【現地映像 完全フル版】令和の天皇の訪英パレード@ロンドン - Japanese Emperor parade on the Mall to Buckingham Palace @ June 2024

Published 2024-07-12
トラファルガー広場からバッキンガム宮殿に向かう街道「The Mall」を国王のチャールズ3世と同じ馬車に乗り、集まった観衆に笑顔で手を振っています。人生で初めて天皇陛下を直接にこの目で見ました。まさにTVで見た通りの雰囲気で、とても静かで穏やかな表情が印象的でした。

I was on my way to visit a museum in the Chelsea neighborhood in London around noon, 25th June, 2024. Unbeknownst to me, as I walked by the Buckingham Palace, by pure coincidence, I ran into the parade hosted by royal family welcoming the Japanese emperor & empress.

The entire road (called "the Mall") from Trafalgar Square to Buckingham Palace was decorated with both English national flag (called "Union Jack") and Japanese national flag.

01:17 Japanese Emperor Reiwa
01:35 Japanese Empress Masako
01:43 other folks


All Comments (3)
  • @kenics
    高画質4K版でお楽しみください! (Make sure to select 4K video quality)