I paid for the Hooked app and immediately regretted it

Published 2019-05-12

All Comments (21)
  • "and me, the virgin" if he has the biggest 'you know what' she's gonna have a bad time
  • @SenkaBandit
    gets shot by a gun “Ugh this stomach ache is killing me.”
  • So you're telling me, her plan was to show up to a party with her "boyfriend" find the guy she actually likes and hope he hits on her. Pretty sure him hitting on a girl whose already got a boyfriend is a pretty big red flag right ther
  • @Potatinized
    It's fun to see that it's in texting format. As if Dan came to catch her spitting out the food, and then reached for his phone to confront her while standing in front of her.
  • @fayept
    ah, yes, the two genders: scary and romantic
  • @inaynaycoleman
    The girl wasn’t an alien, thats just what girls do when we realize we’re being secretly recorded
  • @thatchick115
    The funny thing is her toxicology report JUST came in confirming cyanide, the police were probably alerted and her death will be looked into so Bri def isn’t getting away with it
  • @NASkeywest
    I immediately thought that the “panty raid” story about Roy hiding in a girls closet would turn out he was in Jim’s closet.
  • @thatlycantomboy
    I got an ad for Hooked where the first line was “Feeling thirsty, Drew?” so anyways
  • A lady my mom knew was being heavy metal poisoned by her husband, not enough to kill her, but enough to keep her sick enough to be dependent on him. It took 2 YEARS for anybody to believe her that he was the one doing it. She got accused of doing it to herself for attention. She got away, but he never faced charges.
  • They gave you the options of scary/romantic, nowhere in there did they give you the option of a good story.
  • @GrainneMhaol
    There's a rumour that Trevor Holt has the biggest... age of anyone at this university. Honestly, he looks 35 at least.
  • @Feliciash
    ”Trevor Holt has the biggest...” pokemon card collection
  • Like how he explicitly chose romance over horror and the first story he gets is a guy getting murdered by some monster after perving on her in the show, makes my heart flutter
  • @pressxfor7219
    I remember when hooked was free and people could upload there own stories. Then they removed all the stories and replaced them with ones that the hooked staff created. You also had to pay to read them.
  • @NinjaPickle
    Trevor Holt is known around my school for having the largest Chicken Run (2001) Holiday Special DVD collection
  • @rhi2021
    “But I’m invested in this app” Would you say you’re..hooked?
  • What I think is funny is that the girl has all the symptoms of arsenic poisoning and the delay also makes sense but then they make it cyanide for literally no reason screwing up the whole thing
  • @heklyr3370
    I like how they’re talking/arguing in the same room about being poisoned…through text messages