The Truth About Anti-Vaccination: A Scientific Look

Publicado 2015-02-19
It's true that less children in the United States are getting vaccinated. What is causing these lower vaccination numbers, and what are some of the myths and fears around vaccination? In this episode of SciShow, we'll break down the science of the anti-vax movement and discuss what effects it truly has on the health of our society.
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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @FriendlyFire2112
    If you think about it, people who are vaccinated have a higher chance of growing up with austim But you actually have to grow up for that to happen
  • @iamjoeysteel
    When I was a little kid I watched "Land Before Time" and in one of them the river was drying up and the angry Triceratops just kept blaming different thing, accusing in no real logical way. The Brachiosaurus said to him, "it doesn't have to be anyone's fault." The Triceratops responded, "but it has to be someone's fault right?" Which it turns out that a bad storm had dislodged a rock or something and it was blocking the river way up the mountain. All this reminds me of something I learned when I was like 7 years old, so if the rest of the world could catch up, that would be great.
  • @okashi10
    I thought this video came out this week, but now I see that it's 6 years old, and even more relevant.
  • Autistic person here- I just gotta say that the fact that parents would rather their child/children suffer and/or die from a preventable illness than have autism is very sad. Vaccines don't cause autism, but these people believe they do, and they still choose preventable illness. Autism is not a horrible thing, autistic people are just as valuable and worthy as any other human. I know this video is old, but it's still very relavant and the misinformation surrounding both vaccines and autism is terrifying.
  • I hate how autism is treated like a fate worse than death. Sure, low-functioning autism is pretty bad, but high functioning autism, which almost certainly is far more common, isn't actually a bad thing. I'd say that individuals with high-functioning autism may even be at an advantage in some cases.
  • @elijahhirst9955
    As the son of an "all natural" non-vaccine, no gmo, all organic mother. When I was in middle school I noticed that I was the only kid in any of my classes that had a special paper that said I didn't need to be vaccinated, I thought it was because I was special or immune for some time, after that I asked about it and the answer I got from my mother was so abstract and disconnected from science that I asked my health teacher who explained the majority of how vaccinations worked, she also had me do a lot of research on the subject through trusted scientific websites rather than just having me google vaccination, so that I could learn about it myself. In the 8th grade I did a project for the science fare about how vaccinations have some of the most important pros and few of any cons. During the time I spent researching vaccines I was becoming more and more worried about not being vaccinated myself, but every time I asked my mother to get me vaccinated she told be that I would puff up and get really sick, even though I knew this wasn't true, I tried to convince her, she wouldn't allow her 14 year kid the choice to get vaccinated for very real diseases because of very fraudulent reasons. At least on my 16th birthday I could overrule the medical decisions of my legal guardian and on the day I turned 16 I got 4 different shots that prevented 7 different ailments, since I started the vaccination process so late in my life i'm still going to be having them when i'm in my late 20s, i'm 23 and got accepted into a military aeronautical engineering position in the air force and I'm unable to join until I have all my vaccinations. It should be considered child abuse to prevent your child from getting vaccinations.
  • @erNomic
    The bottom line is there is no trust left. Decades of manipulative commercialism has left everyone victimized by things we don't fully understand. The consensus should be to repair this trust and remove potential corruption or conflicting interests.
  • @funcuzchris4466
    What a shame that the only group of people that needs to see this would consciously do their utmost to ignore it.
  • @fakjbf
    My dad had an autoimmune reaction to a vaccine given by the military that made him unable to continue working, or even walk up and down stairs or stay standing for long periods of time (it's better now, since there are newer medicines that control his symptoms with fewer side effects). It turns out they had given him and the other people on the base much higher doses and with far shorter intervals between shots than is recommended. So I have a legitimate reason to be cautious of vaccines. And you know what? Even with that my whole family keeps up to date on our vaccines, because we know that what happened to my dad wasn't the fault of vaccine, it was doctors trying to rush things and breaking protocols that are in place for a reason. I have no sympathy for people who claim that vaccines are bad for people because a TV celebrity told them so. I don't let them off the hook with the excuse that they are just ignorant. They are willfully ignoring tremendous amounts of data that almost irrefutably prove them wrong, and they put their lives, their children's lives, and everyone else's lives at risk because of it.
  • @ThisUserIsDumb
    I like how he says "humans are complicated" instead of "humans are idiots". Very classy.
  • @sabikitsune5517
    My favorite theory about historical cases is that the myth of the "changeling" child is a result of autism.
  • @madelynz9616
    Honestly it's a shame that people are more worried about their kid having or developing autism as opposed to their kid possibly dying from not being vaccinated.
  • @Ke-pq8bu
    parent: i will not get my child vaccinated measles/polio: it's free real estate
  • @amberkat8147
    A giant man-eating squirrel would be TERRIFYING. I don't need to see one to know that!
  • @parkervarin
    It makes me happy to know somebody out there is keeping it real and science-based and not bashing on people for their flaws. This is way more productive than most vaccine ads. Videos like this make people think about themselves and their biases for once. That's where real progress starts. Thanks Hank.
  • @pawn5253
    The people who think that going All natural is a good thing forget about the most important natural thing. Natural selection.
  • As a high functioning autistic individual, it feels offensive sometimes when people view autism developing in their child as the end of the world. As far as I understand the data, the vast majority of people with the disorder are high enough functioning to learn to adapt to the outside world, it just generally takes some therapy to get there sometimes.
  • Somehow my gut feeling is telling me an Antivaxxer saw this video, saw that Hank said something they didn't like or understand and immediately disliked the video. They seem like the type to just not completely digest the information given to them.
  • @elliotsotelo8287
    As someone who has autism, it is so insanely scary how much people hate autistic people. Like the lengths I’ve seen parents go to prevent their kid from getting autism is something I will never understand. And the lengths I’ve seen parents go to “cure” their child with autism is inhumane. We’re human beings with thoughts and feelings, we’re not something that needs to be “fixed”.