8 interview rounds, no offer: The reality of chasing tech jobs

Published 2023-09-24

All Comments (8)
  • @genx7006
    The tech interview itself is terrifying. Truly bone-chilling. And they are getting more difficult as time goes on.
  • @FrootNinja
    For the amount of followers you have and the production value you've output from the two videos I've seen I can't wait to see you grow as a channel. Love the work, keep on keeping on.
  • @JohnDo-ntchaknow
    Ouch. I guess I am lucky that the latest round I made it to before rejection was seven. To be fair though the rejection was essentially ghosting as I heard nothing for two weeks and only got a response when I emailed them. Recently a friend interviewed for a medical company and in the requirements was Python. He knew Python but that it was strange. HIPAA doesn't allow them to use anything Open Source so the Python requirement was from what he could see simply a term someone in HR had heard of. He got the job and no there never was any Python.