The REAL reason The Dodo Went Extinct

Published 2022-03-28
The Dodo disappeared over about 100 years after being discovered by Europeans. The main reason they ended up extinct was because Dodo birds weren't equipped to defend against the animals brought to the island by the Europeans due to a little known trope of evolution!

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Big thanks to Bill Wurtz for heavily inspiring my video style.


All Comments (21)
  • As a Dutch person I was taught in school that we were the reason the dodo went extinct. I thought they meant "we" in the broader sense of humanity, but no it was literally us, the Dutch, ruining yet another good thing overseas to take valuables back home.
  • @carocaro8981
    As a child I had a picture book about Dodos. I was crushed when I was told that extinct meant dead forever and I'd never meet one ... They seem cute and friendly. Imagine having a fat, fearless bird in the garden!
  • @CzechsTeaNine
    I totally blame Diego, Manny, Sid and that Kid for their extinction. They stole their Watermelon
  • @maxerton
    Hard times create strong birds Strong birds create easy times Easy times create weak birds Weak birds create hard times Weak bird times 😞
  • @JackT13
    It makes me really happy to think that for thousands of years, these isolated islands existed with pretty much no killing or disease, just a glorious tropical paradise with cute little fluffballs walking around being generally lovely to one another and just having a good old time
  • I've always thought their lack of fear would have made them great pets
  • They also laid just one egg per year because there was no need to lay more... Very bad when some trouble shows up.
  • @trollanlord85
    im legit so pissed off with how they went extinct. they seemed so friendly
  • Another fun fact about the Dodo is that by the late 18th Century some scientist even doubted that it even existed at all because of a lot of paintings with Dodos where they put stuff like phoenixes and unicorns and some people were especially convinced at one time when the Dodo was put in to Louis Carroll's classic novel Alice In Wonderland, but ironically at that time two complete Dodo skeletons dug up proved it existed and we've been studying it since then. One particular Dodo was kept as an attraction in England and was popular and when it died it was taken to Oxford after it got stuffed but later there were many parts of the stuffed dodo that got thrown away but the shriveled head and leg were saved and with the DNA on the Oxford Dodo is how ornithologists confirmed that it was a pigeon.
  • Due to lack of fight or flight response, they might also have been the friendliest birds to exist, just like Capybaras are friendliest animal to exist.
  • I don’t know about you guys, but I always thought the Dodo bird went extinct after coming into contact with an odd herd containing a mammoth, saber tooth tiger, small human, and a deformed sloth. If I remember correctly, the unique herd took the Dodo birds’ last melon and the remaining Dodo’s committed suicide out of pure shame. This video changes everything.
  • @punnup3452
    I remember actually hearing that another big factor of dodo Extinction was actually the tortoises that also roamed the island If I remember correctly the tortoises were unbelievably amazing for sailing purposes as they held a large reservoir of clean fresh water as well as not needing that much to survive so they could literally grab some tortoises roll them onto the ship and store them as future food Where the dodo bird comes in is that the dodo bird did not actually taste that good so sailors did not eat them as much but it turns out you cook it with the fat of the tortoises and you have a very palatable dish and caused sailors to literally stop by the island and pick up a couple dodos and turtles for the long voyage This also means that if we had ketchup back then every animal would probably be extinct by now
  • @amitexo
    As someone who's from the Island of Mauritius, I reckon a Kentucky Fried Dodo would be an impossibility but I do think the French who landed in 1710 did have had some Dodo au Vin! Although most concentrate on the extinction of the Dodo, which is fair, we tend to ignore the extinction of the Giant tortoises and other reptiles, birds, amphibians, insects & plants from Mauritius. The Dodo is not an isolated incident or a single link that was broken, they dumped the whole chain in the fire, leaving the few surviving links to struggle till date to form a smaller but proper chain again.
  • Sounds pretty similar to pygmy sauropods, which were a result of island dwarfism. Eventually a land bridge connected their island to somewhere else. Being the bite sized version of an animal that relys heavily on size in order to become near untouchable, the limited edition happy meals were sold out very quickly.
  • As a Mauritian myself, I confirm everything there is true. But just 1 more detail you may have forgot When the dodo was hunted it's "scream" made other dodos come, making the Dutch having a lot of dodos at the same while hunting only 1 I hope I explained it well-
  • @mr.cyuree
    Is no one gonna talk about the sound the turtle made?😂