Cop Pulled Me Over in Belle Isle Detroit - Watch what happens. 4K

Published 2022-08-08

All Comments (21)
  • @gjonesii
    Professional officer and respectful citizen. Well done folks.
    Kudos to the law enforcement officer, I honestly believe, that his response was genuine and real" I'm stupid" basically admitting that he was in the WRONG, and police officer realized that the moped was in the WRONG, Great Job officer! Well done! That's the connection we need with civilians and law enforcement. Thanks for sharing.
  • @genehurt6788
    Looks like you owned what you did and were honest about it and he was decent and respectful to you.
  • @g.k.1669
    Back in 1982 my friend and I were 16 years old and in his 1969 GTO and we were heading over that bridge to island. Back then it was a "different" setting but it had a nice aquarium to go visit. My friend decided to light up the tires on the bridge and this quickly caught the attention of a Detroit police officer. As we got on to the island the cop was quickly heading towards us and we notice a sea of chrome and black leather as there had to be over 300 Harleys and some of the meanest looking humans on the planet. My friend yelled.."We're going in there" and we started driving down the road with the bikers parked on both sides. The cop that was following us stopped his car, turned off his lights and backed out. So now we are in with hundreds of bikers giving us the evil eye... What to do? We quickly decided to start pointing out bikes loudly saying "Oh man! Look at that one, Oh! check that one out" So the bikers figured that we were just some kids that wanted to ogle their rides so we slowly wormed our way through them and decided to get off the island before our luck ran out.
  • Your attitude and how you approach the situation is so important and it means something about the outcome. We have seen so many of those situations escalate into something violent when they didn't have to. Well handled by both parties
  • @Riversbend710
    Wow. A reasonable human being. All good things to you.
  • I had a similar experience not too long ago. I was on a service call and i got pulled over for rolling through a stop sign. The LEO asked me why i didn’t stop for the sign and i told him the truth. I said “I’m sorry , but i was looking for an address and i didn’t even see the stop sign”. It was on a secluded street that has little to no traffic except for the residents that live there. So he politely gave me a verbal warning and sent me on my way. Cool officer. That night at dinner, i asked my brother “why did you even bother to pull me over in the first place”…we laughed.😂
  • @tf2529
    Amazing what happens when you are honest and show a little respect towards LEO.
  • That seemed like a pleasant encounter with a nice cop. On the plus side, you didn’t get a ticket. 😉😎👌
  • @notebene9791
    From the many videos I’ve seen, motorcyclist/bikers are given the most crap by cops but are universally the most polite. Finally, a police officer that returns the favor.
  • @tj1838
    The only second video I was seeing in the last 6 months of police officers doing the correct things way to go good video. RLEO
  • @timstepan1621
    You were honest with him. Loved your “I’m stupid remark. And how respectful you were. Honesty. No arguing with the officer. You both did the right thing. God bless bth of you.
  • @BigKing17
    He wasn’t going to write you a ticket because he looks like fish and wild life officer. Too much paperwork for him.
  • @tramlad2
    Wow a decent policeman, nearly as rare as hens teeth, well done that man, respectful, and decent, our British bobbies should take note!
  • @youtold7727
    I’ve been pulled over or had over 50 interactions with police in my life and every single time was like this. It’s all in our own actions and respect that creates the scenario. God bless the blue I just want to add that 10 times out of those interactions I was going to jail and behaved in a manner that still got me respect from police. We have to take our licks especially when it is our fault but take our licks and learn and do better. Took me a long time but I got there lol
  • @SBJ1954
  • Although he has arrest authority and is a state law officer, he is a conservation officer better know as a game warden. In my experiences with them, they usually are not on a power trip. I did say usually because I have run into one who was and I paid the fine. This warden probably just wanted to inform the bike rider of the situation and wasn't going to give a citation. It would have been different if there had been anything wrong with the guy's info.
  • @keith9408
    Respect both ways. I disagree on one point. You are not stupid. Use of the bike lane is wrong but you owned up to it like an adult. The officer was professional and courteous. Glad to see that. Be safe smart man.