Death | What Staring into the Abyss Teaches Us

Published 2019-12-29

All Comments (21)
  • Hi everyone! 2019 is coming to an end. I want to thank you for making this an amazing year for this channel. I would never have expected all of this. For Einzelgänger, I have planned to make a fresh and positive start in 2020! Not that I won't talk about the darker topics like these (which I love to talk about from time to time), but I'm closing a door right now and opening a new one. Stay tuned, thank you all for watching, and I wish you a fantastic new year!
  • @JamesTheNomadic
    “It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live” - Marcus Aurelius
  • @karsim83
    "Its almost if youre standing on a cliff and the person is about to fall down and theres nothing you can do about it, except saying what you want to say, and, that someday, its your turn to take the dive into the abyss of the unknown as well" This hit me hard. Im sorry for your loss.
  • @Luca_86
    Death is an old joke, but it comes like new to everyone. (Turgenev)
  • @varchasvar18
    My mum is on her death bed now...matter of a Hindu she believes she will be reincarnated and as an agnost, I hope the best for u mummy
  • @littlefairy9286
    I am not afraid of death but of dying without actually living but just existing. All i want is a cozy home in a small village, fresh air, good food, I don't like living in this crowded city. That's all. Next decade of my life is going to be very important and busy. As a 18 year old who wants to do well in life, have a stable life, excel in career, I dream of a productive and fulfilling decade. I wonder what would happen if i just died next day, next month, next year? As someone who has faced and still facing domestic violence and abuse, I just want to live a peaceful and happy life before death knocks on the door, I will welcome death with happiness if it knocks on right time.I would like to live at least 50 years from now. This probably doesn't make much sense but I just wrote down my feelings
  • @Hgulix62
    I always thought that when death come, i will accept it with no emotional response .. then one day at beach, i swum to far away from the beach without noticing it, once i noticed it, i didnt panic, i just slowly swum back .. then i unexpectedly swallowed a lot of salty water and started to heavily lose oxygen, i started to have cramps all over my body and slowly losing consciousness. 10 minutes of painful cramps, slowly losing consciousness and struggling to not drown. I was never so close to death, its one think to imagine one self accepting death when it comes but to feel death closely is really something else, it require a huge amount of self control to not have an intense emotional response when close to unexpected death.
  • Rust Cohle:" Death created time to kill the things it would grow."
  • @simone222
    ''Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside of us while we live.'' ~Norman Cousins (1915-1990) Happy 2020! Cheers to life! Blessings of hope to all!
  • @eagleeye182
    For many death is liberation from depression, suffering and pain. Even though nobody asked us whether we wanted to be brought to this world or not, we can freely choose to end this ugly existence according to our wish and desire.
  • @longingheart77
    Death means hope for me at this point. I'm grateful that there is an end to our hellish existence
  • @vee985
    One thing scarier than death would be living forever.
  • @Luca_86
    You talked about living with resentment and the importance of letting it out. In the perspective of death everything just becomes pointless, even saying something. Let this sink in..
  • I came here to this video feeling depressed. But now I feel calmed and with a bit more energy to do the things I desire and love. Thank you very much for that Einzelgänger :)
  • @Little.R
    I had many experiences with death as a child; family members, pets, my brother. Although it took many years for me to actually understand this mortality of being, impermanence, and such. In my 30’s now and making real effort to stop ruminating, overthinking, and hesitating. The time is NOW, take action and learn or regret doing nothing at all.
  • @clarapilier
    What staring into the abyss teaches you? Well, according to Batman, if the abyss stares back at you, you should never blink.
  • @nichola9164
    I see the universe as one big pool of energy. For example, imagine consciousness is electricity. It's an energy source that is distributed and used by things that get 'plugged in'. I imagine our bodies to be things, plugged into the universe, whereby we have an illusion that our physical selves are independent and isolated. I feel we are nothing more than biological computers trying to make sense of our experiences by creating an ego, and when our body breaks, it is recycled into something new and the energy that flowed through us, that was never really us in the first place, begins to flow elsewhere. We are not static; our atoms, personality, state of being changes all the time - at 30, nothing remains of you from 20 years ago, only memories that are proven to be subjective and untrustworthy. Our atoms have existed since the dawn of time and yet we have no memory of a time before 'I'. I see no reason to presume death is anything but a change of state for the building blocks of our bodies, and that our minds are nothing more than an illusion of the energy of the cosmos powering up our brief and changeable brains.
  • @-A-c
    Hmm...this reminds me of when my own uncle passed. I really admired how he faced death with dignity even as his breathing became progressively difficult with pneumonia, filling his lungs with fluid. In addition, the day before he passed he showed incredible patience through unnecessary family drama related to finalizing last minute changes regarding his last will and testament. I'm really glad I knew him...just like i'm really glad to know that a man like Einzelganger and this channel exists. May we all continue to learn to live a bit better than we did the day before....
  • Hey Einzelgänger, thank you for the channel. You really give a lot of thought for me and in a way that I feel is making me a better person. Sincerely thank You.