Dark, and Fairy. All other types have elements that totally or partially reside in the physical world." This is all in a single chapter, Act 2 Ch 13. "Dark and Fairy exist close to Psychic and Ghost, overlapping but not truly touching. Where Psychic and Ghost are the realms of intellect and emotion respectively, Dark and Fairy occupy an even muddier scale of intent along the axis of Psychic and Ghost, forming a wicked compass." "Psychics are the most populous of the four, and thus the type the layman thinks of when they see phenomena that do not obviously belong to another type. Psychics are rooted deeply in using cold logic and intellect to enforce one's will upon the world around them, with almost zero emotional component. Ghost and Dark energy will disrupt Psychics for this reason, as the volatile emotions within these energies are not a quantifiable concept that a Psychic can control or calculate." "Ghosts are the opposite of Psychics. Strip away the flesh and the mind, and what are you left with? A soul, a being of pure sentiment and passion. Here, understanding becomes hazy for most. Love, hate, joy, sadness, and every emotion save raw apathy has a power that cannot be measured with the eye or instruments. Emotion is what makes a soul, what fuels it, and what drives it forward. [...] strong feelings are a power that defies and persists even beyond death." "Dark is the element of animalistic desire and violence. The want to cause harm, the want to control, the want to spread misery. That is not to say all who bear the epithet of Dark-type are monsters, but that the most personable of them are pokemon of admirable self-control. A Dark pokemon may love and hate like any other, but only the intent within will empower Dark energies. Many fail to realize this and nurture a most detestable character in the pursuit of power." "Fairy is a type I hesitate to put into words. Most would think Fairy to be the type of joy and happiness, but that's not quite correct. There is an underlying sinister, distorted nature that I do not truly grasp, one required to bear these powers in battle with the intent to harm. I know precious little about these energies or the minds of those who wield them. The state of mind required to master Fairy-type is alien, and that is all I know for certain. I have doubts that many of the users of Fairies actually understand their pokemon."
  • I've always felt like more than a sound type there should be a music type, to encompass the dance archetype as well. Or maybe an art type? That would be cool
  • @lanceams483
    I like the sound and light types conceptually, and find when people use them in creating new or reimagined pokemon they work great. Adding them as new types to pokemon itself has its own issues that make it unlikely or unneeded/useless. I prefer sound as a move type (as mentioned) or theme, and dark itself isn't explicitly "evil," so I don't think we need light, plus fairy and fighting in my opinion fit that role well. If you removed one of them though, it would hurt a lot of the pokemon designs already out there, so it's best for a creation/game of it's own.
  • @arachne9177
    The thing you did with the music while explaining the doppler effect is genius and an awesome detail!!
  • Theres a lot of design work that needs to go into designing types. Its not just about themes, that is just one part of what makes a good design. Theres the functional aspect which a lot of people overlook. If its just for art and creativity sake, then maybe that can be ignored. But if you're actually going to make a game, then each type added creates exponentially more work that needs to be done. Considering the effectiveness of each type against each other type, each pokemon, balancing and testing all of it is a lot of work. Also N0Rtist mentioned in a previous video, wanting to have subtypes as well, which is even more complexity. Not saying it can't all be done, but inexperience with controlling scope can kill a project.
  • Honestly I've always really wanted a thing similar to rotom that encompasses the electromagnetic spectrum that has different types based on whatever electromagnetic wave it is! I feel like it would be really cool for a light type mon!
  • @CountGremlin
    I like the way the romhack Pokemon Prism does with Gas and Sound types. Gas is weak and strong against fire (same the other way) and how Sound type is immune to itself.
  • @AHumanPerson0
    I saw the food type at the end. I went, 'finally, someone actually MENTIONS this.'
  • Holy crap, my light type suggestion actually made it through a video! Also, I'm VERY glad someone else thinks sound works better as a category rather than an actual type.
  • @pengil3
    Doppler Effect: The higher the opponent’s speed is in comparison to the user’s, the slower their sound based moves will go, and vice versa
  • @osimdra1063
    As your videos continues, I am more and more hyped about your game
  • @pralyuris5936
    I was always a huge fan of the Cosmic type ever since the Fairy Type most definitely filled the niche the light type was supposed to, while also providing enough unique pre-existing lore and Pokémon to reappropriate from the overbloated Normal or Psychic types, and the potential is otherwise sheer endless. I'm quite saddened that Pokémon will never go back to something akin to your project where there is just a huge flood of new lore with some implications for the wider world which such a new type in a Gen 5-style setting where one is forced to confront the new things could provide. Oh well, fan games are the future!
  • @Stephanie-69
    What about a Soul type to replace Ghost? Or maybe it could be in-between Ghost and Fairy so you could also replace Fairy with something else? Idk just an idea I've had a little while ago because I felt that Ghost and Dark were really similar to each other when it came to their general design vibes, so "Soul" felt like a good enough alternative to separate it further from Dark and allow for more variety in designs too.
  • @aldogarcia529
    words can't express how much i love these type videos