The 10 *WORST* Items To Unlock In The Kingdom Hearts Series!


コメント (21)
  • @Tedscwa
    I might be a masochist but I lowkey enjoy the grind for the ultima weapon in each game
  • @AxelPaul307
    The difficultly spike between KH1 and KH1.5's ultima weapon broke me. I remember 100% the original KH, but gave up getting it in 1.5
  • @TheReedBriana
    Am I the only one who actually hasn't had trouble with the egg in KH3? I have a harder time building a gummi ship then cracking that egg. XD
  • @mixttime
    The egg minigame isn't about timing (other than within the limit) it's about moving the sticks apart slowly until they're separated enough to crack the egg with the shoulder buttons. I still hate it though because the act of squeezing the shoulders makes me pull the sticks a bit more and smash the egg.
  • For the egg one it’s less about timing and more about being very slow and careful with the movement. At least, that’s how I did it.
  • @jjj6854
    Good list! I'm surprised BBS didn't have a place on here though. For me, getting all of the finishers for each character in the game is a HUGE pain. it takes so freaking long it's ridiculous.
  • @dancarter5775
    It's funny, because for KH1, pretty much everyone has issues with getting the Wizards Relic, or the Defender Shield. Both have a 0.2% drop rate from different enemies, with different grind spots. The thing is, everyone pretty much gets one at random without noticing, and then has to grind for the other. I got the staff and theb had to grind for the shield... While about 50% of players have the opposite happen.
  • @castle3267
    I was one of those special people who got Defender first try…. Unlike the staff Donald gets from the wizards
  • I found that the Rare Truffles were easiest to get 100 hits on on the deck of the ship in Neverland because you can fly and are subsequently more mobile in the air
  • No one ever mentiones this, but getting the real/secret endings to KH2 on Normal difficulty! You have to 100% the game!!! That means: complete the final mission at least twice, defeat Lingering Will, and Datas, complete the Glossary, and 100% the Gummi Ship missions. All of which, the game never tells you to do! I beat the final mission 8 times whilst checking to see if I'd met the criteria, and my Gummi Ship Crown is both a badge of honour and floating reminder of my torment! 👑💀🚀
  • @omgchillx8770
    Let’s not forget the long and horrible grind taking on mysterious figure in birth by sleep for no name and the other hidden keys in that game made it stressful and annoying. Boss fights was fun though
  • @TheeGlobFather
    fun fact. that ring brought up in the last one, you can get a second one from the mailbox, which makes it even easier.
  • Don’t know if this has been said in here already. But there is actually a GUARANTEE way to get each enemy card in Re:Chain of Memories. It requires you to do a certain varaiation of inputs before entering a room and starting a battle as well as during a battle. You also have to put certain cards in a certain order in a deck. You can look it up for more information, but this was how I easily got all of the cards and got the platinum trophy.
  • @aaronammann4236
    In the words of Superbutterbuns: "Oh god we're losing him doc!" (clip of the egg being smashed by Sora's fingers.
  • @Scep57
    After a while of doing something over and over, I go from “I hate this” to “wow.. this is.. fun…”
  • @thebitten1
    What's funny is that, Kingdom Hearts on the PS2 was one of the first games I ever completed and I know I got the Ultima Weapon in that. I specifically wanted to unlock and use it to beat the game with. Then when KH1FM came out, I realized they made it so much more a hassle to get. Perhaps one day I will be reunited with that glorious golden blade
  • I have gotten at least One defender shield in every save that's made it to Hollow Bastion. I got Four in my most recent. I never realized that this was such a problem for people.
  • @Gerardhutt
    In dream drop distance. The forcast never worked. So I just went to a special portal spot that I did not yet do with both riku and sora. And kept dropping untill it spawned in my face. I think that is the fastest way to do it without running all over the place. I got the platinum trophy on KH1, KH2, KH COM, KH BBS, KH DDD only 3 games left
  • @bluetooth4916
    5:46 i remember getting this drop as a kid and being blown away from how cool it was.!! Seeing goofy with this bad ass heartless shield was just so cool
  • I didn’t know the gold and platinum card was a thing when I first got them. My brain just wanted all the enemy cards. Didn’t have a guide because I was young but it’s very strange there definitely points I noticed getting certain cards was easier in specific rooms. It was like clockwork.