CHOOSE LIGHT - Choose eternity with Jesus Christ or the temporary things of the world.

Published 2023-03-04
Do you worship people with status or fame?
Praising as gods because of their name.
Actors, royalty or political figures,
Botox injections and lying mudslingers.

Is money or material things your master?
Greed and gain to loss and disaster.
Shop till you drop for a temporary thrill,
Receiving a heart-stopping credit card bill.

Do you believe in the state run news today?
Mind control leading millions astray.
They wrap evil up in a trendy cause;
And pre-arrange crisis to change our laws.

The world’s full of idols that want your compliance;
And don’t get me started on that god of science!
It’s all just a stage to direct our attention;
Away from our Lord and His heavenly dimension.

So Jesus is King on the throne of my heart.
Praise to another, I will not impart.
Temporal idols fade into the distance,
His grace is sufficient for all my existence.

A free gift from God that’s offered to all,
A magnificent forever if you answer His call.
Heart broken in pieces, but He makes us whole,
Fulfillment, joy and rest for the soul.

A time of great trial is coming to test hearts,
If you think it’s bad now, just wait till it starts,
Jesus is knocking, will you let Him in?
Tears in His presence as He forgives all your sin.

The rulers of this world are nobody’s friend,
They plot and scheme to bring about our end.
So come out of babylon before it’s desolation,
And trust in Christ now to receive your salvation.

Wake up, look around, it’s not getting better,
Read the word of God, it His love letter.
Judgement is coming but Jesus is our ark,
Say goodbye to your idols, choose light over dark.

#jesusiscoming #tribulation #christianity

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