[4K] In Flanders Fields - Remembrance Day Song

Published 2022-12-30
Hello, Imperia here!
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Have a great day!

"In Flanders Fields" is a war poem in the form of a rondeau, written during the First World War by Canadian physician Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae. He was inspired to write it on May 3, 1915, after presiding over the funeral of friend and fellow soldier Lieutenant Alexis Helmer, who died in the Second Battle of Ypres. According to legend, fellow soldiers retrieved the poem after McCrae, initially dissatisfied with his work, discarded it. "In Flanders Fields" was first published on December 8 of that year in the London magazine Punch. Flanders Fields is a common English name of the World War I battlefields in Belgium and France.

Lyrics in English:
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below
We are the dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
The dead were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields, In Flanders fields
And now we lie in Flanders fields
Take up your quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields, In Flanders fields
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields, In Flanders fields

All Comments (21)
  • @jimmytrex0920
    as a Canadian, we have this play EVERY remembrance day ceremony because the original poem was written by a Canadian. I swear to you every student in this country has had to sing this in music class every November at least once.
  • @fucker3883
    Adding in every continent and their countries respective of 1914 is very heartwarming and inclusive of you.
  • @verdun16
    In 1815 men were getting killed due to muskets, bayonets, cuirassiers, cannons, etc. In 1915, men were getting killed to LMG’s, grenades, artillery shells, and tanks in August of the next year. It’s honestly crazy how much humanity has evolved in such a short period of time
  • The fact that a killing in Sarajevo led to you watching this video in a computer is kinda shocking.
  • @aguy6771
    of course "take up your quarrel" was the balkans.
  • The 2nd verse is my favorite part of the song. It emphasizes the fact these numbers on a chart aren't just a report of how much manpower each country lost, each of those numbers were people just like us, people who lived like us, laughed like us, loved like us, all for it to be cut and weeded out by those greedy at the top, who saw this meaningless war as sports.
  • @scibanana3542
    Some say the Crimean War was the first modern war. I would say WW1 was the last imperial war. A war for the sake of war. That's what makes it tragic: unlike WW2 (which was terrible, but for different reasons), up until the very last moment, it could have been prevented. There was no glorious fight against the enemy as the propaganda might have said. Only endless bloodshed for no reason other than territorial gain and perceived necessity. The war ended with victory for the Allies, but had the Central Powers won, they could have just as easily have blamed Serbia as the Allies blamed Austria-Hungary. Was the life of one man worth the 20 million more that followed? What if that one fateful day had gone differently? If a few select individuals who had no idea the horror they would unleash had made different choices? If there was no perfect storm? WW1 was sad not only because of the lives lost, but because those who lost their lives died for no good reason. And who won the war? Not the world powers. Not the people. Certainly not the soldiers. In the end, there was only loss. The Germans and their allies collapsed. Russia because the Soviet Union. Britain, France, the US, and all their allies lost countless soldiers. Everyone loses in war, regardless of whose' flag flies in victory.
  • @jchristHeckYeah
    Only the survivors endure the worst of it. Only the leaders move past it. Only the dead can rest from it. Only the children can learn from it. Last night I had the strangest dream I ever dreamed before, I dreamed the world had all agreed to put an end to war. I dreamed I saw a mighty room The room was filled with men. And the paper they were signing said they’d never fight again. And when the papers all were signed and a million copies made, they all joined hands and bowed their heads, and grateful prayers were prayed. And the people in the streets below were dancing round and round, and guns and swords and uniforms Were scattered on the ground. Last night I had the strangest dream I ever dreamed before, I dreamed the world had all agreed to put an end to war. Don’t do war, kids.
  • I have come here on Remembrance Day, shall we respect, and thank the soldiers who have made our life the way they are now.
  • @phantomus2541
    These days there are many "Flanders" fields, fields where people of different nationalities lay their heads, who forget what unites them, why they are here... War destroys our lives, but man changes it. He builds and repairs... I hope that all who are in conflict, who are at war, will remember those who laid their hearts and heads in the mires of the Flanders fields. I hope that this year they will cross the no man's land, the border that separates them and share their feelings, scarf, gloves, share smiles to their enemies... (Sorry, my English is a little wrong, I use Google Translate this time) Thanks for this video!❤
  • Watching this makes me sad. We had a beautiful old world, then one incident in the Balkans led us down this path. May those who lie in Flanders Fields rest in peace.
  • I will always remember this song as my primary school had us sing this every year around Remembrance Day and I remember a lot of people shed a tear during this May all the soldiers rest peacefully
  • @FireAlarmMan
    I cried while listening to this. Just thinking what the soldiers during the Great War went through both on Central and Allied forces. The horrors that they watched and lived shall never be forgotten. And it is a lesson that war is hell for whomever fights in it.
  • @Hunter-m-1
    Покойся с миром, храбрый солдат своей страны. Рождественское перемирие доказало, что не смотря на войну все мы люди.
  • In every country, no matter how bad the situation is, there is atleast one "Flander field" to Remember the sacrifice, the death, the people, the PTSD, from those poor soldiers..
  • @monddasher516
    My great grandfather was a police officer in british sarawak(now Malaysia).he fought in ww2 and Malayan emergency. Lest we forget🌹 (1937-2013)
  • @2no9VR
    It’s so beautiful but sad :(