LARGEmouth bass

Published 2007-07-02
a largemouth bass crushing a goldfish

All Comments (20)
  • @arictelian
    Depends on the size of the bass...if you catch some first of the year, a 55 gallon tank should allow you to have them for 6 to 8 months at least. Remember that if you have 10 gallons, you must only put 10 inches of fish in inch per gallon. Thats a standard number.
  • @Weazell
    pinky mice are great, screw those goldfish
  • @eggerstout
    that fish needs some quality food, poor fish
  • @FishboiFishboi
    yeah like what ayerbrush19 said the fish is spooked especially if you caught him on a hook. my bass took like 3 days before it felt comfortable eating. i recommend worms for its first meal.
  • @bmp902
    I am a fish biologist. This fish is very unhealthy. The size of the tank is very nice, however it does not look like a freshwater tank. Large mouth bass are predators that ambush their prey. They prefer caves and rocks to hide, not just brush. The second problem is insufficient food. Based on the speed of this fish, I would say he has not a healthy diet at all. Bass are extremely fast when ambushing prey. This guy looks so weak due to no food. Water supply has caused diseases which can be cured
  • @Turppa21
    whats a good size tank for a Largemouth or smallmouth bass?
  • @boredashellll
    i have a 75 galloon fish tank (4'x19'') and i was gunna go catch a bass (either stone or large mouth) a sun fish and a catfish (idk what kind... whatever is in the pond behind my house) and throw them in the tank. Would my tank be big enough for them to live in and at what point would they be too big (if they get too big i will prolly just let them go........ or eat them)
  • buy some minnows from a bait store and feed him every day. he's not healthy. if you can't feed him enough, you should return him to where he was caught.
  • @MegaKansascity
    my bass is not eating but i got him yesterday from the locel pond can any one help me
  • @r3dhaz32
    that fish is really skinny. feed that thing EVERY damn day. check mine out.., but i have nothing in my tank :/
  • @aredwine33
    wow dude, he looks really unhealthy...check out my've got to feed them more than once a week man
  • @bmp902
    by medication in a local fish store. I would def say this guy has internal problems such as parasties. External are obviously problems mostly ick. If this fish is still alive, either do some research to cure him.. he def is suffering...
  • @game2heart
    @bmp902 Just cook that sucker if it cant even eat :D