Sen. Warren's Floor Speech on Hobby Lobby Decision

Published 2014-07-16
Senator Warren delivered a floor speech on the Supreme Court's Hobby Lobby decision and urged passage of the Protect Women's Health from Corporate Interference Act, on July 15, 2014.

All Comments (21)
  • @DanielKline
    Eloquent intelligent and a warrior for human rights.  I salute you Senator Warren.
  • @PaulaKoval
    IMHO, we need to get employers out of the business of providing health care insurance.  Short of that the Senate and House need to pass a bill to counter the Hobby Lobby decision.
    Thank you from the bottom of my heart
  • @captainhaire
    Honestly the argument of companies "dictating" women's health concerns wouldn't be an issue if the state weren't trying to dictate everyone's health concerns as it has for nearly 70 years. Again I welcome honest, clean, healthy debate free of malice.
  • @cfbmoo1
    Sen. Warren would make an awesome president. She's got spunk and stands her ground quite nicely.
  • @troyevitt2437
    An appeals court tossed this out the window, not on "Religious Freedom" but on simple Insurance Law. No insurer may exclude female contraception from an Employee Health Insurance policy, regardless of what the oh-so-important employer wishes.
  • @enmodo
    You tell them Senator Warren!
  • @lou4less
    few of us remember the companies used fire women for getting pregnant . So it seems that some things never change for employees the companies can control your families .
  • The slippery slope is getting steeper and more slippery… Beware for what you wish for corporate America.
  • @PlanetBongoSan
    More power to your elbow, Ms Warren! - yours sincerely, the world 
  • @chadedwards7689
    I know that she has said MANY times that she will not be running for president. And to be honest, she is the only politician I believe when they say that. However, we NEED this woman in a position where she actually has the power to do the things that we all KNOW she stands for.  PLEASE ELIZABETH, RUN FOR PRESIDENT! WE NEED YOU!
  • @Bughotwheels
    Thanks I am a survivor of PE Pulmonary Embolism Blood Clots in my lungs. Used be on Birth Control Pills 6 years IUDs 3.75 years.
  • @mmfeelgood
    I'm not angry at him...disgusted, maybe, but not angry. In these discussions you have to say what you mean, and mean what you say...give me a you honestly think he wouldn't have nailed me for making a mistake like that?
  • @Jack2488
    Typical politician. "Corporations denying women access to birth control", what nonsense, they are not denied access, it has not been banned. What was decided was that businesses should not be forced to pay for it. If someone wants it they can still buy it. 
  • @crittergitter01
    Today I'm wearing my brand new NRA cap and Pro life T-shirt to Lowes and then grab a few things at Hobby Lobby. Then grab a bite to eat at Chick fill A and get home to watch Duck Dynasty :)
  • @grahepo
    why are those judges still in the supreme court, how do we get rid of those overstaying judges