What is the Best Bite Attack Possible in D&D

Published 2024-06-27
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DnD Shorts, Dungeons and Dragons, XP to level 3 with Davvychappy, potentially a bit a Critical Role with dungeoneering, tabletop community next to tabletop RPG, dungeons and dragons, Fjord, Beau, Jester, Yasha, Caleb, Nott, 5th edition dragons, 3.5e, dungeon dudes, DM GM, dungeon master, game master tips sprinkle a bit of Caduceus, Mollymauk in the Mighty Nein. Matt Mercer.

All Comments (21)
  • Finally, we can make a bite attack accurate to the types of bites your friend takes out of your food!
  • I love the thing that the players would see at the end A bard kensei monk dhampire raised by giants, master of the teethfu that every morning brushes his theeth with sharpening tools. I would love the reaction of npcs to that player
  • @dew-it8744
    Fun fact: Dhampir bites count as melee simple weapons, meaning you can technically smite with it.
  • @nyaboron9239
    a background giving you a straight up damage feat is so ridiculous.
  • @esion0192
    I have actually ran a Dhampir build! But I went with Oath of Vengeance Paladin (Advantage on Bonus Action w/ Hunter's Mark or whatever it's called their feature) for the smite damage and 6 levels in Bladesinger Wizard for the extra attack that can be changed to a cantrip, finally taking the Piercer feat. You can make 2 attacks (3 depending on your level in Paladin), one of which is the Green-Flame Blade cantrip, and trigger smite on both. It was incredibly fun
  • @crimson2188
    Homebrew mechanic: muscle groups. (I’m making this up as I go along) Basically, a pc can train muscle group(s), allowing certain attacks or abilities to just be better. So, if a vampire character does a metric shit ton of jaw related workouts, his vampire bite can theoretically do so much damage that is can rival the likes of the peasant railgun or MMORPG stealth archers
  • @suddenmuffin2571
    With magic items i learned a very fun thing, there is a magic item that DOESN'T require attunment that gives a +1 to attack and damage of unarmed strikes and natural weapons, now just have a cloak of that magic item, every attack now does +50 damage and +50 to hit, every hit
  • I love damphir I ideally take the giant feat and fey touched cause misty step also fits the vampire type abilities. Both gms I played a damphir with let me use the fighting style that makes unarmed damage a d8 and ruled that a bite is unarmed even though damphir bite is listed as a simple weapon. My hunter ranger would get 2d8 +2d6 +5 which was really fun for healing or for balancing out a sharp shooter shot or something my other character was a hex blade warlock that the gm let me use my teeth as my pact weapon which was also fun cause my bite was considered magic damage and eldrich smiting with teeth was cool didn’t increase the healing but was awesome.
  • I have qomething quite good with that sames buff casted, but u take only like 1 or 2 levels in monk to get ur fangs in dexterity, so, u can use them to do a surprise attack as an assassin, so it's forcefully a critical hit if u surprise the ennemy, and u have ur sneak attack dices + all of your boosts this twiced
  • @szkox4000
    Its better to start with Knight of Solamnia background because Squire of solamnia feat adds d8 of damage but it requires paladin or fighter levels if you don't use that background and then use ASI later to get hill giant strike. Its just additional d8 but still its even more damage
  • There is a book called Valda's Spire of Secrets (Magehand Press) with a rogue subclass called Enforcer. It lets you use ANY simple of martial weapon for your sneak attack. Like your dhampir bite. You could also have a grave domain cleric use Path to the Grave to give your victim vulnerability. Massively more damage this way.
  • @bel410la
    My dm told me that if I had my humanoid allies fill a vial of blood that it would heal me as much as a normal healing potion. Needless to say the Dhampir Monk-Cleric needs to not forget which potions are blood and which ones are normal healing potions.
  • Don't forget about the knight feats from Dragonlance that could add an extra d8 to that
  • @bazzelpond
    You forgot channel divinity on target to make them vulnerable