Complete Loser

Published 2024-06-21

All Comments (21)
  • Thank you so much for making this video. It has been a stressful last 48hrs but I’m glad we won in the end. ❤
  • @steak69
    there is nothing i love more than watching charlie insult someone for 9 minutes
  • @CamdenBloke
    As a software engineer, I watched this guy for a short time. Then he said some stuff that seriously put me off, and then he made the video about his wife leaving him, I was like, "I know why." That was the last I paid attention to him until I saw these recent videos reacting to stuff he's been up to.
  • @gingeryam9227
    If both Coffeezilla and Charlie insults you, your career is basically over.
  • @drifter139
    growing up, my mom used to tell me and my siblings "don't try to get someone into trouble. they can do that just fine on their own". this guy is 1 of those idiots
  • @Grizz-vn7xs
    I'll never forget the first video I ever accidently came across Techlead was him saying his wife left him. Seeing all this now I see why.
  • @pehash
    I remember TechLead from his early videos "a day in the life of a developer" he was so shy and awkward, he seemed like a nice guy trying something new... now he morphed into this galactic arshole, evil scamming villain, unrecognizable even to himself, not to even mention his family. Pretty sad if you ask me
  • Ngl Charlie calling him out with his whole chest saying "this isn't journalism, I'm just spitting on you, and there ain't shit you can do about it" then basically daring him to try striking him. That shit was one of the hardest lines I've seen Charlie drop in a minute.
  • People don't realize you can sue for false claims. Section 512(f) also allows recooperation of legal costs. I used it and settled with Nexstar (NBC) when they unlawfully copyright striked my channel. More youtubers need to k ow and use it.
  • @kosta8334
    i remember when his wife left him. he seemed a bit strange talking about it. didnt sound like he cared about his son at all. over time, i understood why she left him. this further confirms what kind of person he is
  • @IowanLawman
    Unironically since he's admitted to abusing the copyright strike system, someone notify youtube and have his account banned.
  • @MadeInHistory
    The last video I saw from him years ago was about his divorce and when talking about his infant son he said something like "man, i really like that guy"
  • You know he's dead when he get all the way to Charlie, the final boss of the Youtube graveyard
  • I used to work on YT’s copyright team and let me tell you, people like him abuse the copyright system all the time. We would send out at least 10X more fraudulent takedown notices or fair use notices than actually taking down videos. With copyright (more specifically fair use), it doesn’t matter what a person says in their critique of copyrighted material, it only matters if that person transformed their content enough to be considered new copyrightable content. If it is slanderous, then contact the critic with a cease and desist for slander, don’t bother the copyright team.
  • I remember like a couple years ago, just casually seeing one of his videos where he talks about how his wife essentially “left in the middle of the night with my kids and moved back to Japan” and i totally bought it and was like “man, that really sucks, I feel bad for this poor guy” And now all this time later I know all the stuff out there about him and I’m saying “yep…. now I get it… good call girl”. God only knows what was really going on in that situation…
  • @r3dsnow757
    Charlie is giving "these are mags" energy when he dared him to take it to court.
  • @zpup7491
    I got blocked by him on twitter last night, I feel honored
  • @Gh0st_0723
    Damn, Charlie is actually pissed here. Good on you Charlie, when you can stand up to bullies its an obligation that you do. He knows he cant pull that stuff on you, he's only gonna attack the small YouTubers
  • @dorbdorb25
    Charlie should go to court… not for stealing his content, but for murdering him in this video.