To Get to Know Yourself, Be Curious and Walk Through Fear

Published 2024-06-25
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Personality tests can be helpful (and fun) tools to learn about yourself, but sometimes they can also reflect the masks you wear. You may even answer the questions in anticipation of what the 'right' answer is and what you think is expected of you. All that masking can make you forget - or never learn - who you are. Tim gives you a few questions to answer for yourself, and some encouraging words about how you can get started in getting to know yourself again in a healthy way.

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All Comments (21)
  • @M.I.R.K.A
    Ι have studied mental health counselling at a state University post-graduate level and I have studied even more at a personal level. I have done therapy, I have helped others receive therapy in a hospital setting. The detailed truths he knows and shares are so rare among publicly speaking mental health counsellors! I honestly cannot say if he is a good therapist in his private practice but what he shares here, on YouTube, is 100% honest. I have not met so far a more honest and elaborate publicly and for free speaking mental health therapist. He 100% knows what he is talking about.
  • @MissiJade
    I was diagnosed with CPTSD by multiple psychiatrists but not one ever explained how or why my current choices and behaviours were affected because of the abuse and abandonment I endured as a child. I have learned more from this wonderful man in three videos than I have in 25 years living with this debilitating diagnosis. The lack of knowledge of mental health professionals is staggering and the invalidity of how you are treated by these so called professionals is worse than the invalidation you receive from people who were supposed to raise you and keep you safe because this is their profession!!! They studied this and still they have absolutely no clue what to do with someone like me especially in Australia so no wonder why we numb and isolate ourselves. I’m 46 years old and I have zero family or friends and now I know why. We don’t want pity, we want understanding and connection to ourselves and others. We want to succeed in life. Thank you Mr Fletcher for giving me hope when I was almost done with life. I hope that your entire curriculum and teachings are taught at universities for our future generations of mental health professionals to actually understand how to give people hope. Thank you 🙏
  • I'm not an introvert or an extrovert. I'm not shy. I do appreciate my alone time. I enjoy others just not everyday of my life.
  • This is why i HATE taking personality tests!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could never freaking choose!!
  • Hi tim! I am a college student getting out of poly addiction and cptsd your videos help me a lot! Thank you for this service
  • @rhondan1280
    Wow am always learning something new. These are super informative. And yes! I have taken multiple tests, and it depends on my mood for how I feel that day. Many of my answers can EASILY change. I am on a new journey of healing and these videos are like gold to me. Thank u🙏🏼
  • @AnusiaLA
    I think I’m an introvert. I’m extremely independent, rarely ask for help, I live alone, do well for myself. I can be alone all day every day… but I was visiting my best friend, her family, coworkers for 10 days and I feel fine afterwards. I didn’t feel drained or like I needed to be alone. I wonder if I’m truly an introvert or if I learned to be alone because I could never count on anyone and the people I let into my life would hurt me and disappoint me… When I was a kid I had friends and I was pretty social even thought a lot of people didn’t like me. I think I was just weird and different because of the bullshit going on with my family. I never felt like I belonged with regular people.
  • @anonomyss
    Some people choose answers they aspire to be, not what they really are.
  • @fatumakim4217
    This is something i have noticed along my recovery somethings that i thought i was i am now finding out i wasnt. Like i was wearing a mask but then that mask has intergrated and now i am all the things and somewhere in between
  • So true. This topic I have seen as a tool. There is only one true human personality. Owning it makes it easy to see what others do not see.
  • Thank you so much. I thought I would figure this out sooner. I knew I needed safe people who didn’t trigger my shame from childhood. Wow what a confirmation.
  • @Triadistic
    I recently saw a video about the meyers briggs INFJ personality, it was served to me by youtube cause I watch lots of video's on recovering from complex trauma. It struck me that the INFJ personality is almost exactly like the symptoms most victims of abuse tell about in the comments and like my own! Then i saw some info on how this personality was the most rare... so I immedeadly thought that it is not a personality but the symptoms of the abuse.
  • @vickijoy3701
    Thank you for sharing your experience and wisdom.
  • Thank you, Tim!!! I honestly have benefited SO SO MUCH from your videos and thoughtful insight.
  • Im excited to see this! Took an Enneagram test and knew from the results it was not right. I had to do some digging around to figure out the right one. I knew this was because of my maladaptiions to cope in society as a child. I had to do a presentation onit and i think i threw everyone off with my dispute with the test results😂 My mentor, who is a specialist in the enneagram, was able to confirm my insights later on.
  • @djla5905
    after of your interview with Theo, I came here and give sub for sure. cheers Tim, great work. 😊
  • @Sarnican
    Yes to every question depending on the situation and how I feel. Often coming down to being at work vs home.