Y Is This Puzzle So Brilliant?

Published 2022-10-03

The Duality Sudoku Hunt is just out. Massive thanks and kudos to the Sudoku Skunkworks for creating such a brilliant set of puzzles (14 in all!). You'll be able to enter the competition if you can solve the first 4 sudokus. If you solve all 14, you'll get a shoutout.

We've also just released Simon & Mark's solve of Vignettes by zetamath, which you can play at the link below:


Join us on Patreon to watch the video for as little as $2/month here:



It's always a good day when there's a new Phistomefel sudoku to solve! It's called Sum Line Sudoku #1 and it's a constraint we haven't seen before. The logic is gorgeous, you won't want to miss this one.

Play the puzzle at the link below:


Normal sudoku rules apply. (ie fill the grid with the numbers from 1 to 9 so that in each row, column, and 3x3 block, each digit occurs exactly once). For every triple of adjacent digits on a line, one of the digits has to be the sum of the other two, e.g. 2-5-7, 6-9-3, and 8-4-4 are valid adjacent digits along a line. Digits may repeat on a line if allowed by the other rules. NB Each line in the shape of a Y consists of three lines, each of three cells length. For instance, the line running in boxes 1 and 4 contains the three lines R2C2-R3C2-R4C1, R2C2-R3C2-R4C3, and R4C1-R3C2-R4C3.

** CTC Pinball **

Massive props and thanks to Wecoc1 for creating this CtC-themed virtual pinball machine. It's epic. Here is a link explaining how to play it. (Remember to run it in Admin mode - otherwise Simon found he couldn't get it to work.)



To celebrate achieving 500k subscribers, we're trying to say thank you in a couple of ways.

We've released a FREE app full of handmade puzzles - simply download the Cracking The Cryptic app on Android, Steam or App Store and then select the 500k pack. We're streaming a playthrough of this app and you can watch the first five episodes here:

   • Simon & Mark Solve Sudokus Live: Our ...  
   • Simon & Mark Solve Sudokus Live: Our ...  
   • Simon & Mark Solve Sudokus Live: Our ...  
   • Simon & Mark Solve Sudokus Live: Our ...  
   • Simon & Mark Solve Sudokus Live: Our ...  

We'll be streaming the last episode soon and we'll be starting a new stream series in which Simon attempts to guess the identity of a sudoku setter just based off solving the puzzle (!).

We're also able to offer our Cracking The Cryptic Greatest Hits book at a discount for a limited period. (Books are now in very short supply).

The coupon code is “500SUBS” and it can be redeemed at checkout here:


** Our New App Is OUT **

Our new app is OUT on App Store AND Android AND ON PC (via Steam)!!

We've completely revamped the interface. Now you download the basic app free and you can choose to download additional content. So there's a FREE pack of puzzles by Prasanna Seshadri and a paid pack: DOMINO SUDOKU!!!




▶ Contact Us ◀

Twitter: @Cracking The Cryptic
email: [email protected]

Our PO Box address:

Simon Anthony & Mark Goodliffe
Box 102
56 Gloucester Road

(Please note to use our real names rather than 'Cracking The Cryptic'.)

▶ SUDOKU PAD - Our New App ◀

You can input classic sudoku puzzles into our software and help support Sven, the programmer responsible for the wonderful user interface we all use to play these puzzles everyday. The app also comes with 12 handmade puzzles from us:


Steam: store.steampowered.com/app/1706870/Svens_SudokuPad…


ALSO on Amazon: Search for “SudokuPad”





[email protected]

Twitter: #crypticcracking
Instagram (for how to solve daily clues from The Times): www.instagram.com/crackingthecryptic/?hl=en

All Comments (21)
  • @samrush9624
    At one tricky point, I watched Simon absolutely still for well over a minute... until I noticed that he wasn't even blinking... then realised the video had frozen and I need to reload it.
  • @damadclown
    This is the first time I managed to solve a Phistomefel puzzle by myself. Don't wake me if it's a dream
  • Recommendation - look up Memeristor on YouTube. Very recently he did a two hour interview with Phistomefel. There have been two hour interviews with a number of the familiar setters including Clover, another favourite. Zetamath is being interviewed next week and his channel is worth looking at too for the live solves, some with puzzles to serve as tutorials for variants.
  • This community continues on an extraordinary trajectory of intellect, humor, and humanity - it is no surprise that it continues to steadily grow toward a million subscribers.
  • @thoughtbyte
    Wonderful explanation of the Y logic! I'm often amazed at how well you are able to simultaneously solve and explain everything at the same time but it is particularly impressive how well you've done it in this video. Wonderful setting by Phistomefel and a great solve. Thanks!
  • @pecanarchy
    I was so upset to watch Simon undo his hard work on that top-right Y and leave it as an ambiguous 2/4 pair for so long 😂
  • Honestly, I get more enjoyment and learn so much more by just watching Simon work through the mechanics/logic of the puzzle than spending hours trying to do it myself.
  • @thetaphi
    The Bobbins 'shop had me screaming with laughter something fierce. Outstanding.
  • Rules: 07:18 Let's Get Cracking: 10:10 Simon's time: 45m15s Puzzle Solved: 55:25 What about this video's Top Tier Simarkisms?! Phistomefel: 8x (00:25, 02:39, 02:49, 07:07, 07:13, 09:26, 14:45, 23:08) Bobbins: 5x (03:45, 19:33, 19:37, 19:45, 41:27) Three In the Corner: 2x (45:52, 45:58) You Rotten Thing: 2x (47:16, 47:20) Maverick: 1x (03:47) The Secret: 1x (05:33) Schrödinger Cell: 1x (01:18) And how about this video's Simarkisms?! Ah: 14x (17:56, 28:10, 35:03, 38:07, 39:08, 39:18, 41:10, 41:21, 48:17, 50:36, 50:36, 52:17, 53:08, 54:35) By Sudoku: 8x (27:58, 33:55, 40:52, 41:48, 45:09, 45:11, 45:14, 47:43) Beautiful: 5x (01:42, 26:39, 39:18, 39:20, 55:23) Hang On: 5x (13:20, 22:42, 34:57, 37:32, 43:23) Obviously: 5x (06:46, 16:27, 17:03, 22:12, 26:28) Lovely: 4x (06:32, 22:00, 24:48, 31:50) Nature: 4x (19:01, 39:31, 40:29, 44:19) Incredible: 3x (03:53, 04:09, 06:13) Pencil Mark/mark: 3x (17:42, 32:10, 45:36) What on Earth: 2x (42:51, 50:01) Nonsense: 2x (14:40, 25:49) Clever: 2x (27:16, 55:28) Naughty: 2x (53:39, 53:47) Stuck: 2x (36:06, 36:11) Brilliant: 2x (05:56, 06:15) Extraordinary: 2x (03:07, 04:18) Shouting: 2x (01:28, 03:03) Symmetry: 2x (12:47, 14:23) Good Grief: 1x (37:32) Goodness: 1x (53:51) Sorry: 1x (24:38) Naked Single: 1x (48:27) Deadly Pattern: 1x (48:46) Gorgeous: 1x (39:28) Of All Things: 1x (47:43) Unbelievable: 1x (01:00) In Fact: 1x (15:04) Whoopsie: 1x (52:36) Plonk: 1x (33:53) What Does This Mean?: 1x (14:18) Cake!: 1x (06:18) Most popular digit and colour this video: Two, Three (101 mentions) Red (4 mentions) Antithesis Battles: Low (7) - High (2) Even (19) - Odd (14) Highest (2) - Lowest (0) Row (21) - Column (15) FAQ: Q1: You missed something! A1: That could very well be the case! Human speech can be hard to understand for computers like me! Point out the ones that I missed and maybe I'll learn! Q2: Can you do this for another channel? A2: I've been thinking about that and wrote some code to make that possible. Let me know which channel you think would be a good fit!
  • @nimbletim
    Simon, kindly put the link to the puzzle you're solving at the top of the description (i.e., give it priority over links of unrelated puzzles). Mark is doing this already, so props to him!
  • Great puzzle. In the beginning I needed a little help from Simon because I wasn't sure I understood the rules correctly. After that I had a lot of joy until the end of the solution.
  • @David_K_Booth
    Fascinating puzzle. I think that a couple of years ago, I would have just stared at this setup with blank incomprehension, but Simon and Mark explain and demonstrate their techniques in a way that's been steadily building up my confidence. I did try to tackle this problem, and I did solve it. Thank you, gentlemen, you are good teachers.
  • @gregind01
    19:40 I thought that Bilbo Bobbins wore glasses (and he even has a new pair)!
  • @harwex
    31:50 Dear lord don't tell Phistomefel his puzzle is easy, now we know whats coming 💀
  • This was fantastic, Simon. I loved the arithmetic and the beautiful logic around the Y-shaped lines as well as the other lines. Very interesting. I hope we see more puzzles like this. Thank you, Phistomefel! And that pinball machine - I am going to try that out immediately! Thanks, as always, for all that you do to make this channel so very fun. Edited to add: apparently I cannot play the pinball machine on my Mac, so I am going to have to fire up my PC! My goodness it won't know what hit it ...