pov you live in the 70s in : (remake)

Published 2023-02-27
soviet union : moskau
east germany : Auferstanden aus Ruinen
west germany : dutchlandield
yugoslavia : tito je nase sunce
france : la marseillaise
spain : franco spain anthem
italy : italy national anthem
greece kalimera ilie
uk : black sabbath iron man
ireland : come out ye black and tens
sealand : sneaky adventure
china : people of yanbian love chairman mao
bangladesh : rokto lal
iran : Iran Iran - Reza Rooygari
indonesia : indonesia national anthem
east timor :tinggalkan ayah tinggalkan ibu
philippines : philippines anthem
laos : laos national anthem
vietnam : paranoid black sabbath
cambodia : look at the owl
south africa : suicide mouse
burundi : tili tili bom
mozambique : mozambique national anthem
uganda : uganda national anthem
zaire : zaire national anthem
rhodesia : it's a long way to mukumbura
somalia : somalia old anthem
communist ethiopia : communist ethiopia anthem
communist benin : communist benin anthem
morocco : green march
usa : blondie heart of glass
chile : mi general augusto pinochet
mexico : bandera en alto
argentina : argentina army march
peru : salvo el poder
bolivia : himno a los contra-guerrilleros de ñancahuazú
uruguay : uruguay national anthem
egypt : going forth carrying a weapon
jordan : jordanian flag anthem
israel : day of judgment
cyprus/turkey : greek wh*re
lebanon : lebanese forces anthem
yemen : the day we rebelled pdr yemen anthem
saudi arabia : saudi arabia national anthem 1985

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