3 Chess Positions To Amaze You

Published 2022-08-07

All Comments (21)
  • Honestly, if I had an over-the-board endgame where I was down a rook, I'd be more than happy to escape with a draw. :)

    The fact White can win that last position is amazing.
  • these positions are so instructive and mind boggling!! amazing video filled with content
  • @salenali9701
    Those positions are so helpful thanks for the tips as well
  • @KingVaughn007
    Just watched your vid on corresponding squares and it was put to use again in your first study love to see it
  • @kats7930
    That Kasparian 1930 one, omg that was insanely complicated and brilliant!!! 😮😮😮
  • Hi. Been a while since I checked out your channel. Lately I have been using the Halloween Gambit and having a lot of success with it. Thanks for showing the Halloween Gambit a while back. I need to start watching these again so I can improve my chess game.
  • @andyclark8991
    I love your video, this reminds me of a similar game I had (which I won)

    With a bishop and a pawn vs Knight.

    In the end got a Queen and won the game mate. Love your video.
  • I've been exchanging messages with another recently stressing Capablanca's advice of studying the endgame first. This is correct due to the fact that it is fine if you emerge unscathed from the opening & progress well in the middle game; but, then, having exchanged further pieces, you enter the unfamiliarity of an endgame where your technique is woeful to put it mildly; simply because you're too wrapped up in the first two phases of the game. My endgame has always been reasonable, but lately I have watched videos & studied elsewhere &, you've guessed it, I found all the key moves in all three positions here!! Isn't that fantastic stuff, & many thanks to the gentleman presenting this series of tutorials. Keep up the fine work, & best of luck to all budding GMs.
  • Generally I'm good at regular rook and pawn endgame
    But these endgames are god level
    Anyways I learnt a lot from these examples
    Thankyou Nelson
  • @Friedfoodie
    You have rekindled my interest in chess. Great analysis and tremendous fun.
  • @waxberry4
    Watching one of your clips gets me more knowledge and skill than reading 20 pages of chess book.
  • @tykemorris
    I started the same but had a different variation. At the 3 minute mark after black Ng7 I had white Kf7. This prevented any moves by the Black King, protected the pawn by the king thus freeing the Bishop and giving black only one move to save his knight (black Nh5).
    Next I pushed the pawn to Pg6. This put us one move from checkmate forcing the knight to bounce back and forth between Nh5 and Ng7. White Bishop then wastes a move while staying on the same diagonal to force the knight back to Nh5. Then W Bf5, followed by B Ng7 again. Then W Bg4 forces the knight to move into a capture.
    B Ng7 at 3 minute in video.
    W Kf7 prevents all further movements by Black King.
    B Nh5 only move to save knight
    W Pg6 threatens checkmate
    B Ng7
    W Bc2 to waste a move while black moves the knight again.
    B Nh5
    W Bf5
    B Ng7
    W Bg4
    B Ne8
    W Ke8 x knight
    B Kg7
    W Bf5 protects pawn until white king can get back to g file to escort the pawn to queen.