THE FINAL GENERATION THAT SEES--Psalm 83, ISIS, Islam, Israel & God's Plan for the Future

Published 2024-07-11
The Final Generation: Psalm 83, ISIS, Islamic Hatred of Israel & God’s Plan for the Future

Prophecy points us to Christ, the author of history and the theme of Scripture.

God's Word is, at its very center, prophetic.

The God who recorded the beginning, which no one but Him witnessed in Genesis, is also the God who records the ending, which no one but Him could have ever written in Revelation.

Isn’t it amazing that God devotes 1/4th or 25% of the Bible to the indivisible union that the world’s destiny has with God’s Chosen People of Promise, Israel, Jerusalem, and the Jews? Always remember:


Using just an average Bible with no study notes (my Bible is 1100 pages long), you find that:

600 pages (Genesis to Song of Solomon) are Israel’s origin, history, wanderings away from God, and worship (that is 600/1100 pages or) 54%; and

250 pages are devoted to the prophets (Isaiah to Malachi) that speak of the doom coming first to Israel then and the world in the future (that is 250/1100 pages or) 23%; and then we get

110 pages devoted to the Life of Christ (Matthew to John) that lasts for (110/1100 pages or) 10% of the Bible, and then

120 pages devoted to the record of Acts to Jude that explains Christ's Church’s birth and mission for 120/1100 pages or 11%; and then the
20 pages of Revelation describing the centrality of Israel and Jerusalem at the end of the world take up almost (20/1100 pages or) 2% of the Bible.

So, just a simple glance at the Table of Contents of God's Word would make a reader conclude that Israel, Jerusalem, and the Jews are crucial to God.

Also, just the layout of the Bible that opens and closes with Israel, Jerusalem, and the Jews with the Church’s 21 % of the Word sandwiched importantly, but intentionally between the opening and closing.

God, who engineered the Scriptures, has chosen to devote fully (4/5ths or) 79% of the Bible to Israel’s origin, calling, chastisement, return, and future troubles that engulf the whole world.

Each time the Old Testament prophets explained the future, they universally began with Israel, and all details revolved around Jerusalem and the Land.

Each time Jesus explained how the world would end, he started with Israel, Jerusalem, and the Jewish people (Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21).

Each time Paul explained how the world would end, it began with Israel, and all details revolved around Jerusalem in Romans 9-11, 1 & 2 Thessalonians (II Th. 2:4).

Each time John explained how the world would end, it began with Israel, and all details revolved around Jerusalem in Revelation 11, 13, 16, and 19.
Israel is the 3rd largest topic in the Bible

(Q&A-92) 2015AUG30

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All Comments (21)
  • @blessed.2233
    Excellent study! I'm listening to you from England. Blessings to all and Maranatha☝💕
  • Your Biblical wisdom is SO appreciated, we are living in the END TIMES , please keep information ,about our place in Biblical times coming. THANK YOU
  • Great teaching Dr Barnett, keep on spreading the good news of Jesus Christ
  • Much love to you and Bonnie, Dr. B. I so enjoy your messages and the history around them. God bless you and yours. Maranatha
  • @timcarlG
    If you want to know God's Word then read the bible.... If you want to hear God speak... Read out loud. 🙂🙂🙂
  • @dahcargo
    Most of my Christian brothers don't know the significance of what John Barnett just taught. Are they saved, yes, but they would have so much more joy and peace knowing this information, it [this information] removes the blinders. It would make them more evangelical in their approach to life.
  • ❤❤❤ praying for you all always! MARANATHA! HALLELUYAH!
  • Yep, Christ is the Word, the Torah, the Bible. Is how God comes to the flesh. Tho's that keep the commandments of God and has the testimony of Christ. Here is the patience of the Saints.
  • I'm so grateful for a teacher like you. I thank God for you John. South Africa
  • My Grandmother was born &raised a jew .she married a Christian man, who knows, for NO one can truly know by blood who they are . I believe it's what you have and believe in your heart. I BELIEVE Jesus is our key to heaven, for without him, no one goes to the FATHER. I am so happy that I am not a Jew at heart. I will continue to ask my father to help me to bring the Jews out of Satan's grap,or the father removes the shingles from their eyes, but that is all I will do ❤.Foaf?.r I believe we Came off Noah's boat together and they perfect in the eyes of our lord? It's what you choose to go
  • Lord we are on the LAST DAYS everything is being FULFILLED IN THE BIBLE
  • @tedprice5828
    The essence of all prophesy is the testimony of Jesus. He testifies to the Father to all that He has accomplished on the Cross. He has defeated all principalities and powers, crucified the old Adamic nature, born the accusatory powers of the law, put an end to all sin, made our sins as white as snow, given us a new heart, has written the law on our hearts and caused us to walk in His ways. The book of acts and Revelation is Jesus testifying to this.
  • @MoneyLinez1
    Pray for the USA . That we remain a Free and Secure nation .