A civil war in USA will be here very soon.

Published 2024-07-05
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I'm a storyteller, especially of the human condition. We are all living life through the moving parts of our time. I'm very concerned about the impending Civil War. Sharing my concerns through storytelling.

I'm open to discuss functional solutions for whatever ails us. Nobody is having the soft and hard discussions about this.

None of my friends want to talk about this upcoming battle of civil strife we'll be having in the coming months. I'm a consumer of historical information. Cultures, inventions, regenerative farming, sustainability, biographies, societies, languages, religions, economics, art, music, and yes, famous battles. Wars...ugly wars. No one nor any country is immunized from inner conflict. We really need to talk with one another very civilly. Giant corporations and large well funded and organized groups of people want this country to be governed they way they did decades and centuries ago. That won't work. All functioning societies move forward and adapt to changes.
We are founded as a country by taking away from people that were already here, by a king's army who ran it by white landowning men. They brought in African slaves in the year 1619 and kept them so until the country went to war over it. Rich white land/slave owning men convinced enough poor white non land/slave owning southerners to fight on their behalf that cost the lives about about 258,000 of them In four years. And about 360,000 Union soldiers who fought against the practice of slavery. Slaves built this entire country up until immigrants from all over came in the late 1880. The US population was about 50 million then the US allowed about 23 million immigrants by 1930.
We are growing as a society with lots of needs to keep it stable: Food, shelter, health, education and a relatively stable economy. Social disorder often comes at economic strife, but when you add more hardships to people already struggling, and reducing access to regulated goods and services, it never turns out very well. People protest. They will protest violently. We have an incredible amount of violence in this country, make no mistake. We've learned how to reduce that on a statistical scale. We're smart people and problem solvers when we want to be.
Everyone is my doctor. If I share an ailment or a concern, many people have solutions. I'm open to them. They have to be peaceful solutions. I'm open...people share with me. I want us to get along functionally.

All Comments (14)
  • @user-lj5ik2mk2d
    I believe, I do! I believe in people. I believe in God I believe God is Love I believe love is light "We're One......." Like Jesus Jones says "Watching the world wake up from history" The Spirit is among us... Finding this truth is key for our species. Free the pineal gland! I meet many strangers that feel like family..... , I feel the need out there.... And i feel the supply of caring ...Thank you for your special supply. You take on sensitive and difficult topics. One last comment. I went to a Native Powwow in reservation land. The energy was so harmonious.... A place where the people are the people of this land. When i commented, my favorite response was "We're Family." That was A beautiful dayO. -me say
  • @melodylove1893
    Ride with it, baby. It's all good. It's something we have to go through. From the chaos, a better world will arise. Be patient and trust in your God.
  • @lifesahobby
    Pasta changed the world ... We are never going back to a world without pasta
  • @Msln-ju3xo
    Looks comfortable. You need a Christmas cactus ! The blooms are delicate and beautiful. Peace to all. ✝️
  • @michaelh6667
    Time to get this country back to a constitutional Republic..
  • @user-kz5cw2gj3w
    No, this isn't 1860. The country is Balkanizing into divided red and blue states, and rural vs urban populations. No way to know who the enemy is these days. Anarchy is more like it. Individuals and small groups of 'freedom fighters' or 'terrorists' depending which side you are on. Yes, chaos for sure.
  • @PyraDraculea
    Reddit is a cesspool, IMO: basically a series of echo chambers with zero interest in conversation that isn't seal clapping (and that applies on both sides and even on minor issues where you have a given comic book franchise where there's a pro subreddit where they won't tolerate any criticism and an anti subreddit where they won't tolerate any praise, stupid stuff like that). There seem to be a lot of moderators on there hellbent on deleting anything and everything for the slightest reason or none at all. Speaking of both sides, I've noticed that the most volatile and nuts/eager for that civil war are the folks who do not have any involvement with their local community outside of maybe a couple friends who share all the same opinions and also have no local community involvement. (Doesn't have to be any grand political involvement, I think anything'll do from a church group to a stamp collecting club to a Dungeons & Dragons group, just something where one can run into people from other walks of life that still have something in common.) I've seen it with folks I know who are very lefty as well as very right wing and it tends to be a downward spiral unless something really jars them out of it in their personal lives. In the meantime, too many let their opinions be shaped by the outrage merchants that confirm what they want to hear and they avoid meeting people from the other side. Anyway, fantastic view you've got there. And do I spot a bumper crop of citrus on the way?
  • @taleinz1
    Not sure how or why your video popped up on my feed . Am in Australia and I follow politics in America . I too feel there will be something big that will happen after elections . I hope that Trump loses big , but his followers are the scary ones .
  • @zoranpilot4411
    "fck history, lets go one more round, there is always time to learn from it... for those who survive"... I will survive Gloria Gaynor