Meme Guide: MiG-29 and Comrades

Published 2023-11-04
[UPDATE] March 2023: a new MiG-29 was added in the Alpha Strike update, specifically a Hungarian MiG-29 (9.12) to the Italian tech tree. It is completely identical to the MiG-29 9.12 in the German tech tree, so refer to that section to also learn about the new one in the Italian tree.

[Original Description]

Wow, didnt upload in a while (Again). Dont worry, We are back in full swing (For real this time)!

Yes, this video is inspired by ManyMilesAway's "Salty Unicorn Reviews" series.

Yes, its a meme and not meant to be taken 100% seriously. Please dont type 10 paragraphs in the comments about how butthurt you are

Since some of the utter idiots at War Thunder top tier are too stupid to fly the MiG-29, here is a simple guide (full of memes). This video was originally intended for the MiG-29 9.12 and 9.13, but gaijin added the MiG-29SMT and later the MiG-29G halfway through me making this video. Lets hope that gaijin does not further ruin top tier jets with a F-15 or a Su-27 in the upcoming update and makes this video outdated already.

Who even reads the description under a video anyways? You must be really bored.

We have a discord server! link:

We also have a squadron in war thunder! enlist in the D0NUT squadron today! (that 0 is a zero, not a O)

0:00 - Prologue
2:03 - Introduction
3:22 - Overview
4:47 - Details and Features
9:47 - Gameplay Guide
14:44 - Modifications
19:05 - German MiG-29G
21:36 - Epilogue

All Comments (21)
  • @mrbast9017
    "They dont know what blocks are" missed an opportunity to say tetrisπŸ˜‚
  • As a Mig29 SMT main, I agree that we have been having life too good getting clubbed by F14B's and F16c's actually I think it's about time they nerf us again but leave the German mig29s out of it, it's not fair for them to get nerfed when it was clearly the Russian bias that was making us good. In fact I honestly think the snail should remove one of our engines and maybe add on a few more hundred pounds randomly like they did before to better help the other nations keep up with the times. F16c is fine where it's at though, we wouldn't want to upset the US mains.
  • @armablign
    As a German main, I just want to chip in and bring our side of the story, and why I believe the MiG29G is not overpowered, and needs a buff. I emotionally believe it needs to have a saturn 5 for JATO capabilities. Thanks for listening to my TeDTalk
  • For the modifications, i accidentally switched 15 and 16 (Upgraded 30mm and Ammo). This is an editing error on my part, i meant for you to get them the other way around.
  • @gonn_-
    im so surprised that a guy with this quality of editing only has 2k subs.
  • @DocLeQuack
    β€œ2. You are not a 1v1 jet.” Mein Herr multiple mock dogfights in Europe by the Luftwaffe with NATO Allies showed that it very much was at its best in a 1v1 close in dogfight especially during β€œRed October”.
  • 18:30 I’m pretty sure the arrow means you have to research the previous one to unlock the next one (in this case you have to research ammunition to research the guns). At least I think that’s how it works. So the 15 and 16 should be flipped!
  • @GoatGoggy
    the fucking unknown technology in the intro literally is stuck with me and made me laugh for 10 fucking minutes and i fucking love it
  • @BTechUnited
    For once YT recommendations have shown me something good. Good stuff man, entertaining, not stuffed fulls of the same God damn meme sounds, and actually informative.
  • @Canadian_sheep
    Great video mate :), you deserve so much more with the time and effort you put into you videos. Currently grinding the Mig-29G as I write this (100k away), Gaijin absolutely spat in the face of SMT players when they add the G variant, but still I am happy for Germany to get a competitive jet that doesn't come late.
  • @milosterzic6452
    The production quality in this video is amazing, keep up the good work man!
  • @mikeb8635
    Literally just found your channel but holy shit your editing and commentary is on another level. NO IDEA how you are not more popular at the moment. Can't count how many times I had a laugh but also you provide great information about the Mig29's in a humerous way, Well done.
  • @shinfonii3666
    awesome video! i like everyone else is staggered that you've got so few subs, your memes are quality :) and you had me pleasantly surprised when i heard sunset glow from ace combat 2 i adore that game :D
  • @3x4n.
    as a Germany main omw to top tier, I am happy.
  • @mattin5850
    I feel you man, gaijin has been doing this with every premium I buy, KA-50? nerfed next month, xm-1? changes and BR increase, T72 turms? massive BR increase, Helena? oh funny... here is HE nerf and des moines, A-10? self explanatory at this point
  • @enzojules4735
    funny + very usefull video what a legend i was looking for videos since im close to getting the mig29 and your video was more usefull than any other i could find (the modification order is very usefull) thank you mister donut
  • @BlackThanator
    The reason why you don't really see a fuel capacity increase between the 9.12 and 9.13 is because the "dorsal hump" doesn't contain extra fuel. It was planned to have an extra fuel tank there, but it was later decided against, instead the space is taken up by an EW suite, which isn't modeled in game.