Let's talk about what they wanted and manuals....

Published 2023-10-09

All Comments (21)
  • There are two common sources of confusion in the comments: 1. "Restraint" doesn't mean "do nothing" it means being selective. 2. The conflicts being cited as examples of brute force working are conventional. This is unconventional.
  • And through all this there are millions of people who just want to live.
  • @katec7862
    🐙🐙👋👋. It’s Indigenous Peoples day, everyone!
  • I'm from N Ireland. Before Bloody Sunday the IRA were a few old timers with rusty guns and were called the I Ran Away. After it happened they were lining up round the corner to join. The rest is history.
  • @AlreadyFree612
    It's going to get so much worse way before it gets, "better." I'm heartsick for all the innocents caught in the middle. Thank you for your calming clarity. ✌️💙
  • The biggest trick of the big dogs is to get the cannon fodder on one side to think the cannon fodder on the other side is the enemy.
  • Iain Banks laid this point out thusly: if you have 100 dissidents and you kill them all, you now have 1000 dissidents.
  • @mattcarleo2521
    I'm always humbled by your intelligence Beau. Thank you sir.
  • I've read the manual - I'm a secular Jew. I was in London during the IRA bombs. I have a couple of questions. Why did the world's best intelligence service fail? Did Netanyahu know and let it go ahead? Hamas - The PR campaign might have worked - but they shouldn't have attacked 1) a rave for peace with Israeli Palestinian sympathisers and 2) a kibbutz with left wing Israeli Palestinian sympathisers. If you want to use the IRA as a parallel? Enniskillen. The correct response was disgust. Hamas are disgusting, and so is the right-wing Israeli government. I'm crying for the innocent people on both side of this s***show. I think I'll just blame the Romans and leave it at that.
  • @DLPape
    Thank you for keeping your cool when responding to questions that come from those mostly listening to an information silo of propaganda. Blessings
  • @Scooter7891
    I was wondering if we were going to hear about the manuals again.
  • He just blew all controversy straight out of the water. Direct, simple and to the point. I'm glad to be among these types, my friends are like this, and we to each other. Take note if your head is swimming with controversy.
  • @Sunshine19946
    Everyone needs to have their own home, gardens, and a peaceful life.
  • @markherbert8285
    It is a PR campaign with violence. It does not matter what flags you wrap around it. It does no matter how you Church it up. Thank you for explaining this. Hugs.
  • @Peter-gi3re
    It makes 100% sense. Maggie Thatcher was responsible for more people joining the IRA than anybody else.