Black Blizzard by Krmal (Extreme Emerald Demon)

i am consistency, i got 70 the actual attempt before beating it (theres a pause in the recording, shadowplay does that when you alt+tab out of the game it's recording, and I went to discord to tell someone I just got 70.

This level is so fucking fun, 40-100 is some of the best gameplay I've done, and once I got more consistent at the first 2 cubes, I started to love them more. The only thing I didn't like about the first cube was anything regarding a blue orb, and I didn't like the double clicks in the second cube, but that's all.

I have 17.5k attempt from 2021, where I only got 42 and 47 once each. After almost 2 years I picked it back up for no reason I can remember, and in about 6-7k attempts I beat it! so my total is about 24k roughly, making it the most attempts on any level for me, but if you only count my new attempts its actually less than what Blade of Justice took me and almost lower than what Biohazard took me, so I have noticed a pretty large improvement boost :D

I don't wanna type a long ass description, but this is probably my most important completion to me personally, other than beating bloodbath, black blizzard has always been a dream since I saw the preview from krmal, and to finally finish it off, and with no where near as much effort as I thought it would take, this is surreal.

Enjoyment: 9.5/10
Attempts: 24313 total, 7056 new (according to YDIS)
Thumbnail by me
Thanks to Lia and the GDDP Private server

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