Lost Archaeologist Finds Giant Skeletons Under The Grand Canyon

Published 2024-02-09
On April 5, 1909, a story was published in a newspaper. This was just a normal story told to the populace at that time. Nothing much to think of, until it caused an uproar that threatened the existence of everything we believed in. This story has survived time, and even a hundred and fifteen years later, this story is still being told both by people who believe in it and those who don’t.

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All Comments (21)
  • @rob4n12
    Who else feels they’ve wasted years of their lives in school being fed bullshit. 🤚🏼
  • @hollytyree5916
    Hiding evidence and keeping humanity down is criminal! Shame on them. I would never call them if I discovered something like this-
  • I'm an Arizonan and I belong to a native community. When I was a kid, I and a bunch of other kids from the same tribe, explored the caves of the Grand Canyon, and we went inside of this cave and saw all of that you mentioned here. The Smithsonian has no authority on anything that is in our community. In fact, the Smithsonian has been prohibited by our community from conducting any excavation here, since 1985. Remember that we, Indians live in a nation within nations. For the Smithsonian to do any excavation in any part of the Grand Canyon, they will have to pay billions, not millions, to our community, and they don't have, and even if they did, with the new laws about all Tribes here in Arizona and any other State of the West, minus nasty California, we would never allow.
  • @John-wg6xw
    Kincaid's first mistake was involving the Smithsonian.
  • @jt2727
    My Grandfather worked for Smithsonian as a photographer and he told me they had giant skeletons when I was a little boy. This was back in the early 1900"s . They have stuff that you would never imagine. Some of it they will never let come to light.
  • @clydapowers3987
    And if it didn't exist why have they locked that section of the Grand Canyon off so that people can't get in there
  • @geraldking4080
    I've lived just north of the Grand for 30 years. 4 stories never die here: Grand Canyon Egyptians; Aztec treasure; ancient giants & the Deep Underground Military Base at Page, AZ/Glen Canyon that links to Los Alamos to Area 51/S-4. There is massive, ancient rock art here that has gone unrecorded. Some of it is more complex than any known Southwestern native art, while others show characters that don't look Native American. Some art shows fabric clothing over 1,000 years before natives here were thought to have it. Some art depicts boats and men with beards, helmets, shields & swords over 2,000 years before Spain. Some figures appear to be east Asian. No one in their right mind would take a wooden river dory down the Grand or Catatact canyon by themselves, but I don't see that Kincaid had anyone with him. Where did he put in...Green River or maybe Grand Junction? If 50,000 people had at some point lived in the Grand, there would be lots of evidence in tributary canyons. Egypt may be a hasty conclusion, but one or more Old World ancient civilizations(possibly Mediterranean) are implicated. Someone here knew what horses, donkeys and elephants looked like thousands of years ago, but disappeared before current natives or Spain got here. There's a lot of ritualized death death depicted; skulls, decapitated heads and ceremonial masks made from cutting the face away from the human skull. Great discoveries are still ahead of us.
  • @vichentzname695
    More than 50 years ago my favorite paleontology professor sat around with his students out at the local coffee shop and revealed to us the hard truth about the close relationship between independent (not mainstream) scientific exploration and funding (government or otherwise.) In a nutshell, if the majority declares "THIS" to be true, and has thousands of respected professors and academics worldwide who's reputations and salaries and research grants depend on "THIS" remaining true, absolute, and unquestionable and you discover "THAT" which embarrassingly blows "THIS" (and the majority, AND their sponsors) clean out of the water........better keep your mouth shut. He revealed to us several instances of associates in his and other fields who had possibly discovered their own "THAT's" but knew if they uttered one peep to buck the established order they would be obliterated, funding dried up, careers and reputations destroyed, etc. The classic "scientific theory" no longer exists. Not in Kincades's day, not now, not anymore. In short, if you discover that Bigfoot actually exists, you better have him on a doggy leash, alive, on Joe Rogan's next podcast. Sorry! No conspiracy here, in the Grand Canyon, or anywhere else folks. Its all about the money!
  • @johnwingate8799
    Abraham Lincoln mentioned the "giants" refering to the moundbuilders in one of his speaches.
  • @anita3.
    That was a cover up. I found a few YouTube videos on it and how guards blocked it. Just crazy how much has been covered up.
  • @buzzy1011
    The Grand Canyon isn’t the only place…a small town in southern Illinois… called Cairo was named this because of the cave system and artifacts found in these caves….the town is very close to the Mississippi River….
  • Most people forget that at one point all the continents were one giant piece of land before it broke apart to what we know now. It is HIGHLY plausible for there to be evidence of different groups of people to have inhabited areas far away from where they are believed to have solely lived. Also the knowledge and technology was far more advanced than we’ve been taught.
  • @Roylamx
    Saying there has never been an Egyptian artifact found in N or S America is like saying there has never been an injury from a vaccination.
  • In México my great grandmother would tell us stories of the giant remains some locals found in somewhere around Juarez. The skeletons had bone structures of a human being standing up to 10-15 feet tall. It wasn’t talked about nationally but plenty of the locals will tell you this story for educational purposes not to scare us, these stories were told by our Ancestors too the Aztecs called them Quiratzins. They were known to live in the valley of Anahuac, but legend has it that the Olmecs defeated them. Then wrath of God was released on the Olmecs (by massive earthquake).
  • @bobkarigan4512
    I have always believed that there were many advanced civilizations that lived in the far distant past and for unknown reasons vanished, to believe that we are the most advanced civilization too have existed is foolhardy at best.
  • Just about everything that we believe about our world and past history is incorrect. Everyone is being played by the establishment
  • @jamesflake6601
    The Smithsonian has been kmown for "covering" stories for decades
  • As someone stated in these comments earlier, the Smithsonian has hidden or destroyed the remains of hundreds of Giants. This is something I learned from my pastor almost 30 years ago. The Smithsonian has collected historical items for almost 200 years and many items go back thousands of years. However, the millions of artifacts and documents handled by the many curators over the years, all of these items have not been used to facilitate the writers of history, but quite the opposite. The Smithsonian has only retained items that illustrate the history and science already written. They arranged and labeled all of these separate museums to coincide with the narrative the historians and scientists set forth in the past and continue their narratives. Historians are not writing history based on what is contained there, but the Smithsonian is using their content to coincide with what the historians have already written. The history they WANT us to know and believe.