The First Thing You Should Learn To Draw

Published 2017-03-16
Order my graphic novel Green Monk via Amazon

Demonstrating the basics of construction! The basic shapes that you can build everything else out of.

Warming up with simple shapes improves your stroke control, which will in turn make your work more fluid and energetic and will make your workflow much more efficient.

It also drills construction. You’ll find that the better you get with construction, the more you will internalize it.

Eventually it will permeate everything you draw – naturally giving your drawings a feeling of weight, form and dimension.

Lastly, it gets you in the right mind-set before you begin the Study Phase. You’ll be primed to think in terms of stroke control and construction as you continue your study.

Here’s what you’ll want to focus on in the warm up:

Straight Lines and Ellipses
Keeping your hand controlled but relaxed, draw straight lines. It can help to draw two points first and then quickly “ghost” between them, moving the pencil above the paper to practice the stroke. Slowly bring your pencil closer to the paper until you set down the stroke. Once you’ve done some point to point lines, try some freehand lines. Check your lines with a ruler.

Once you’ve done some straight lines, try some free-hand ellipses. You can start with a full circle and slowly squash it with every subsequent ellipse. You may want to use an ellipse template, or create some ellipses in illustrator and print them out to use as reference. Draw a line through the major and minor axis (the line that divides the ellipse on it’s longest side and shortest side, respectively). Your ellipses should be symmetrical on both sides.

Perspective Grids
Practice drawing perspective grids freehand. Start with a horizon line. Mark a vanishing point and draw lines radiating out from it.
Three dimensional Shapes

Build simple three dimensional shapes out of lines and ellipses. You can lay them on to the perspective grid or they can be free floating.

Complex curves
Draw several points and connect them with freehand curves. Weave curved lines through the ellipses you’ve drawn.

You can do a little of each of these in your warm up, or spend time with just one, but you’ll want to make sure that you cover each of these areas regularly. 5 to 10 minutes a day, should be plenty of time to get the job done.

WARNING: You will draw crap. That’s okay. Just make note of where you can improve, but don’t stress out about it.

How to use this as a warm up:…

More on drawing ellipses:…

The masters of technical drawing:


my comic:

All Comments (21)
  • I'm unironically glad you're here to guide me through drawing lines and shapes. Wading into the art community felt like walking into a gym with buff people lifting their max reps akin to master artworks while you took time out of your day to show me a basic push-up.
  • @hmjgrawy1
    I tried this for 1hr and now I can draw the monalisa...thank you
  • @michellen3016
    I been really lost and I haven’t really tried to start drawing even though I really want to draw all these kind of cool characters, animals and other fun things. But my mind have been full of thoughts like: “I can’t draw.” “Where do I even begin?” This video showed my the first step, first drawing lesson that I have been looking for. Really thanks for making this video.
  • Thanks for sharing!!! My two boys(5 & 13) and myself decided we wanted to learn "how to draw", so we ran out and bought a cheap sketchbook at michael's and started our drawing class tonight. We were all super excited that we could actually draw a straight line. lol.. Great instruction and easy enough for my 5 year old to successfully draw a cube that is is extremely proud of! We will keep watching!
  • @JSHayward3
    I drew constantly, everyday, from the age of 5-16 and then stopped cold. I'm OLD now and decided to pick it up again last week. THIS is the lesson I've been looking for.
  • @jbrown577
    I watched this video and immediately I was able to draw a conclusion.
  • @apillow8724
    "Now these may seem kinda basic and silly, you may be thinking, 'Hey, I wanna get on to drawing wizards, and robots, or my fursona.'" You know me too well...
  • This instruction l had been looking since I started drawing for the last 65 years ago(I am 70) glad that I found you.Thank you very much!!!!!!!
  • Spend the entire day drawing cubes and i cant stop I'm getting really paranoid man its so addictive
  • @cloud6485
    "They seem basic and simple" Fun fact. I know how to draw. It's just absolute trash. So I'm gonna relearn how to draw entirely. That's right. I'm trashing most of everything I know and starting over. Teach me
  • @KennyGsca
    I subbed at 3:20 in after you explained your elbow was anchored. We cant see your technique and the fact you explained thats what you were doing off camera just shows your are excellent at explaining as well as demonstrating technique. All signs of an exceptional teacher. Cheers now lets continue with the vid ;)
  • @erik3205
    That 3 set line direction tip for cubes made it so much easier to understand. I understood before, but that was the best and simplest way of learning it.
  • @Wehdeo
    I believe this guy because he made the effort to post a video from his fallout shelter
  • @jaxthealien6329
    I’ve been drawing for 5 yrs self taught but I’ve realised I need to master some of my technical skills to advance and this video helped me so much thank you
  • @chikimonki8554
    I've searched YT for shading and drawing tutorials and while they maybe just as talented as you, you have the capability of breaking it down to easy to understand steps. Brandon, you're natural teacher. Believe me, this was my 18 video on drawing basics/ shading.Thanks mate for posting this and heres hoping you will do a series on the basics👍
  • @blackcitadel37
    People want to start figure drawing, manga, character design but don't even know how to draw a cube in perspective. First things first.
  • This really is the one true video on how to draw basics! Thank you Dungeon Master! I'm 31, and I'm just starting to learn how to draw because I find it enjoyable lately..I can copy and draw quite ok..but i need to get better..and learn from basic..this video is it.
  • @yogurtcat.9607
    "Drawing my fursona" Duuuuude you know who are your audience :3