What happens if you spare papyrus on genocide?

Published 2016-09-16
Oh, hello there!

All Comments (21)
  • @kqzo
    "you didn't do a violence" He was so happy he forgot grammar
  • @mach186282
    It's pretty eerie how even after you spare Papyrus, the somber music still plays in the background and the town is still deserted...but Papyrus doesn't seem to notice....
  • @Aurocastro
    I was trying to do a genocide run, seriously... but when I've met Papyrus, i give up. Thank you, mr. skeleton.
  • @eleacy6231
    Sans: hey I really respect what you did back there.. Sans: thanks
  • @thelad5
    You killed a lot of people, but at least sans hasn't gone insane.
  • Frisk : spares papyrus and stops genocide Sans : phew , thanks , pal , buddy , chum , toast slice , i really appreciate what you did , but if you did the opposite of this , buddy pal , i would need to introduce you to my slamdunking skills , i hope your sticky knife won't stab anyone in real future or else you will face real bad hours
  • @CarlDaCool168
    I like how this scene combines Papyrus’ easygoing, happy go lucky whatever personality, with his caring, clever side.
  • Everyone's talking about how Paps said "You didn't do a violence" meanwhile I'm just over here like "HaH, lEt ByBoNeS bE bYbOnEs!!!"
  • @swoluigi3828
    “hangout” toby dont want no murderer to date with papyrus lol
  • The hardest boss is NOT Sans in a genocide run... It’s his bro, papyrus... How is he difficult? The hardest thing about killing papyrus is killing papyrus... Papyrus is such a good soul and killing him is impossible. Papyrus is (almost) pure innocence. Unlike other bosses, he believes in you. He wants you to change so he refuses to fight. Papyrus is my favorite Undertale character. If you kill papyrus, the ending will NEVER be happy, even if you spared the others. Killing papyrus is like killing joy for yourself and everyone else.
  • @type_4410
    the way papyrus just flies over the trees makes this all worth it
  • I flirted with Papyrus after I began sparing him... It said he was to busy to flirt back... ;-; Hello darkness my old friend
  • I've never played this game, but if I did, I couldn't kill him. He's simply too nice. I would be guilt ridden for the entire rest of the game
  • @papyrus2486
    A T L E A S T I D I D N ' T D I E T H I S V I D E O !