Justin Trudeau on Indigenous Issues in Canada: The VICE News Interview

Published 2016-05-02
Dozens of isolated indigenous communities in Canada have recently declared states of emergency due to suicide epidemics, unclean water, and a lack of adequate infrastructure.

Amid these crises, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made a historic visit last week to Shoal Lake 40, an isolated First Nations reserve that has been without clean water for two decades. It is extremely rare for sitting prime ministers to visit reserves, and the trip, organized with the local chief and council of Shoal Lake 40 in coordination with VICE and the office of the prime minister, will be part of an upcoming VICELAND documentary on the issues plaguing indigenous communities.

Trudeau spent several hours with the residents of Shoal Lake 40 before speaking to VICE News about the government’s complex relationship with First Nations, and what his new Liberal government says it will do to help solve the many problems the communities face.

Read “How VICE Brought Canada’s Prime Minister to a Remote Indigenous Community“ - bit.ly/1Y3se9B

Read “Justin Trudeau: 'We Have Discriminated Against Indigenous Children for Generations'" - bit.ly/1SXFaiW

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All Comments (21)
  • @TheGoose31
    my brain hurts after hearing trudea talk so much but say nothing. pure politician language. never gives an answer to any question just talks nonsense
  • Don't treat them as "indigenous" people. They are citizens of Canada. You don't have to pity them and treat them like tiny people who need to be taken care of by self-entitled people. Instead, give them their rights, which every Canadian citizen deserves. Give them respect and encourage them to stand on their own feet. Instead of treating them as "minorities" who need special rights, provide them with the basic infrastructure that every Canadian deserves.
  • @amazinaj742
    I've been to some of the native areas in Canada. It's true, they're a dump. I have no issues with tax revenue being spent on this problem. They deserve more support, they're natives to the land.
  • @On_The_Piss
    Lol at the usual 'I hate vice but I still obsessively follow and comment how much I hate it 24 hours a day' comments every single fucking day like we haven't heard it all before.
  • @johnnywlittle
    He sounds like a typical politician who uses keywords to sound like he's doing something when he's really not. Nothing in regards to specifics… So basically he's a poser
  • @Pand3miic
    Don't go to the comments. It's cancer down there.
  • The comment section proves that American right wing idiocy is contagious and has spread to Canada
  • @Judicial78
    Funny how conservatives call liberals emotional, and yet here they are calling liberals names like a bunch of emotional school children.
  • @TheHdZuuLu
    This is a very good thing Justin did. People in the comments here are so fucking stupid, maybe you haven't discriminated directly to indigenous people but Canada as a whole has always disregarded them and it's good to see Justin step in and do something about it.
  • @NickDeBusk
    Seems to be a great and compassionate leader. why all the hate?
  • @wowthtsgood
    idk this guy. I'm an American. I'm not a republican or democrat. This is my take: It's great that he's concerned, absolutely great. The entire time I was thinking "damn. the pres. of the U.S. would never do this." The problem is, he's throwing a lot of money around. The liberal is very strong in this one. "investments, projects, infrastructure, funding, etc." should have asked him what he's cutting to pay for all that, or how much he's increasing taxes, or how much he's inflating the economy and further devaluing the Canadian dollar. Does Canada have the reserves to throw money around like this? I like that he sounds like he's not going to make it a social welfare project. It sounds like he's going to use funding to encourage independent growth. Good on him and the honest Canadians like him. It's weird seeing a politician that isn't a snake, being American and all. The only question is this: where dafuq he getting all this money?
  • @goldjozi1276
    I'll admit the way Justin Trudeau talks is a little annoying
  • @alvenawasim3572
    for the people who say "why dont these people move to Winnipeg or other nearby cities where these facilities are available" they clearly dont understand what it means to leave your homeland. what they dont understand is that even Syrians and other refugees wudnt want to leave their country if they had any other option to stay alive. They are the conservatives who are so privileged that they cannot relate to anyone who has grown up in a different environment than their's.
  • @DurzoBlunts
    Just bring fucking clean water to these people! for a start. Actual clean water from the ground, unbelievable.
  • @Demithekid
    What a fantastic man. I only wish the United States will elect elect someone like this in 2016!
  • @VICENews
    VICE NEWS spoke to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau during his historic visit to an isolated First Nation community. Read “How VICE Brought Canada’s Prime Minister to a Remote Indigenous Community“ - bit.ly/1Y3se9B
  • @Eusantdac
    At least we have a Prime Minister who is genuinely concerned with the terrible conditions the First Nations people live with in Canada and a Indigenous and Northern Affairs Minister with a heart (unlike John Duncan, as a quick example).