Slay the Spire - Northernlion Plays - Episode 383 [Momentous]

Publicado 2018-12-15
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Slay the Spire is a roguelite with deckbuilding mechanics, similar to Darkest Dungeon meets Hearthstone. Let's go!

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About this game:

We fused card games and roguelikes together to make the best single player deckbuilder we could. Craft a unique deck, encounter bizarre creatures, discover relics of immense power, and Slay the Spire!

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @erik13081
    X: # of orbs C: # of consumes = if consume is upgrade the equation below represents the number of frost gained= (X - C) (2 + (C*3))
  • @Ghostneedle1
    Tfw you skip a loop and a loop+ in a consume deck because you don't want to make auto shields dead even though it's already dead 70% of the time anyway. Just 2 procs of loop when his focus is up is 14 free block every turn vs 11 that he has to pay for and draw into and he could have had 4 procs with both loop +
  • @DaCaLsTa7777
    38 minutes into the run so far and he's passed on 2 loops despite taking Electrodynamics at that point on the grounds of "muh autoshield" despite the fact the 2 loops would outclass autoshield at that point with all the focus he had and he could play auto shields on a turn when he had lightning out far right instead.
  • @Jacob-sb3su
    StS axtually seems like a legit candidate for a good mobile version
  • The last three NL videos ive seen have had ads for egglands best eggs. THE YOUTUBE DEEPMIND KNOWS ALL
  • @maxmach4361
    1:09:18 That is the moment when Egg kills himself with a Zap, yup, with a Zap.
  • @qb4428
    Who cares if loop ruins autoshields? Just ditch autoshields! Loop gives you block at the start of your turn, which is great against the heart.
  • @Ghostneedle1
    51:00 Yeah and every time you've noticed it before you've said it's absolutely fine, probably not noticing that it's added permanently.
  • @Jacob-sb3su
    One man. One artifact. And a whole lotta nazis. In Artifact protection
  • @Kalozid
    Can someone do the math if he had played consume instead of blocking? Pretty sure that would’ve killed because of all the evoking
  • @hansallen2708
    NL, do you realize that with Frost Orb at 7 would give you 14 passive block that can not be reduced by frailty each turn. Where as Auto-Shields only gives you 11 on the turn you play it. If you had taken all the Loops available to you, you would have netted much more block than Auto-Shields would ever have given you.
  • @aulonsal423
    My god.... The backlog... Edit: Isn't a doubled up loop strictly superior to autoshields?
  • @publicaccess9573
    So close, but no cigar. TL;DR: Strategy 7/10, Tactics 5/10. Some good stuff, some not so good stuff. Especially that last boss - 5 extra HP was the margin of victory, and NL threw away around 11 just with fairly obvious misplays. (Rebound is cheating, since that card is legitimately galaxy brain.) > Some very poor Runic Pyramid usage. Granted, it's extremely different from normal StS, but still. > NL falling into the trap of instantly playing Energy gaining cards without gaining anything from it again. Treat the Heart like you would the Time Eat. > I think Nl could have pushed his advantages a bit more and hunted some elites in act 2, especially after he just started taking no damage. > Bricking one card isn't a huge deal, especially if you effectively replace it. Loop+ would generate more block than Autoshields, and for free. Note that most of the time it was a dead card anyways. > Cantrips are extremely bad against the Heart, and probably shouldn't be bought unless they're key to some strategy. Act 1: - That's a very bad get if he ever faces Nob, but it's alright overall. - I'd definitely take Sweeping Beam over Cool-Headed, since the Frost is less immediately useful than the AoE. - As long as he remembers that the map exists, I'm fine with most choices he makes regarding that. Wrong choices can be fixed as long as he actually makes the choice. - Really do not like Blizzard as a early pickup. It'll be fairly useless for quite some time. There's an argument where you take it just to have it, but I don't necessarily buy it. Also, it feeds into NL's "I can only take frost" mindset. - The extra draw isn't relevant at all early, where you have 3 energy and aren't likely to draw into anything better. The 2 0 cost cards help, but I'd still upgrade a Zap or a Dualcast first, leaning towards the latter because of the orb generation. Blizzard too could be good. - Art of War is very good in an orb heavy deck. Not as good with all these Cold Snaps, but still can be turned on extremely often. - Considering just frost in a vacuum with no evoking, the total block is easily expressed with a quadratic formula, namely (2+3x)(3-x). Taking the derivative gives x = 7/6 as the optimum, i.e. consume only once. The formula can be modified with extra terms, but generally having more slots means Consume more and having more other focus means Consume less (it is parabolic, after all.) - Egg once again falling into the trap of only taking Frost. Electrodynamics would have been incredible in a deck that creates Focus and generates lots of orbs anyways. I can see the argument for Creative AI as an alternative win condition, but I think Consuming once is good enough to solidify NL's deck against most threats anyways, and Electrodynamics is extremely good. Needless to say, Reboot is a much worse pick here. Act 2: - Darkness+ could be very valuable, but Nl doesn't have the orb slots to be able to sit on it forever unfortunately. I think I'd take it as more scaling insurance, though - worst comes to worse, it's 1 energy for 18 damage next turn. - I don't actually like Self-Repair that much, not gonna lie. It'd be fine in this deck, but Bandage Up just takes its place. - With so many 0 cost cards, I think the Coolheaded upgrade is okay, but Dualcast would still be a better choice. - Bricking Autoshields isn't a good reason not to take one of the strongest scaling cards you can get. If you've played Loop and Defrag, odds are you aren't going to need autoshield. NL, you just were talking about cards that you don't need to play more than once. - This Diablo joke is cracking me up, not gonna lie. Also, Runic is actually very strong here. - Mummified Hand is obviously absurd on the Defect. Seek fetches Consume/Defrag/Coolheaded. - NL daze management is quite bad. - If he's heart-hunting, I would pass up on the Flash of Steel. It's 3 damage for 1 damage to you, which is not a good value proposition. - NL is extremely lucky that Blizzard wasn't taken by the Automaton. Also, play Dualcast! You're extremely likely to evoke the orb anyways next turn with 3 Cold Snaps and 2 Cool-headeds, and it's not like that one Lightning Orb is going to help you survive. - He finally takes the Cold Snap. Act 3: - The deck is extremely slow damage wise even though it scales defensively very fast. The Maw, Reptomancer, and 3x Jaw Worm will present a fair amount of issues, as well as the Elite fight at floor 4. - Take the Loop+, Egg- it's a power, and drawing into Autoshields with Coolheaded is likely to brick it anways. Autoshields is not the crux of your run! - Dead Branch is, as always, potentially huge. Unfortunately, the Defect can't abuse it as hard as the others. - Panacea is extremely good for the Defect. - Dead Branch Creative AI bails NL out completely. - I'm not even surprised that he didn't know the Writhing Mass adds a Parasite. - NL barely even read the cards he got from Dead Branch. A Beam Cell and a Bullseye at that big combo turn might have just killed him. Act 4: - With Runic, a Dualcast upgrade is huge to just get it out of the hand. - Turbo does double duty of getting old crap out of the hand and creating exhaustible cards (even if they do cost an energy). I think I would have bought it. - NL immediately forgets about Beat of Death and turns off his Dodecahedron. And even after he mentions it with a Defend in hand and hovering it, he still doesn't play it, taking 7 damage. Tons of big misplays - 5 HP or a single extra turn would have won NL the game!
  • @janeandkieran
    This man just realized the parasite stays in his deck, "progress"
  • @SinisterRoblox
    Ignoring loop because of auto-shields is a bad idea. Loop is going to be 8 or 14 block every turn for 1 energy after you upgrade it if you used defrag or defrag and consume. Auto-shields is 11 block for 1 energy if you don't already have block.
  • Major friggin' spoilers ahead, you've been warned. NL had 190 guaranteed damage on the last turn. Leap, Scrape (8), Rebound (10), Lightning Orbs (16), 3 stacks of Static activating 4 times each (156). Based on the Scrape draw, that could have been a win (Over 10% chance of it). Therefore, it's a throw. Sure, he also had a guaranteed win if he'd misplayed less, but hey, what else is new ?