The Art Of Texting S2 Ep9: Aura's Second Wedding + River City Rescue.

Hello. I was gonna make 2 separate videos based the 2 titles of this video but instead I decided to combine them as one. Today it's a special day... Emphasis on Special. Aura's got a 2nd wedding, 2 of the guests & Starline is about to experience a 2nd breakup. That's right, a 2nd breakup. Enjoy.

コメント (6)
  • Me at the screen: This.. is.. PHENOMENAL!!! What a surprise beginning too! I cannot believe this happened. Oh wait, I did. lol Spencer: Jolly good work there Art my boy! Jolly good. Minus Ski: Most impressive indeed. Me: Starline totally had that coming in fact as well. Minus Ski: Very true old boy. Now... what's this thing you do afterwards again? Me: After credits? Minus Ski: Exactly my dear chap! Que them!
  • Yellow was outside of Joe’s occasionally peering in Yellow: man, what a bizarre day for these guys.
  • Was chasing starline with a chainsaw When I get my hands on you ya Donald duck ripoff! I'm turning you into roasted duck! MEANWHILE! Back at the wedding party. The door to Joe's suddenly opens as 6 Monokumas (who were colored like the theme of the wedding) walked in with a wedding Cake in the shape of a train. With passenger cars to boot. And each car was many of auras new wives in his harem. With him driving the train