A Classicist Farmer: The Life and Times of Victor Davis Hanson | Uncommon Knowledge

Published 2023-06-12
Recorded on May 11, 2023.

Over the years, Hoover senior fellow Victor Davis Hanson has graced Uncommon Knowledge with Peter Robinson many times, often referring to his family home and farm outside of Selma, in California’s Central Valley. So for this interview, we decided to go to Selma and see where Hanson grew up and still lives and where several generations of his family—going back to the mid-19th century—have lived and worked the land. In part one of this two-part interview, we cover Hanson’s rich and fascinating family history and the sweeping changes he’s lived through in terms of both the business of farming and its social life. In part two (coming in two weeks), we’ll cover the political scene, including the upcoming presidential election.

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00:00 Family history: California through the 20th century
14:11 The women in my family
16:24 Childhood and formative years
22:39 Challenges of having a degree in Classics
26:30 Warfare Agriculture: How his agrarian background informed his work on Greek warfare
32:32 Why has there been a sharp decline in people in agriculture?
38:17 The Case for Trump
43:36 Selma’s decline: Inevitable or a result of bad policies?
47:40 Mexifornia: The challenges of illegal immigration?
56:53 The Land Was Everything: The importance of autonomy in today’s world

All Comments (21)
  • @chefmichaelt
    I’m a 7th generation Californian from Spanish /Mexican heritage on my mother’s side, 3rd generation Italian immigrants on my father’s side, resident of the San Francisco Bay Area my entire 67 years of life. I am a Christian conservative. It saddens me to see the deterioration of this beautiful state. I used to thank God that I was blessed to be born here. Now I pray to God that he will intervene and restore the blessings in my lifetime.
  • VDH is not just a brilliant mind, he is also a great story teller. Listening to him is like going into a time trip in history.
  • @Ryan_Powers25
    My family came to the U.S in the early1990s from Poland as soon as the Iron Curtain fell. We looked up to America. We felt and still do today that the Anglo-Saxon, western culture is superior. We felt very lucky that we could come, that American welcomed us. I still remember my parents listening to Radio Free Europe and keeping the volume very low out of fear that one of our neighbors would hear us and possibly report us when we were kids. Today, I feel very lucky to be a U.S citizen and I support our disabled veterans' charities. Just so I could pay back in small part to the country that I love.
  • @pg618
    Born in San Francisco, abandoned by my parents at age 7, became a rebel hippie in my teenage years, moved to South America and made and distributed hallucinogenics in the upper Amazon, almost died of hepatitis, became a Christian, taught myself to read at 19, searched church history and became an Antiochian Orthodox Christian, bought an Amish farm in Ohio where I raised my children and see myself as a conservative hippie internationalist philosopher priest in the garden uniting heaven and Earth. Now at age 71 I'm thinking of getting a high school diploma. One of my dreams is that I could meet and talk with V. D. H.
  • @FlatFifties
    In a world where most people think like children, mister Hanson is a man who thinks like an adult.
  • Why is this not a 72 hr series?!? I've read several of his books and listened to him for years but I didnt realize what a fascinating family story he has. Edit: having finished this interview - it will be a multi-generation effort to produce men like this again, but it's hard to think of a worthier thing to attempt. I know my dad has tried, and I'll be doing the same.
  • @bobdevine4906
    Bravo! Born in ‘54, raised on a 160 acre farm in Iowa, worked 30 years in the defense industry; I’ve found my voice/my heart in VDH. Thank You!
  • @Norm475
    This man is a national treasure. I have the utmost respect for him. I can relate to him in his early years. My family was very poor and I worked alongside migrant workers picking and weeding beans when I was seven years old. Later on, I picked strawberries, then when I was 13 or so I baled hay. Every summer I worked.
  • What a fine clear sighted man. I’m British and was a farmer but gave it up in my early fifties. I have never heard anyone express so clearly and well, the importance of having a reasonably large part of the population with an independent view and an ability to understand and cope with life with all that it throws at you. I became a lawyer and was shocked at the lack of the other people in the firm to deal with physical things that needed fixing. Thank you so much.
  • @Metaphix
    No idea his daughter died in her 20's that's terrible. God bless this great man he is a valuable asset to the country.
  • @jebjeb1498
    What an admirable man,scholar and farmer.I never miss his podcasts.Thank you for interviewing him,Peter.
  • @Paul-th9vr
    I remember the first time I heard Victor Hanson and how much I was blown away by his knowledge and his razor sharp insights into the history of many different cultures and his expertise in the workings of the US government and political system. Victor Hanson is one of a few men who are incredibly knowledgeable and thoughtful about the need for a system that benefits as many citizens as possible. Thomas Sowell is another example of a national treasure for Americans. Peter you are awesome too, you are my favourite interviewer and you deserve so much credit for your hard work and dedication to your country. Thank you both and God bless.
  • This video had me glued because everything Mr Hanson said is so true. I live 20 minutes away from Selma and was born the same year as he it saddens me to see what has happened to the valley and the state. We have become a laughing stock when we use to be admired by all.
  • Tremendous interview, well done. VDH is an American treasure. If only 40% of the professors in this country were as good as VDH this country would be on the verge of a major common sensicle breakthrough and would surely prosper.
  • Absolutely brilliant VDH never speaks a foolish or untrue word. Thank you.
  • @weibherrman
    Wow to have that house in the family for that long, and to be born and die in the same ROOM, must be incredible.
  • Beautiful. Not many folk can talk like this without using the Politics of envy or guilt or jealousy.😢
  • @kyubre
    What an outstanding interview with a most humble and yet brilliant intellect. Thank you!
  • @juliaagnes7
    Learning to grow your own food, preserve it, understand the cycles of the season, how animals become food are all skills that I use daily. It's noble & respectful to understand how things work, to be able to fix other things & solve problems without using cash has been invaluable in my life.