In Defense of AFK Farming

Published 2022-04-24

All Comments (21)
  • @NephTheGremlin
    Invaded an AFK farming world once. I stayed in that world for atleast 30 minutes with invaders and hunters coexisting before finally some absolute unit comes over and 1 shots the host with a weapon art
  • @ymfah
    Get LightningBlade to have a top 10 afk farmer kill submission. Bam. Problem solved.
  • @guy9651
    You didn't consider mentioning the experience from a blue summon's perspective. Before AFK farming became rampant I enjoyed being randomly summoned in someone's world to take a short break from a playthrough, doubly so if a taunter's tongue was active and there are 2 reds to fight. But I've had the blue summon ring disabled since week 2 because 9/10 times I'm getting summoned into an AFK world where I don't even get to interact with host like the red can. The red also has a marker to find the host, so wtf is a blue gonna do to have any fun in this interaction besides sit there and watch the red attempt to kill the host? AFK farming kills the blue summoning mechanic full stop.
  • @adradox
    Picking between moonveils or afk farmers is like picking between sorts of diarrhea you want to have on your plate for a dinner. At the end of a day - you are still eating shit.
  • Remember folks, people WANT you to invade in big open spaces like Limgrave, Liurnia and the Snowfield because there's few environmental threats, so that's where you'll find people with builds meant for punishing invaders. Want to up your chances of winning? invade in legacy dungeons where there's loads of enemies and enclosed spaces, or places hard to navigate like the Haligtree Canopy, Mt Gelmir, or Farum Azula. People are less effective or less prepared against invaders in these areas.
  • @calor023
    this is satisfying in the same way that fighting 3 burglars in your house is satisfying, 9 times out of 10 its not going to be fun
  • @chadgunner4403
    This wouldn't be a problem if the teleport invasion item FUCKING WORKED and put you on top of the host
  • @smugskeletor193
    Most people don't get paid for playing vidya and would rather have an actual fucking fight when invading instead of wasting 20 minutes on finding and putting some AFKing subhuman out of his misery.
  • @ThePickler47
    I have killed dozens of AFK farmers without failing once. Sure, killing them is satisfying but i generally want to fight normal people instead of snipe someone for 30 mins or more. I am good enough at the game that I enjoy being ganked. Winning when the odds are stacked against you is satisfying when you outplay the players, not so much when I have to hit a moving target with a projectile
  • @Lunadherent
    I get what you mean and I'm also on the more patient spectrum of invaders but AFK host hunting will get old incredibly quickly in the long run even for people who enjoy it. The problem with this concept is that it always plays out the same. The spot these farmers pick are usually the same, so the parkours are the same and it's just wasted time at the end of the day. The satisfaction factor you bring up fits better in an infinite summoner host who tries every scummy way possible and it's a different experience every time whereas you'll always do that Malenia's Hand ash of war to reach that ledge to kill that same crouching scrub literally every single time.
  • @TheDarkness169
    The argument really falls apart when you consider you can just do this crap at a low level when people aren't geared or specced into killing afkers, or if they're smart griefers in an unreachable spot.
  • @ceering99
    The problem: Not every build is going to have a way to deal with the AFKer Not everyone will have Carian Retaliation, or a Jar Cannon, or whatever other tool is needed to kill someone in that one specific spot. Not to mention that Blues might as well just invade a Reds instead
  • Where’s the “Albino, you fucking idiot” sound bite when you need it?
  • @maxashworth3364
    Problem is certain places like Caelid are composed of like 60% afk farmers, I made a LvL 80 character and the main place to invade is Caelid and while the fist time you kill a bozo in the Lennis rise afk spot with some aoe ashe of war or jar cannon is satisfying there are spots you can never kill them in and its just tedious.
  • "yOu CaN't TeLl Me ThAt yOu DiDn'T HaVe FuN cHeEsInG hOsT" If they're smart, it won't be possible to cheese them in the first place. The main one I ran into while invade dueling in snowfield is a group of high cliffs that you'd need to jump up with Torrent, not down, making it impossible to even get close enough for a lock-on or homing spell.
  • @FirstTruth
    This whole video assumes afk farmers can be killed. All the afk farmers lately have been in 100% impossible to hit and get to locations. It’s the amateurs you’re talking about that afk farm in dumb spots.
  • @kingbrachy9035
    My favorite way of farming souls is just co-oping bosses as a summon. I get my runes, the player gets help. Mutually Beneficial.
  • While I agree that invading the open world of Liurnia is just asking for a bad time I don’t think that means these things shouldn’t at least try to be addressed. It’s already an arms race between summons and invaders over who can bring the most bullshit one shot stuff to instantly kill the other should they show up, I don’t see how ‘solving the puzzle’ of getting to AFK farmers doesn’t also just devolve into ‘I have to make sure I can bring cannon of Heima, waterfowl dance and five other things to do the same routine every time to get to a host in the same exact spot 5 invasions in a row’ while a team of scientists are in the background researching an even more annoying out of bounds area to get to Again you can say that it’s just a problem in the open world sections but if I know gankers/griefers in these games they will absolutely find ways to do it in legacy dungeons too with full understanding that the only benefit they get out of it is fucking with invaders, and that will keep them going for years.
  • @Sillssa
    This is like saying hackers are fine in general because killing them is more satisfying than killing a regular player Most of the time you're not killing the guy who abused whatever mechanics to reach a spot that you yourself cant reach and people will just find more safer spots to do this if they're getting killed. So at the end its just going to be wasted time for you 99% of the time.
  • @ultimaT
    Maybe if you invade at a point where you can essentially equip anything, sure it might be "fun" but most of the time, people will not be equipped with the tools to actually kill the person afk. Also while yes, we will all remember the few successful afk hunter videos, but you forget all the failed afk hunts that happen along the way that discourage people to even bother interacting in the multiplayer. Also why not just eliminate rewards for people who sever themselves? At the end of the day, I don't care if I'm up against moonveils or whatever, a fights a fight. I didn't go in expecting a friendly handshake and a kiss. Also by your own logic, is it "not more fun" to kill 3 assholes swinging moonveil/rivers than some random playing hide and seek? I'm sure there are people who can argue for both sides, but at the end of the day, there will always be lame playstyles that not everyone will agree with. That's the beauty of this game, build how you want, and die by those choices.