Published 2024-02-17


Hasil Pemilu tanggal 14 Februari 2024, dengan Hasil Quick Count 58% Pemilih dari bagi Pasangan Calon PASLON 02 Capres Bpk. Prabowo Subianto berpasangan dengan Cawapres Bpk. Gibran Rakabuming Raka, MEMBUKTIKAN, setidaknya menjadi indikator, bahwa 200 juta RAKYAT Pemegang Hak Suara/Pilih, saat ini dan nanti, BISA MEREKAYASA jumlah pemilih. Dan SIAPA yang rakyat mau pilih, untuk jadi Presiden RI.

Tujuannya : jangan BERI Kekuasaan berlebih, PRESIDEN dari 1 PARTAI,  dari segi persentase, dominasi, lebih dari 10 tahun, CEGAH FEODALISME & DINASTI NEPOTIS & KEDIKTATORAN.

VOX POPULI, VOX DEI, Suara Rakyat, Suara Allah SwT

REKAYASA Rakyat dalam memilih pemimpinnya, juga bisa berguna.

Tujuannya : jangan BERI Kekuasaan berlebih, KEPADA PARTAI,  dari segi persentase, dominasi, lebih dari 10 tahun. Rakyat bisa MENGGILIR kekuasaan & dominasi Partai Politik. 20% MINUS.

Biarkan SUARA ASLI Anggota Partai & Akar Rumputnya, yang berikan suaranya bagi partainya sendiri, secara ASLI, dari sisi persentase KURANG dari 20%.

Kita ingat, Golkar, sejak Pemilu 1971 sampai 1997, 26 tahun diberi Kekuasaan mayoritas, lebih dari 65% suara rakyat. Lanjut, sedikit waktu bagi Bpk. BJ Habibie, sebagai Presiden RI ke 3.

Lalu, kita beri kesempatan  PKB Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa, Presiden RI ke 4 Bpk. KH Abdurrahman Wahid.

Lalu kita beri kesempatan PDIP Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan, suara lumayan mayoritas di Parlemen, dengan Ibu Megawati Soekarnoputri, memimpin kita, sebagai Presiden RI ke 5.

Lalu rakyat menggilir Partai Demokrat, dengan hasil suara pilihan rakyat, lumayan mayoritas di Parlemen, Bpk.  Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, sebagai Presiden RI ke 6.

Lalu, kembali Rakyat memberikan pilihan bergilir, bagi PDIP, dengan Bpk.  Joko Widodo, sebagai Presiden RI ke 7.

Kini, di Pilpres tahun 2024, rakyat, memberikan suara pilihan Mayoritas 58% kepada Bpk. Prabowo Subianto, menjadi Presiden RI ke 8.

Dan seterusnya, Insyaallah, rakyat dengan cerdas, yang berikan Waktu Kekuasaan & Partai Politik mana yang diberikan suara pilihan mayoritas unggul.


Election Results on February 14, 2024, with Quick Count Results of 58% of Voters from Candidates Couple for number 2 Presidential Candidate, Mr.  Prabowo Subianto is paired with Vice President candidate Mr.  Gibran Rakabuming Raka, PROVES, at least as an indicator, that 200 million PEOPLE with  Voting Rights, now and in the future, CAN ENGAGE, PLAN, DESIGN the number of voters for the Chosen President.  And WHO, the people want to elect, to be President of the Republic of Indonesia.

 The goal: don’t GIVE EXCESSIVE POWER, PRESIDENT from 1 PARTY, in terms of percentage, dominance, for more than 10 years, PREVENT FEUDALISM & NEPOTISM DYNASTY & DICTATORSHIP.

 VOX POPULI, VOX DEI, Voice of the People, Voice of Allah GOD.

 ENGINEERING of the People in choosing their leaders, can also be useful.

 The goal: do not GIVE the power, TO THE PARTY,  in terms of percentage, dominance, for more than 10 years.  People can TURN power & dominate political parties.  Minus than 20% Parliamentary THRESHOLD , so one party cannot propose their President’s candidate.

 Let the ORIGINAL VOICES of Party Members & Grassroots, who cast their votes for their own party, be GENUINE, in terms of a percentage LESS than 20% Party’s Parliamentary Thresholds. E.g. : if one party only got 19% Parliamentary SEATS, the party must get another PARTY as Coalition, to propose a Presidential Candidate.

 We remember, Golkar, from the 1971 to 1997 elections, was given 26 years of majority power, more than 65% of the people’s votes.  Next, a little time for Mr.  BJ Habibie, as the 3rd President of the Republic of Indonesia.

 Then, we give the chance to the 4th PKB Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa or the National Awakening Party of the President of the Republic of Indonesia,   KH Abdurrahman Wahid, leads us.

 Then we give the opportunity for the PDIP Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan, Indonesian Struggle  for Democratic Party, a fairly majority vote in Parliament, with Mrs. Megawati Soekarnoputri, to lead us as the 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia, replaced President Gus Dur.

 Then the people voted for the Democratic Party, with the results of the people’s choice, quite a majority in Parliament, Mr.  Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, as the 6th President of the Republic of Indonesia.

 Then, the people gave a rotating choice, for PDIP, with Mr.  Joko Widodo, as the 7th President of the Republic of Indonesia.

 Now, in the 2024 presidential election, the people giving Mr. 58% their majority votes.  Prabowo Subianto, becomes the 8th President of the Republic of Indonesia.

VLOG 336

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