Dream for the 144,000

Published 2023-10-20

All Comments (14)
  • Yes. We are divinely protected. We are still waiting for some of our siblings to be sealed by the Holy Spirit when they believe the Gospel.
  • @MBB563
    i see 144 literally everyday, receipts, license plates, videos, odometer etc etc...i cant stop seeing it. I have no idea what it means, but I dont think Im one of the 144,000 that GODs seals for the end times. But I have to say it's starting drive me nuts. I think GOD is telling me something, but I cant put it together. I just hope Im in the rapture, bc we are in a countdown to the tribulation and the rapture. It's about to blow up soon!
  • @Leftblankjustme
    Okay this is so crazy because I have had a dream similar to this where men dressed in black with guns broke into my home and started shooting at me and my daughter and I dont know if I was shot or not or what happened to my daughter all I know is I ran through the wall as if I had super powers to be able to run through the wall and when I ran through the wall I jumped over a gate and just kept running really fast as if I was a redeemed character in a video game this running power I had was not of my own I just kept running and running extremely fast like a horse and I kept wondering why I wasn't getting tired as fast as I was running as I was running I finally made it to a mountain that I ran up really fast as well and then the dream ended.
  • @sparklegirl1111
    I had a dream on July 28th that I went to the hospital expecting and asked for a sonogram. The night before I was asking God when He was going to get me out of here through the rapture. So asking for a sonogram is like asking for my due date. So I deduced from that dream that when the man-child is snatched up to God that that is the rapture. This evil looking guy put a shot in my belly and then I was turned towards the window and felt of my stomach and the baby was kicking and very much in the third trimester. I woke up and everyone on youtube was talking about the Revelation 12 sign and the child in virgo but also the United Nations. That was the shot in my stomach. I also got the sense that labor was being induced. Like they are speeding things up. My niece had also had a dream that I was pregnant. I hope to do a video soon and am excited to know I might be one of the 144000
  • @Manywaters333
    Another sister I saw ALSO had a dream of the child of the woman being the 144, in her dream there were angels restraining satan from pursuing after them for a time. In her the dream 144 was shown as a little boy. I think this video confirmed for me her video. And hers confirmed for yours. Thank you Lord 😮🙌🏻🙌🏻
  • Si, tu sueño esta de acuerdo a la palabra, nosotros los sellados si somos ese hijo varon tanto mi hermana como yo me he visto vestida se hombrea veces adulto y otras niño
  • @lacachette777
    Ive heard another 144k sister say that about the manchild thanks for the confirmation
    Carmen i feel your dream is pretty on point and that the child she had was a group and believe they are the 144000 which are the first born and go through the worst, even every trial and attack but its necessary, because they are the ones who come to bring in the new earth. I thought i share this revelation the Father has revealed.Mariam/ Mary, your Spiritual Mother, exists, but does not have the form of a woman, or any other form. She is the sweet and holy tenderness whose charity extends to the infinite. She reigns among the spirits, and her kingdom is that of humility, charity,and purity, but she has no throne as is imagined by men. She is beautiful, but with a beauty you cannot imagine nor express in even the most beautiful face. Her beauty is celestial, and the celestial you will never understand. The mantle of your Celestial Mother has protected the world for eternity, covering My children, who are her children, with love. Mariam/Mary, Spirit, was not born in the world; her maternal essence has been with Me always. 57. She is the wife of My purity and My holiness; she is My Daughter upon being made woman, and My Mother upon conceiving the Incarnated Word. Mary is the spirit fused to the Divinity in such a way that She constitutes one of its parts like the three aspects: the Father, the Word, and the Light of the Holy Spirit. Thus, Mary is the Spirit of God that manifests and represents Divine tenderness. My disciple John, prophet and seer, beheld in his ecstasy a woman dressed in the sun, a radiant virgin of light. 54. That woman, that virgin, is Mary, whose womb will once again conceive, not a new Redeemer, but a world of men who sustain themselves by Her love, faith, and humility; in order to follow the Divine footsteps of Mashyakh/Christ, the Master of all perfection. 55. The prophet saw how that woman suffered as though to give birth, and the pain was that of the purification of man, of the expiation of the spirits. When the pain has passed, the light will be made in man, and gladness shall fill the spirit of your Universal Mother. Why then do men blaspheme and doubt My power, scrutinizing My works without respect? It is because they have not deeply studied My Divine teaching, have not meditated on what the scriptures say, nor accepted My will. Blessings from YAHUAH the Most High.
  • @lourdessoto5659
    About a month ago, I had a dream where I saw the sky laying down in my room, and a voice talking about the 144,000. Thats surprise me, I didnt expected. I have no interpretation. I just know is in the bible, but I don't have information about God plans.
  • @Carmen Teixeira Music ... Greetings! ... & JUST A DREAM "my" Dear! ... JUST A DREAM! AS - IT Had Absolutely NOTHIN' TO Do! With "me" & "my" other 143,999 brothers who ARE Scattered ALL Over the Place OUT There! ... NOPE! NADAH! Does yer Dream - HAVE TO DO! With Any OF: ... "us!" ... NO OFFENSE Meant, JUST THAT: NOTHIN' In yer Dream - IS Pertaining TO THE Prophecies ~OR~ "us" What-So-Ever! ... "PROVE ALL Things!" And ... Pretty Cool Dream - But NOT AT ALL IN ANY Shape ~OR~ FORM = Factual! ... But "we" DO Love ya'ALL - NOT yer SINs/LAWLESSNESS/TRANSGRESSIONS and/or etc. 1 John 3:4 - And - "we" ART Praying for ya'ALL! - AT ALL Times! ... Peace~